# Our ~/.profile should already have made a directory with the supported # options for us; if not, we won't be wrapping ed(1) with a function at all [ -d "$HOME"/.cache/sh/opt/ed ] || return # Define function proper ed() { # Don't mess with original call if input not a terminal if ! [ -t 0 ] ; then command ed "$@" return fi # Add --verbose to explain errors if [ -e "$HOME"/.cache/sh/opt/ed/verbose ] ; then set -- --verbose "$@" fi # Add an asterisk prompt (POSIX feature) set -- -p\* "$@" # Run in rlwrap(1) if available set -- ed "$@" if command -v rlwrap >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then set -- rlwrap --history-filename=/dev/null "$@" fi # Run determined command command "$@" }