*cursorline_current.txt* For Vim version 7.0 Last change: 2019 Jun 23 DESCRIPTION *cursorline_current* This plugin tweaks the behaviour of the 'cursorline' and 'cursorcolumn' options to enable them only in the current window, when not in insert mode, and/or when Vim has focus. In its default configuration, it essentially makes 'cursorline' and 'cursorcolumn' follow the cursor around in normal mode as much as possible. It uses each window's global value of both options as its default, so setting each option in your |vimrc| before the plugin loads should do the trick. REQUIREMENTS *cursorline_current-requirements* This plugin only loads if 'compatible' is not set. OPTIONS *cursorline_current-options* *g:cursorline_current_line* Set `g:cursorline_current_line` to 0 in your |vimrc| if you don't want 'cursorline' to follow the current window around, and instead prefer each window to track its own state. This option defaults to 1. *g:cursorcolumn_current_column* Set `g:cursorline_current_column` to 0 in your |vimrc| if you don't want 'cursorcolumn' to follow the current window around, and instead prefer each window to track its own state. This option defaults to 1. *g:cursorline_current_insert* Set `g:cursorline_current_insert` to 0 in your |vimrc| if you don't like the cursor line switching off while you're in insert mode. This option defaults to 1. *g:cursorline_current_focus* Set `g:cursorline_current_focus` to 0 in your |vimrc| if you don't like the cursor line switching off when Vim loses focus, which probably only works in the GUI. This option defaults to 1. AUTHOR *cursorline_current-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *cursorline_current-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: