*fixed_join.txt* For Vim version 6.0 Last change: 2018 June 23 DESCRIPTION *fixed_join* This plugin provides a mapping target to `:join` lines in normal mode while keeping the cursor in place and still supporting a count prefix. REQUIREMENTS *fixed_join-requirements* This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. MAPPINGS *fixed_join-mappings* *FixedJoin* A single mapping target |FixedJoin| is provided for a user to `:join` lines in normal mode without the cursor jumping around. To remap normal |J| to use this instead of its default function, you could put this in your |vimrc|: > nmap J FixedJoin < AUTHOR *fixed_join-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *fixed_join-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: