path: root/vim/config/spell.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Consolidate .vimrc and .vim/filetype.vimTom Ryder2018-06-061-21/+0
* Adjust some whitespace and comment layoutTom Ryder2017-11-101-0/+1
* Adjust plugin code layout a lotTom Ryder2017-11-041-3/+9
* Use <Leader>/<LocalLeader> correctly in Vim configTom Ryder2017-11-031-3/+3
* Show Vim option values after leader-key toggleTom Ryder2017-10-301-3/+3
* Move viminfo conf from spell.vim into new subfileTom Ryder2017-10-301-12/+0
* Use conventional indent for continued VimL linesTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+2
* Move spelling .vimrc config into subfileTom Ryder2017-10-281-0/+26