" " undofileskip.vim: Don't save undo history for temporary or secure files. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('loaded_undofileskip') || &compatible finish endif if !has('persistent_undo') || !exists('*glob2regpat') finish endif let loaded_undofileskip = 1 " Set default list of patterns to exclude; mirror documented 'backupskip' " behavior if !exists('g:undofileskip') let g:undofileskip = [] if has('mac') call add(g:undofileskip, '/private/tmp/*') elseif has('unix') call add(g:undofileskip, '/tmp/*') endif call extend(g:undofileskip, map( \ filter([$TMPDIR, $TMP, $TEMP], 'v:val !=# '''''), \ 'v:val.''/*''' \)) endif " Check the path on every buffer rename, create, or read augroup undofileskip autocmd! autocmd BufFilePost,BufNewFile,BufRead * \ let &l:undofile = undofileskip#Check(expand('')) augroup END