path: root/plugin/cursorline_current.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin/cursorline_current.vim')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/cursorline_current.vim b/plugin/cursorline_current.vim
index 1c09f91..0b698e3 100644
--- a/plugin/cursorline_current.vim
+++ b/plugin/cursorline_current.vim
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ augroup cursorline_current
" to the same as the global value, to correspond with an active state.
autocmd BufEnter,FocusGained,InsertLeave,WinEnter *
- \ let &l:cursorline = &g:cursorline
+ \ if &g:cursorline | setlocal cursorline | endif
" On leaving a buffer, the Vim application window losing focus, entering
" insert mode, or leaving a window, turn off the 'cursorline' option for the
" linked window, so that if it's on, it will only be in the active one.
autocmd BufLeave,FocusGained,InsertEnter,WinLeave *
- \ let &l:cursorline = 0
+ \ setlocal nocursorline
augroup END