# Load _completion_ignore_case helper function if ! declare -F _completion_ignore_case >/dev/null ; then source "$HOME"/.bash_completion.d/_completion_ignore_case.bash fi # Completion for path _path() { # What to do depends on which word we're completing if ((COMP_CWORD == 1)) ; then # Complete operation as first word local ci comp while read -r comp ; do COMPREPLY[ci++]=$comp done < <(compgen -W ' append check help insert list pop remove shift ' -- "$2") return fi # Complete with either directories or $PATH entries as all other words case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in # Complete with a directory insert|append|check) local ci comp while IFS= read -d '' -r comp ; do COMPREPLY[ci++]=$comp done < <( # Make globs expand appropriately shopt -s dotglob nullglob if _completion_ignore_case ; then shopt -s nocaseglob fi # Print shell-quoted matching directories, null-terminated for dir in "$2"*/ ; do printf '%q\0' "${dir%/}" done ) ;; # Complete with directories from PATH remove) local ci comp while IFS= read -d '' -r comp ; do COMPREPLY[ci++]=$comp done < <( # Make matches work appropriately if _completion_ignore_case ; then shopt -s nocasematch 2>/dev/null fi # Break PATH into parts IFS=: read -a paths -d '' -r \ < <(printf '%s\0' "$PATH") # Print shell-quoted matching parts, null-terminated for path in "${paths[@]}" ; do case $path in ("$2"*) printf '%q\0' "$path" ;; esac done ) ;; # No completion *) return 1 ;; esac } complete -F _path path