diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-25 13:07:11 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-25 13:07:11 +1200
commit6291bddf4ea5d906760cbe83a03aac1a68b8ca3a (patch)
parentCorrect doc header (diff)
downloadvim-fixed-join-0.4.0.tar.gz (sig)
Remove default remappingv0.4.0
This should be in .vimrc regardless.
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/doc/fixed_join.txt b/doc/fixed_join.txt
index 811972b..4ef151a 100644
--- a/doc/fixed_join.txt
+++ b/doc/fixed_join.txt
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ MAPPINGS *fixed_join-mappings*
A single mapping target |<Plug>FixedJoin| is provided for a user to `:join`
lines in normal mode without the cursor jumping around.
-If the user's configuration does not specify a mapping to this target by the
-time this plugin is loaded, it will attempt to remap normal |J| to replace its
-default function.
+To remap normal |J| to use this instead of its default function, you could put
+this in your |vimrc|:
+ nmap J <Plug>FixedJoin
AUTHOR *fixed_join-author*
Written and maintained by Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>.
diff --git a/plugin/fixed_join.vim b/plugin/fixed_join.vim
index d546aee..1610011 100644
--- a/plugin/fixed_join.vim
+++ b/plugin/fixed_join.vim
@@ -33,12 +33,7 @@ function! s:FixedJoin()
-" Create mapping proxy to the function just defined
+" Create modeless mapping target for the function just defined
noremap <silent>
\ <Plug>FixedJoin
\ :<C-U>call <SID>FixedJoin()<CR>
-" If there's no mapping to it already, bind normal J to it
-if !hasmapto('<Plug>FixedJoin')
- nmap J <Plug>FixedJoin