path: root/bash/bashrc.d/tmux.bash
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use space before semicolon as command separatorTom Ryder2014-02-101-2/+2
* Detach session on attaching by defaultTom Ryder2013-12-211-1/+1
* Change null-arguments check for tmux funcTom Ryder2013-12-211-2/+2
* Check for presence of binaries before script setupTom Ryder2013-10-161-0/+5
* Use tidier default system for tmux functionTom Ryder2013-09-141-8/+6
* Remove instances of error-prone &> redirectionTom Ryder2013-09-011-1/+1
* Restructure tmux wrapper function slightlyTom Ryder2013-08-251-2/+2
* Use arithmetic expression for argument countTom Ryder2013-08-191-1/+1
* Improve comments on shell scriptsTom Ryder2013-07-311-0/+6
* More portable non-surprise syntax for functionsTom Ryder2013-07-301-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <tyrmored> is this syntax actually problematic? <tyrmored> function whatever { <tyrmored> thangs <tyrmored> } <zendeavor> !pf function <greybot> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls#pf25 -- Don't do this! -- function foo() <tyrmored> i know it's bashism, but is it bad practice <tyrmored> yeah i know that much <tyrmored> (no parens, that is) <zendeavor> it's not necessarily a bashism, but the function keyword has implications in other shells <zendeavor> and, perhaps someday in the future, for bash as well <tyrmored> hmm, so i should use this syntax even if the scripts are explicitly bash? <ffio> hi zendeavor :) <zendeavor> you should use foo() { echo bar; } <tyrmored> rightoh <zendeavor> no surprising behaviour that way, ever <tyrmored> makes sense <zendeavor> it won't matter *much* but element of least surprise
* Use correct Bash arguments expansionTom Ryder2013-06-231-2/+2
* Massive overhaul of structure for Bash filesTom Ryder2013-06-201-0/+9
* No longer using .bash_logout * No longer using .bash_profile, using POSIX-compliant .profile * instead; in particular, moved most of environment settings into .profile * Moved some of the separable functionality of both .profile and .bashrc into subdirectories (some scripts shared, some not) * Tidied implementation of ls/grep aliases * Updated install script to reflect all of the above