path: root/vim/after/syntax
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Stop highlighting syslog errorsTom Ryder2015-07-271-0/+4
* Add a few missing Bash keywordsTom Ryder2015-06-041-0/+3
* Move syntax rules from sahara.vim to .vim/afterTom Ryder2015-06-042-0/+7
* Exclude some builtins I added to sh.vimTom Ryder2014-10-301-6/+3
* Fix a few more annoyances in sh.vim syntaxTom Ryder2014-10-301-0/+68
* Fix simpleDeRef in sh.vimTom Ryder2014-10-301-0/+10
* Remove Markdown overrides, seems to be fixed nowTom Ryder2013-07-301-9/+0
* Quick and dirty fix for Markdown highlightingTom Ryder2012-06-011-0/+9