path: root/README.markdown
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Wrap long lines in applications listTom Ryder2013-08-261-5/+10
* Rearrange prompt to put last return status lastTom Ryder2013-08-261-2/+2
* Flesh out README.markdown quite a lotTom Ryder2013-08-251-6/+150
* More instructive header for READMETom Ryder2013-07-181-6/+6
| | | | Given that "Dotfiles" is hardly a unique project name
* Improve instructions a bitTom Ryder2013-07-181-10/+7
* Improved instructionsTom Ryder2013-07-031-3/+4
* Rename, reorganise, hard-wrap README file.Tom Ryder2012-05-281-0/+28
Sorry to anyone watching the repository, I'm still kind of enthralled with Markdown.