" " redact_pass.vim: Switch off the 'viminfo', 'backup', 'writebackup', " 'swapfile', and 'undofile' globally when editing a password in pass(1). " " This is to prevent anyone being able to extract passwords from your Vim " cache files in the event of a compromise. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('loaded_redact_pass') || &compatible || v:version < 700 finish endif let loaded_redact_pass = 1 " Auto function loads only when Vim starts up augroup redact_pass autocmd! autocmd VimEnter \ /dev/shm/pass.?*/?*.txt \,$TMPDIR/pass.?*/?*.txt \,/tmp/pass.?*/?*.txt \ call redact_pass#CheckArgsRedact() augroup END