*shebang_create_exec.txt* For Vim version 7.1 Last change: 2018 July 17 DESCRIPTION *shebang_create_exec* This plugin sets up a |BufWritePre| hook to check whether a buffer contains a Unix shebang like `#!/bin/sh` as the first line, and is being saved to a new file; if so, it attempts to make the file executable with `chmod +x` after a successful save. REQUIREMENTS *shebang_create_exec-requirements* This plugin only loads if 'compatible' is not set, and requires the |+autocmd| and |+unix| features. It also requires the |shellescape()| function that was added in |version-7.0| patch 111. AUTHOR *shebang_create_exec-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *shebang_create_exec-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: