path: root/vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Strip generic greetings from quoted mailTom Ryder2018-08-061-0/+9
* Make cursor start heuristics for mail smarterTom Ryder2018-08-061-4/+10
| | | | Move immediately below the first thing we might want to reply to
* Add mapping to flag mail messages as unimportantTom Ryder2018-08-031-0/+13
* Add \m 'magic' setting to mail headers jumpTom Ryder2018-07-161-1/+1
| | | | | | This is because Vim's search() function checks the value of 'magic' to decide how to interpret the pattern. It's crazy to have this option off, but best to be explicit about it anyway.
* Add reformatting analogue to quote mappingsTom Ryder2018-07-161-0/+6
* Add missing <buffer> to mail quote unmapsTom Ryder2018-07-151-3/+3
* Change mail quoting to generic autoload functionTom Ryder2018-07-141-3/+3
| | | | I intend to use it elsewhere.
* Replace mail.vim quoting mappingsTom Ryder2018-07-131-1/+15
* Move to after headers when writing new mailTom Ryder2018-07-131-0/+7
* Overhaul after/ftpluginTom Ryder2018-07-101-3/+2
| | | | | | Use .= operator to append to b:undo_ftplugin, as we're requiring Vim 7.0 or later everywhere here anyway. Also remove &compatible where we don't need line breaks.
* Overhaul base after-ftpluginsTom Ryder2018-07-081-11/+2
| | | | Mostly to simplify them--remove a lot of the load-guard cruft.
* Make Vim ftplugin preamble consistent with pluginsTom Ryder2018-07-011-1/+4
* Refactor ftplugins into single filesTom Ryder2018-06-301-0/+15
| | | | Each thereby effectively becomes its own .vimrc for that type.
* Move vim/after/ftplugin files into vim/ftpluginTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+0
| | | | | | | | | None of the settings in here need to be run after the core configuration files are loaded, so I'll put them in a slightly more accessible or logical place. This adds a new target `install-vim-ftplugin`, and makes that a prerequisite of the `install-vim` target.
* Remove blank lines at end of filesTom Ryder2016-03-281-1/+0
* No more auto-wrappingTom Ryder2014-12-031-3/+0
| | | | Annoys me more often than it helps
* formatoptions should not be set in vimrcTom Ryder2013-05-071-2/+5
| | | | I have learned my lesson
* Settings to make flowed plaintext work wellTom Ryder2013-05-031-0/+3
Thanks very much to W. Caleb McDaniel for his awesome Mutt page: <http://wcm1.web.rice.edu/mutt-tips.html>