blob: 4051fa54196335d641ab05c5419c64c17aa0dc31 (
plain) (
" Entry point for :ScratchBuffer command
function! scratch_buffer#(mods, count, ...) abort
" Start building command argument vector
let command = []
" Add any modifiers first (e.g. :vertical)
call add(command, a:mods)
" If a count of more than zero was provided, add that as a prefix for :new
if a:count > 0
call add(command, a:count)
" Add the :new command
call add(command, 'new')
" Add any other arguments passed in
call extend(command, a:000)
" Execute the command
execute join(command)
" Set the new buffer to a scratch 'buftype' to stop it from saving and to
" reassure Vim that it doesn't need to be saved
set buftype=nofile