Ideas ===== * A wrapper `ksw(1df)` (kill-switch) that traps `SIGINT` to kill a called program or loop immediately, rather than aborting a loop (is this possible?) * A wrapper `sil(1df)` or `nec(1df)` to turn `stty -echo` off for the duration of a paste? * I can probably share my `psql()` completions/shortcuts after sanitizing them a bit * Wouldn't be too hard to add some HTTP BASIC authentication to `ix(1df)` to make pastes manageable * Have `eds(1df)` accept standard input with the "starting content" for the script * Convert all the manual pages to Mandoc format maybe? * `qmp(1df)`--quick man page * The solution to `chn(1df)` not running in parallel is probably backgrounded processes and `mkfifo(1)`. * Write something like `hcat(1df)` or `tcat(1df)` that includes filename headings for each concatenated file. * I can probably get rid of all that nasty templated shell by writing something that wraps around `td(1df)` and generates shell script to run, and calls that via `eval`. * Ideally, the AWK and/or sed scripts in the bin and games directories should be syntax-checked or linted. I could at least add some patient application of appropriate `gawk --lint` calls for each of the .awk scripts. * Alternate buffer type switching would probably work rather well as a simple plugin. * Write a ftplugin for Perl to switch between punctuation variable names and English variable names., i.e. \e on `$?` would change to `$CHILD_ERROR`, and vice-versa. * Almost definitely going to want to try a runparts layout for Git hooks at some point * I'd like a Git hook that pre-fills out "Version X.Y.Z" if making a commit tagged with vX.Y.Z.