path: root/vim/config/format.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Adjust plugin code layout a lotTom Ryder2017-11-041-4/+8
* Rename toggle plugin again, use commands not funcsTom Ryder2017-11-041-8/+8
* Rename and refactor option toggle pluginTom Ryder2017-11-041-8/+8
* Spin 'fo' toggle out into new flag toggler pluginTom Ryder2017-11-041-27/+8
* Add some comments to 'formatoptions' switchingTom Ryder2017-10-301-0/+10
* Move execution out of 'formatoptions' conditionalTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+3
* Use full `execute` command, not `exec`Tom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+2
* Use clearer method for 'formatoptions' flag toggleTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+5
* Use explicit case-sensitive 'formatoptions' matchTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
* Switch on local formatoptions setting, not globalTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
* Apply name conventions, scoping to Vim identifiersTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+4
* Use ==# consistently in Vim configTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
* Move format .vimrc config into subfileTom Ryder2017-10-281-0/+31