path: root/git
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use short statusesTom Ryder2016-04-071-0/+3
* Remove blank lines at end of filesTom Ryder2016-03-281-1/+0
* Remove unused 'ack' alias from gitconfigTom Ryder2014-04-271-1/+0
* Add new aliasTom Ryder2013-10-241-0/+1
* Remove redundanciesTom Ryder2013-09-241-1/+1
* Fix whitespace issueTom Ryder2013-09-241-1/+1
* Remove unnecessary quotes in commentTom Ryder2013-09-071-2/+2
* More thorough quotingTom Ryder2013-08-051-2/+2
* ack-ish alias for gitTom Ryder2013-07-301-0/+7
* Make stray tab into spaces, add EOF newlineTom Ryder2013-07-181-1/+2
* Remove user section from gitconfig, explain whyTom Ryder2013-07-181-5/+12
* Use the old push mode for GitTom Ryder2013-06-131-0/+2
* Update signing keyTom Ryder2013-03-141-1/+1
* Prevent hints in git status outputTom Ryder2012-10-151-0/+3
* Add references to GPG keyTom Ryder2012-07-311-0/+1
* Added some stuff to my git configuration.Tom Ryder2012-01-121-0/+9
* Set all colors.Tom Ryder2012-01-101-4/+1
* Pretty colors for git.Tom Ryder2012-01-101-0/+7
* Spaces not tabsTom Ryder2011-12-201-2/+2
* Add git configTom Ryder2011-11-171-0/+3