Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add a usage hint to README.mdTom Ryder2018-11-301-0/+4
* Attempt to fetch all new tags after finding anyTom Ryder2018-11-301-0/+6
* Simplify git-ls-remote output filteringTom Ryder2018-11-301-2/+1
* Exclude peeled tags and pseudorefsTom Ryder2018-11-301-1/+1
* Use full option names for git commandsTom Ryder2018-11-301-2/+2
* Rename README.markdown to README.mdTom Ryder2018-11-301-0/+0
* Merge branch 'release/v2.0.0' into developTom Ryder2018-08-211-1/+1
| * Bump VERSION, switch to semverTom Ryder2018-08-211-1/+1
* Add VERSION fileTom Ryder2018-08-211-0/+1
* Add useful errors if tags not retrievableTom Ryder2018-08-211-2/+3
* Remove unneeded arg to lt/gt funcsTom Ryder2018-02-211-2/+2
* Add licenseTom Ryder2017-08-041-0/+21
* Correct a program namev1.1Tom Ryder2017-08-041-3/+3
* Correct some more README formattingTom Ryder2017-08-041-1/+1
* Remove my $HOME directory pathTom Ryder2017-08-041-1/+1
* Correct punctuation in READMETom Ryder2017-08-041-1/+1
* Add installation notesv1.0Tom Ryder2017-08-041-0/+8
* Initial version with Makefile and READMETom Ryder2017-08-043-0/+108