path: root/vim/plugin/undoskip.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Spin undoskip.vim out into its own repositoryTom Ryder2020-05-051-35/+0
* Move undoskip.vim function into autoloadTom Ryder2020-05-051-22/+1
* Pass paths correctly in undoskip.vimTom Ryder2020-05-051-8/+3
* Switch undoskip.vim to use globsTom Ryder2020-05-051-9/+12
* Attempt to imitate 'backupskip' pats in undoskipTom Ryder2020-05-051-7/+14
* Add /usr/tmp to the list of undoskip pathsTom Ryder2020-05-051-0/+1
* Break undoskip patterns into linewise listTom Ryder2020-05-051-1/+5
* Use global variable not autoload for undoskip.vimTom Ryder2020-05-031-2/+2
* Test for correct feature for undoskip.vim pluginTom Ryder2020-05-031-1/+1
* Flesh out new undoskip.vim plugin a lotTom Ryder2020-05-031-7/+43
* Add plugin undoskip.vim; switch 'undofile' on pathTom Ryder2020-05-031-0/+10