Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Hook prevents loading unwanted bash-completionTom Ryder2013-08-283-16/+24
* Move options into .bashrcTom Ryder2013-08-282-39/+38
* Trying without bash-completion for a bitTom Ryder2013-08-281-4/+0
* Correct expected bash completion pathTom Ryder2013-08-281-2/+2
* Horizontal completion listing not quite rightTom Ryder2013-08-281-3/+0
* Specify -f for unsetting helper functionsTom Ryder2013-08-282-2/+2
* Remove unneeded underscores before helper funcsTom Ryder2013-08-282-6/+6
* Don't expand arithmetic operation on OPTINDTom Ryder2013-08-261-1/+1
* More conservative expansions for install scriptTom Ryder2013-08-261-30/+30
* More sensible use of printfTom Ryder2013-08-261-1/+1
* Update Vim bundlesTom Ryder2013-08-262-0/+0
* Wrap long lines in applications listTom Ryder2013-08-261-5/+10
* Unset return value after it's usedTom Ryder2013-08-261-0/+1
* Rearrange prompt to put last return status lastTom Ryder2013-08-262-6/+6
* Use single quotes for printfTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* Initialise OPTIND in cd() functionTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* No need to test for clear_console existenceTom Ryder2013-08-251-2/+2
* Use hash to test for dircolors existenceTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* No need to test for stty/setterm existenceTom Ryder2013-08-251-6/+2
* Fix pathname to Vim bundlesTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* Flesh out README.markdown quite a lotTom Ryder2013-08-251-6/+150
* Quote rhs of [[ $a == $b ]] to stop globbingTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* Rearrange prompt declarations so ret is firstTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* Remove unneeded $ from arithmetic expansionTom Ryder2013-08-251-1/+1
* Restructure tmux wrapper function slightlyTom Ryder2013-08-251-2/+2
* Build VCS status flags as array for correctnessTom Ryder2013-08-241-10/+14
* Bail if git status fails while building promptTom Ryder2013-08-241-2/+4
* Remove unnecessary command substitutionTom Ryder2013-08-241-1/+1
* romainl reminds me I am a public personTom Ryder2013-08-241-0/+13
* Remove arbitrary execution of git rev-parse outputTom Ryder2013-08-241-2/+4
* Prevent re-completing word from within itTom Ryder2013-08-221-0/+3
* Add comments to ~/.inputrcTom Ryder2013-08-221-7/+33
* Standardise use of printfTom Ryder2013-08-214-4/+4
* Replace stray [ test with [[ in prompt scriptTom Ryder2013-08-211-1/+1
* Remove bell from minimal promptTom Ryder2013-08-211-1/+1
* Restore lost opening quote to prompt functionTom Ryder2013-08-201-1/+1
* Remove unneeded quoting in case statementTom Ryder2013-08-202-2/+2
* Wrapper for pushd defaults to $HOME if no argsTom Ryder2013-08-202-0/+6
* Alias cd directly rather than via aliasTom Ryder2013-08-201-2/+1
* Better var names for subfile config sourcingTom Ryder2013-08-202-6/+6
* Fix a few variable contamination issuesTom Ryder2013-08-203-0/+3
* More conservative expansion for dotfile pathsTom Ryder2013-08-203-6/+6
* Turn off control character echo with sttyTom Ryder2013-08-201-2/+2
* Remove trailing semicolon from sprunge functionTom Ryder2013-08-201-1/+1
* Use better test for interactive shellTom Ryder2013-08-201-1/+1
* Remove unnecessary quoting in simple assignmentsTom Ryder2013-08-207-31/+29
* Fix dotfiles dir existence testTom Ryder2013-08-201-1/+1
* Remove unneeded quoting within [[ ]]Tom Ryder2013-08-207-15/+15
* Use arithmetic expression for argument countTom Ryder2013-08-191-1/+1
* Merge integer declarations onto one lineTom Ryder2013-08-191-2/+1