# Give up completely if no BASH_VERSINFO (<2.0) if [ -z "$BASH_VERSINFO" ]; then printf \ '%s: %s is too old to work with this configuration.\n' \ "${BASH##*/}" "$BASH_VERSION" >&2 return fi # Don't do anything if not running interactively if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then return fi # Keep plenty of history; unlimited, if we have >=4.3 if ((${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} >= 4 \ && 10#${BASH_VERSINFO[1]%%[![:digit:]]*} >= 3)); then HISTFILESIZE=-1 HISTSIZE=-1 else HISTFILESIZE=1000000 HISTSIZE=1000000 fi # Ignore duplicate commands and whitespace in history HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # Keep the times of the commands in history HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' # Only tell me about new mail if MAIL is set and in $HOME if [[ $MAIL == "$HOME"/* ]]; then MAILCHECK=15 else unset -v MAILCHECK fi # Never beep at me setterm -bfreq 0 2>/dev/null # Turn off flow control and control character echo stty -ixon -ctlecho 2>/dev/null # Autocorrect fudged paths in cd calls shopt -s cdspell # Update the hash table properly shopt -s checkhash # Update columns and rows if window size changes shopt -s checkwinsize # Put multi-line commands onto one line of history shopt -s cmdhist # Include dotfiles in pattern matching shopt -s dotglob # Enable advanced pattern matching shopt -s extglob # Append rather than overwrite Bash history shopt -s histappend # Don't use Bash's builtin host completion shopt -u hostcomplete # Don't warn me about new mail all the time shopt -u mailwarn # Ignore me if I try to complete an empty line shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion # Use programmable completion, if available shopt -s progcomp # Warn me if I try to shift when there's nothing there shopt -s shift_verbose # Don't use PATH to find files to source shopt -u sourcepath # These options only exist since Bash 4.0-alpha if ((${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} >= 4)); then # Warn me about stopped jobs when exiting shopt -s checkjobs # Autocorrect fudged paths during completion shopt -s dirspell # Enable double-starring paths shopt -s globstar fi # Load any supplementary scripts if [[ -d $HOME/.bashrc.d ]]; then for config in "$HOME"/.bashrc.d/*; do [[ -r $config ]] && source "$config" done fi unset -v config