path: root/vim/after/ftplugin
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove overzealous checks from gitcommit ftpluginTom Ryder2019-06-061-9/+7
* Spellcheck mailTom Ryder2019-06-051-0/+6
* Adjust code layout of long strong assignmentTom Ryder2019-05-301-6/+5
* Move execution mappings into relevant filetypesTom Ryder2019-05-302-0/+14
* Refine apostrophe matching for mail greetingsTom Ryder2019-05-271-2/+2
* Tolerate smart quotes in g'dayTom Ryder2019-05-251-1/+1
* Tolerate spaces for final reply moveTom Ryder2019-05-241-1/+1
* Don't strip tabs after angle quotesTom Ryder2019-05-241-2/+2
* More revision/expansion of blank/greeting stripTom Ryder2019-05-241-17/+20
* Break up and improve greeting patternTom Ryder2019-05-241-1/+5
* Make greeting regex even nuttierTom Ryder2019-05-241-3/+3
* Delete blank lines at top of quoted replyTom Ryder2019-05-231-0/+7
* Don't add spaces when quoting mailTom Ryder2019-05-231-0/+4
* Fix "break" in favour of "continue"Tom Ryder2019-05-231-1/+1
* Improve blank line squeeze behaviour for mailTom Ryder2019-05-231-3/+10
* Don't add a space to trailing quotesTom Ryder2019-05-231-2/+2
* Prevent unneeded capture of group in greet regexTom Ryder2019-05-231-1/+1
* Correct :return to :breakTom Ryder2019-05-231-1/+1
* Run repeat blank squeeze on mail replyTom Ryder2019-05-231-1/+2
* Normalise quoting in mailTom Ryder2019-05-231-0/+21
* Strip trailing blanks after greetingTom Ryder2019-05-231-1/+1
* Improve opening-greeting strip from mail ftpluginTom Ryder2019-05-231-3/+3
* Remove HTML ftplugin import from Markdown ftpluginTom Ryder2019-05-231-5/+0
* Move my after ftplugin for Markdown into mainTom Ryder2019-05-231-44/+0
* Add undo instructions for Markdown heading stuffTom Ryder2019-05-231-0/+3
* Adjust order of Markdown heading mapsTom Ryder2019-05-231-2/+2
* Define user command MarkdownHeadingTom Ryder2019-05-231-2/+4
* Set 'include' and 'path' in Vim script filesTom Ryder2019-05-231-0/+6
* Remove '\'' sh ftplugin map; <Esc> interferenceTom Ryder2019-05-211-9/+0
* Add mappings and function for Markdown headingsTom Ryder2019-05-211-0/+6
* Use nicer patch-checking syntaxTom Ryder2019-05-201-3/+1
* Start spell-checking HTMLTom Ryder2019-05-191-0/+6
* Don't bother checking for the 'spell' featureTom Ryder2019-05-191-15/+10
* Split long lines with version/patch check patternTom Ryder2019-05-171-1/+2
* Adjust 'commentstring' and 'include' C Vim settingTom Ryder2019-05-111-4/+5
* Replace text.vim ftplugin entirelyTom Ryder2019-05-111-5/+0
* Remove unnecessary g: prefixes to Vim variablesTom Ryder2019-05-0911-14/+14
* Adjust matchit words for Vim filetypeTom Ryder2019-04-301-0/+12
* Set 'keywordprg' to :help for older VimsTom Ryder2019-04-011-0/+7
* Correct unmapping commands for sh '\''Tom Ryder2019-01-151-2/+2
* Correct function reference in gitcommit ftpluginTom Ryder2019-01-071-1/+1
* Remove superfluous unmappings for mail filetypeTom Ryder2019-01-061-7/+0
* Clarify a comment for HTML indentationTom Ryder2019-01-061-2/+3
* Add test to 'keywordprg' setting for Vim helpTom Ryder2019-01-061-3/+6
* Make name of autocmd group more specificTom Ryder2019-01-061-4/+4
* Clarify a commentTom Ryder2019-01-061-1/+1
* Choose regex character classes for some filetypesTom Ryder2018-12-293-0/+12
* Make <LocalLeader>f to toggle HTML/PHPTom Ryder2018-12-192-0/+10
* Add sh.vim mapping to insert '\'' quicklyTom Ryder2018-12-191-0/+9
* Remove b:undo_ftplugin cmds for double-key mapsTom Ryder2018-12-044-7/+0