path: root/bash/bash_logout
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove unneeded linebreak backslashesTom Ryder2016-06-211-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | Handy command: $ find bin sh bash -type f -exec grep \ -e '|| \\$' \ -e '&& \\$' \ -e '^\s*||' \ -e '^\s*&&' \ {} +
* Remove blank lines at end of filesTom Ryder2016-03-281-1/+0
* Appease shellcheck with multi arith expsTom Ryder2015-10-021-2/+2
* Simplify Bash version checks a bit moreTom Ryder2015-09-251-3/+5
* Correct a version checking integerTom Ryder2015-08-221-1/+1
* Remove overkill chopping on BASH_VERSINFO[0]Tom Ryder2015-08-221-1/+1
| | | | Pointed out by Amy Grace.
* No real need to use use test over [...]Tom Ryder2015-06-041-1/+1
* Align multiline if conditionsTom Ryder2015-05-291-3/+3
* Add missing globs for version testsTom Ryder2015-05-271-2/+2
* More robust/careful version checkingTom Ryder2015-05-271-2/+5
* Keep OLDPWD between loginsTom Ryder2015-04-291-0/+3
* More explicitly use test builtin for version testTom Ryder2014-10-211-1/+1
* Use consistent form of version checksTom Ryder2014-05-271-1/+1
* Use space before semicolon as command separatorTom Ryder2014-02-101-2/+2
* Add basic version check to bash_logoutTom Ryder2013-09-211-0/+5
* No need to test for clear_console existenceTom Ryder2013-08-251-2/+2
* Remove unnecessary quotingTom Ryder2013-08-191-1/+1
* Restore stderr redirection for command -vTom Ryder2013-08-021-1/+1
| | | | | Some older versions of Bash seem to spit out "not found" errors for command -v on stderr
* Combine conditionals in logout scriptTom Ryder2013-07-311-3/+2
* Stop ignoring error output from setup commandsTom Ryder2013-07-311-1/+1
* Use standard structure for if/for in shellTom Ryder2013-07-311-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mostly for clarity reasons; using this syntax: if [ condition ]; then commands fi As opposed to: if [ condition ] then commands fi Or: [ condition ] && command
* May as well start versioning logout fileTom Ryder2013-07-191-0/+5
* Massive overhaul of structure for Bash filesTom Ryder2013-06-201-5/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | * No longer using .bash_logout * No longer using .bash_profile, using POSIX-compliant .profile * instead; in particular, moved most of environment settings into .profile * Moved some of the separable functionality of both .profile and .bashrc into subdirectories (some scripts shared, some not) * Tidied implementation of ls/grep aliases * Updated install script to reflect all of the above
* May as well add my logout file here.Tom Ryder2012-02-271-0/+5
| | | | Although presently it's just the Debian default.
* Versioning bash is just a bad idea I think.Tom Ryder2011-12-131-7/+0
* Initial commit of experimental dotfiles repository.Tom Ryder2011-02-281-0/+7