*shebang_change_filetype.txt* For Vim version 7.0 Last change: 2019 May 20 DESCRIPTION *shebang_change_filetype* This plugin watches the first line of a buffer for the presence of a "shebang", beginning with the characters "#!". If such a line is added or modified, filetype detection is re-run. REQUIREMENTS *shebang_change_filetype-requirements* This plugin only loads if 'compatible' is not set, and requires the |+autocmd| feature. It works best if the |TextChanged| event is also available. AUTHOR *shebang_change_filetype-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *shebang_change_filetype-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: