path: root/doc/redact_pass.txt
blob: 2676129103d83845c9188083afa327b6bf757bb4 (plain) (tree)

*redact_pass.txt*	For Vim version 6.0	Last change: 2018 June 6

DESCRIPTION					*redact_pass*

This plugin switches off the 'viminfo', 'backup', 'swapfile', and 'undofile'
options locally for the buffer when editing passwords in the `pass(1)`
password manager, or a comparable tool if `g:redact_pass_pattern` is set

This is to prevent anyone being able to extract passwords from your Vim cache
files in the event of a compromise.

Test this carefully to make sure it works! If it doesn't, it is probably
because you need to set `g:redact_pass_pattern` to fit your system's
behaviour, or the plugin hasn't loaded at all.

REQUIREMENTS					*redact_pass-requirements*

This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. It also requires the
|+autocmd| feature.

OPTIONS						*redact_pass-options*

There is one options you can set in your |vimrc| before loading the plugin:

Set `g:redact_pass_pattern` to specify the path pattern for which the options
should be disabled. This defaults to a value based on the source code of

AUTHOR						*redact_pass-author*

Written and maintained by Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>.

LICENSE						*redact_pass-license*

Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|).
