path: root/README.markdown
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add plenv-modules-updateTom Ryder2016-06-201-0/+3
* Add getmailsTom Ryder2016-06-191-0/+3
* Consolidate URxvt extensionsTom Ryder2016-06-191-5/+3
* Mention selection script in READMETom Ryder2016-06-191-1/+2
* Update documentation to reflect prev commitTom Ryder2016-06-181-2/+2
* Update clone URLTom Ryder2016-06-181-1/+1
* Remove man suffix from undoc scriptsTom Ryder2016-06-181-2/+2
* Add htmlurls, mdurls, urlcheckTom Ryder2016-06-181-0/+9
* Fix wrappingTom Ryder2016-06-181-3/+5
* Fix up URLs in documentationTom Ryder2016-06-181-15/+15
* No longer signing by defaultTom Ryder2016-06-171-3/+3
* Add missing update stepTom Ryder2016-06-101-0/+1
* Switch from prompt image to plain textTom Ryder2016-06-091-3/+11
* Allow specifying color for tmuxTom Ryder2016-04-231-0/+4
* Add means to change prompt colorTom Ryder2016-04-231-2/+2
* Add .perltidyrcTom Ryder2016-04-071-0/+2
* Remove more liesTom Ryder2016-04-021-1/+1
* Remove liesTom Ryder2016-04-021-2/+1
* Clarify VCS prompt displayTom Ryder2016-04-021-2/+3
* Grandma knows how to suck eggsTom Ryder2016-03-301-3/+1
* Add stbl(1)Tom Ryder2016-03-281-0/+1
* Remove blank lines at end of filesTom Ryder2016-03-281-1/+0
* Add readv functionTom Ryder2016-03-281-0/+1
* Add finger(1) to list of configsTom Ryder2016-03-261-0/+1
* Add igex(1)Tom Ryder2016-02-261-0/+2
* More consistent descriptions of binscriptsTom Ryder2016-02-261-11/+9
* Add tl(1) and tlcs(1)Tom Ryder2016-02-241-0/+4
* Discard Taskwarrior, replace with td(1)Tom Ryder2016-02-151-2/+2
* Add try(1) and maybe(1)Tom Ryder2016-02-121-0/+5
* Add Zsh configurationTom Ryder2016-01-271-0/+2
* Clarify han(1) a bitTom Ryder2015-12-141-3/+3
* Mention man(1) completionTom Ryder2015-12-141-0/+1
* Nope, still wrongTom Ryder2015-12-141-1/+1
* Update README with newly adopted array app methodTom Ryder2015-12-141-1/+1
* Add keepTom Ryder2015-12-111-0/+1
* Update tmux URLTom Ryder2015-12-091-1/+1
* Forgot to mention Dunst in README.markdownTom Ryder2015-12-051-0/+2
* Use consistent apostrophe'’sTom Ryder2015-11-131-1/+1
* Add vis(1) script editorTom Ryder2015-11-131-0/+2
* New function fnl()Tom Ryder2015-10-121-0/+1
* Put scripts into bulleted listTom Ryder2015-10-111-18/+15
* Tweaking structure just a bit moreTom Ryder2015-10-111-12/+14
* Rearrange content with installation firstTom Ryder2015-10-111-42/+36
* Rewrite opening paragraphsTom Ryder2015-10-111-8/+4
* Add sd Bash function (sibling directory switch)Tom Ryder2015-10-091-0/+1
* Add Perl::Critic back in againTom Ryder2015-10-021-0/+2
* Add linting targetsTom Ryder2015-10-021-0/+4
* Add sue(8)Tom Ryder2015-10-011-0/+4
* Add configuration for AbookTom Ryder2015-09-041-0/+1
* Switch to Palemoon, junk VimperatorTom Ryder2015-08-281-2/+0