" Extra configuration for PHP scripts if &filetype != 'php' || &compatible || v:version < 700 finish endif " Set comment formats setlocal comments=s1:/*,m:*,ex:*/,://,:# setlocal formatoptions+=or let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin \ . '|setlocal comments<' \ . '|setlocal formatoptions<' " Stop here if the user doesn't want ftplugin mappings if exists('g:no_plugin_maps') || exists('g:no_php_maps') finish endif " Set mappings nnoremap c \ :call compiler#Make('php') let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin \ . '|nunmap c' " Get rid of the core ftplugin's square-bracket maps on unload let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin \ . '|nunmap [[' \ . '|ounmap [[' \ . '|nunmap ]]' \ . '|ounmap ]]'