path: root/vim/vimrc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove some overzealous conditions from vimrcTom Ryder2019-05-141-42/+26
* Simplify colorscheme commentsTom Ryder2019-05-141-5/+1
* Remove redundant :pwd from mappingTom Ryder2019-05-141-1/+1
* Update vim-sahara to v1.0.0Tom Ryder2019-05-121-5/+1
* Set up custom ftplugin for plain text filesTom Ryder2019-05-111-1/+2
* Refactor colorscheme logic a littleTom Ryder2019-05-101-9/+13
* Remove Vim 'grepprg' settingTom Ryder2019-05-101-5/+0
* Handle encoded path in Vim metadata correctlyTom Ryder2019-05-101-4/+12
* Remove unneeded variable scoping from .vimrcTom Ryder2019-05-101-3/+3
* Remap g& to preserve substitution flagsTom Ryder2019-05-081-1/+2
* Bind \S in Vim to run :scriptnamesTom Ryder2019-05-081-0/+3
* Break up some long conditions for readabilityTom Ryder2019-01-151-2/+4
* Add setting for p flag to Vim 'formatoptions'Tom Ryder2019-01-151-0/+5
* Revert "Add experimental delimit_operator.vim plugin"Tom Ryder2019-01-041-8/+0
* Add experimental delimit_operator.vim pluginTom Ryder2019-01-041-0/+8
* Use :lhelpgrep for help search shortcutTom Ryder2019-01-031-2/+2
* Remove a daft commentTom Ryder2019-01-031-2/+0
* Update vertical_region.vim to v1.0.0Tom Ryder2018-12-301-6/+6
* Add regex_escape.vim pluginTom Ryder2018-12-291-0/+4
* Switch to two-space sentencesTom Ryder2018-12-261-3/+4
* Force 'ttymouse' off a little more carefullyTom Ryder2018-12-261-1/+2
* No longer need a longer 'timeoutlen' in VimTom Ryder2018-12-261-3/+0
* Include /usr/tmp in 'backupskip'Tom Ryder2018-12-261-1/+2
* Factor out vimrc user 'runtimepath' switchingTom Ryder2018-12-261-15/+12
* Add /j flag to :vimgrep shortcutTom Ryder2018-12-171-1/+1
* Use "stub .vimrc" method to dodge vim-tinyTom Ryder2018-12-041-117/+107
* Suppress ~/.vim usage during vimrc version checkTom Ryder2018-11-301-1/+9
* Remove pre-7.0 Vim handling/boilerplateTom Ryder2018-11-301-39/+23
* Comment conditional set of <Plug>(InsertCancel)Tom Ryder2018-11-301-1/+1
* Require Vim 7 for filetype and syntax highlightsTom Ryder2018-11-301-2/+2
* Adjust a vimrc comment for clarityTom Ryder2018-11-291-3/+3
* Remove vim-tiny workaround for 'undodir' settingTom Ryder2018-11-251-2/+2
* Restore 'visualbell' Vim settingTom Ryder2018-11-211-0/+3
* Revert "Replace paste_open.vim with paste_hook....Tom Ryder2018-09-141-6/+3
* Replace paste_open.vim with paste_hook.vimTom Ryder2018-09-121-3/+6
* Correct &laststatus default value testTom Ryder2018-09-091-1/+1
* Unset 'laststatus' and 'ruler' only if they're setTom Ryder2018-09-071-2/+6
* Specify object type in commentsTom Ryder2018-09-071-2/+2
* Add "whole buffer" object an experimentTom Ryder2018-09-071-0/+3
* Scrap the nvim.vim runtime includeTom Ryder2018-09-051-5/+9
* Comment to explain \c,\C mappingsTom Ryder2018-09-041-2/+2
* Use \_ as Vim text object for `[,`] marksTom Ryder2018-09-021-0/+3
* Spin out repeated blank lines map to new pluginTom Ryder2018-08-301-0/+6
* Add another blank lineTom Ryder2018-08-231-0/+1
* Correct some leader map definition commentsTom Ryder2018-08-231-4/+4
* Add vertical spacing to leader maps sectionTom Ryder2018-08-231-0/+28
* Add visual-mode analogues to some leader mapsTom Ryder2018-08-231-0/+15
* Check for existence of :xmap for mappingTom Ryder2018-08-231-1/+3
* Add replace_operator.vim plugin and configTom Ryder2018-08-221-0/+3
* Adjust mappings for reloading vimrc and filetypeTom Ryder2018-08-221-4/+4