.TH NWATCH 1 "May 2014" "Manual page for nwatch" .SH NAME .B nwatch \- slightly nicer Nmap ndiff(1) wrapper .SH USAGE .B nwatch .I HOSTLIST .I CACHEDIR .SH SYNOPSIS .B nwatch /etc/nwatch.mynet /var/cache/nwatch/mynet .SH DESCRIPTION .B nwatch reads a list of hosts from .I HOSTLIST and runs an nmap(1) command suitable for running through ndiff(1) against those hosts. It caches the scan output in plain text, greppable, and XML formats in .I CACHEDIR and then runs ndiff(1) between the last scan it can find and the current scan, storing the output in CACHEDIR and printing it to stdout. This makes it useful for running from cron(8): .PP 0 0 * * 0 nwatch /etc/nwatch.mynet /var/cache/nwatch/mynet .PP I recommend you use Mail::Run::Crypt, so you don't leak your network information in plain text in your email: https://metacpan.org/pod/Mail::Run::Crypt .PP Please also consider whether your scan actually requires root privileges, and could not instead be run by a dedicated user with appropriately limited privileges. .SH SEE ALSO nmap(1), ndiff(1), runcrypt(1), Mail::Run::Crypt(3) .SH AUTHOR Tom Ryder