path: root/vim/after/indent/html.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Refactor indent macros into autoload functionTom Ryder2019-12-181-1/+1
* Put common indent setting patterns in macrosTom Ryder2019-12-181-9/+3
* Switch to default tabs, spaces for some filetypesTom Ryder2019-12-081-0/+9
* Remove unnecessary g: prefixes to Vim variablesTom Ryder2019-05-091-1/+1
* Clear away a flag after HTML indent loadTom Ryder2018-11-291-0/+3
* Pare down after/indent scripts a fair bitTom Ryder2018-11-291-2/+1
* Adjust 'indentkeys' in HTML indentingTom Ryder2018-07-241-0/+4