# # sd -- sibling/switch directory -- Shortcut to switch to another directory # with the same parent, i.e. a sibling of the current directory. # # $ pwd # /home/you # $ sd friend # $ pwd # /home/friend # $ sd you # $ pwd # /home/you # # If no arguments are given and there's only one other sibling, switch to that; # nice way to quickly toggle between two siblings. # # $ cd -- "$(mktemp -d)" # $ pwd # /tmp/tmp.ZSunna5Eup # $ mkdir a b # $ ls # a b # $ cd a # pwd # /tmp/tmp.ZSunna5Eup/a # $ sd # $ pwd # /tmp/tmp.ZSunna5Eup/b # $ sd # $ pwd # /tmp/tmp.ZSunna5Eup/a # # Seems to work for symbolic links. Completion included. # sd() { # For completeness' sake, we'll pass any options to cd local arg local -a opts for arg ; do case $arg in --) shift break ;; -*) shift opts[${#opts[@]}]=$arg ;; *) break ;; esac done # Set up local variable for the sibling to which we'll attempt to move, # assuming we find one local dirname # If we have one argument, it's easy, we just try to move to that one if (($# == 1)) ; then dirname=$1 # If no argument, the user is lazy; if there's only one sibling, we'll do # what they mean and switch to it elif (($# == 0)) ; then # This subshell switches on globbing functions to try to find all the # current directory's siblings; it exits non-zero if it found anything # other than one if ! dirname=$( shopt -s dotglob extglob nullglob local -a siblings # Generate relative paths of all siblings siblings=(../!("${PWD##*/}")/) # Strip the trailing slash siblings=("${siblings[@]%/}") # Strip everything up to the basename siblings=("${siblings[@]##*/}") # If some number of siblings besides one, exit non-zero if ((${#siblings[@]} != 1)) ; then exit 1 fi # Otherwise, just print it printf %s "${siblings[0]}" # This block is run if the subshell fails due to there not being a # single sibling ) ; then printf 'bash: %s: No single sibling directory\n' \ "$FUNCNAME" >&2 return 1 fi # Any other number of arguments is a usage error; say so else printf 'bash: %s: usage: %s [DIR]\n' \ "$FUNCNAME" "$FUNCNAME" >&2 return 2 fi # Try to change into the determined directory builtin cd "${opts[@]}" ../"$dirname" } # Completion function for sd; any sibling directories, excluding the self _sd() { # Only makes sense for the first argument ((COMP_CWORD == 1)) || return 1 # Current directory can't be root directory [[ $PWD != / ]] || return 1 # Build list of matching sibiling directories while IFS= read -d '' -r dirname ; do COMPREPLY[${#COMPREPLY[@]}]=$dirname done < <( # Set options to glob correctly shopt -s dotglob extglob nullglob # Collect directory names, exclude current directory, strip leading ../ # and trailing / local -a dirnames dirnames=(../"${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"*/) dirnames=("${dirnames[@]#../}") dirnames=("${dirnames[@]%/}") # Iterate again, but exclude the current directory this time local -a sibs local dirname for dirname in "${dirnames[@]}" ; do [[ $dirname != "${PWD##*/}" ]] || continue sibs[${#sibs[@]}]=$dirname done # Bail if no results to prevent empty output ((${#sibs[@]})) || exit 1 # Print results, null-delimited printf '%q\0' "${sibs[@]}" ) } complete -F _sd sd