" " big_file_options.vim: When opening a large file, take some measures to keep " things loading quickly. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_big_file_options') || &compatible finish endif if !has('autocmd') || v:version < 600 finish endif let g:loaded_big_file_options = 1 " Wrapper function to get the configured size limit, default to 10 MiB function! s:Limit() let l:limit = exists('g:big_file_options_limit') \ ? g:big_file_options_limit \ : 10 * 1024 * 1024 return l:limit endfunction " If we can use filesize to detect the big file early, we should function! s:CheckPre(filename) " Try and get filesize, bail out if we can't let l:size = getfsize(a:filename) if l:size == -1 return endif " Set the buffer's big flag to whether the file is verifiably outsize let b:big_file_options_big = l:size == -2 || l:size > s:Limit() " If we found it's a big file, call the early options set if b:big_file_options_big call s:SetPre() endif endfunction " If it's still indeterminate (stdin read?), try to check the buffer size " itself function! s:CheckPost() " The BufReadPre hook couldn't tell how big the file was; we'll examine it " now it's loaded into the buffer instead if !exists('b:big_file_options_big') " Test buffer size, bail if that doesn't work either let l:size = line2byte(line('$') + 1) if l:size == -1 return endif " Flag the buffer's oversize status, if it's positive, we'll catch up and " run the early options set now let b:big_file_options_big = l:size > s:Limit() if b:big_file_options_big call s:SetPre() endif endif " If the buffer size is verifiably over the threshold, run the late options " set if b:big_file_options_big call s:SetPost() endif endfunction " These options can and should be set as early as possible function! s:SetPre() " These are always set setlocal noswapfile setlocal undolevels=-1 if has('persistent_undo') setlocal noundofile endif " Decide whether to set readonly options let l:readonly = exists('g:big_file_options_readonly') \ ? g:big_file_options_readonly \ : 1 if l:readonly setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal nomodifiable setlocal readonly endif endfunction " These options need to be set later, after the buffer has loaded function! s:SetPost() " Force filetype off setlocal filetype=NONE " Syntax features if has('syntax') " Disable syntax highlighting if configured let l:syntax = exists('g:big_file_options_syntax') \ ? g:big_file_options_syntax \ : 0 if !l:syntax setlocal syntax=OFF endif " Force maximum syntax columns down if configured if exists('+synmaxcol') let l:synmaxcol = exists('g:big_file_options_synmaxcol') \ ? g:big_file_options_synmaxcol \ : 256 if exists('+synmaxcol') && &synmaxcol > l:synmaxcol let &l:synmaxcol = l:synmaxcol endif endif endif " Tell the user what we've done echomsg 'Big file detected, set appropriate options' endfunction " Define autocmd for calling to check filesize augroup big_file_options autocmd! autocmd BufReadPre,StdinReadPre \ * \ call s:CheckPre(expand('')) autocmd BufReadPost,StdinReadPost \ * \ call s:CheckPost() augroup end