.TH CHKL 6df "January 2017" "Manual page for chkl" .SH NAME .B chkl \- format an ASCII checklist with Unicode symbols .SH USAGE .B chkl .br [/] rekt .br [ ] not rekt .br ^D .SH DESCRIPTION .B chkl replaces ASCII approximations for checkboxes in ticked, crossed, or blank state at the start of lines with appropriate Unicode symbols: .IP ☐ 0.2i Unicode Character 'BALLOT BOX' (U+2610) .IP ☑ Unicode Character 'BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK' (U+2611) .IP ☒ Unicode Character 'BALLOT BOX WITH X' (U+2612) .P Lines with a leading # will be ignored. .SH SEE ALSO .br .br .SH AUTHOR Tom Ryder