*html_spelllang.txt* For Vim version 8.2 Last change: 2022 May 9 DESCRIPTION *html_spelllang* This filetype plugin for HTML searches for ``, ``, and `
` elements, and attempts to set the 'spelllang' option appropriately if it detects that spelling files exist corresponding to any `lang=` attribute defined for the lattermost instances of these elements within the first 128 lines. This includes switching on common RFC 4646 language region codes; for example, an `en-us` attribute may attempt to set 'spelllang' to `en_US`. Only simple `LANGUAGE-REGION` codes are presently supported; there's quite a lot more to the relevant RFC. It also includes a hook to re-check the same number of lines if the buffer is modified, in case the language code has been updated. Where supported, this is done with the |TextChanged| autocommand event. REQUIREMENTS *html_spelllang-requirements* This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. It presently requires Vim 8.2 or newer, but can almost certainly be back-ported. OPTIONS *html_spelllang-options* You probably don't actually want to change these, but just in case: *g:html_spelllang_lines* Set `g:html_spelllang_lines` in your |vimrc| to a number besides 128 if you want to change the number of lines to be checked for language codes in the buffer, both on initial load and buffer modification. *g:html_spelllang_pattern* Set `g:html_spelllang_pattern` in your |vimrc| if you really want to override the pattern used to match the language code. You will want two matching subgroups for |matchlist()|: one for the language, and a second for for the optional region. AUTHOR *html_spelllang-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *html_spelllang-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: