" Function for expression maps returning navigaton keys to press function! vertical_region#Map(count, up, mode) abort " Get line and column number let l:num = line('.') let l:col = col('.') " Move up or down through buffer, counting hits as we go let l:hits = 0 while a:up ? l:num > 1 : l:num < line('$') " Increment or decrement line number let l:num += a:up ? -1 : 1 " If the line has any non-space characters up to the current column, we " have a hit; break the loop as soon as we have the count we need let l:line = getline(l:num) if strpart(l:line, 0, l:col) =~# '\S' let l:hits += 1 if l:hits == a:count break endif endif endwhile " If not moving linewise for operator mode and not in first column, move to " same column after line jump; is there a way to do this in one jump? let l:keys = l:num . 'G' if a:mode !=# 'o' && l:col > 1 let l:keys .= l:col - 1 . 'l' endif " Return normal mode commands return l:keys endfunction