path: root/vim
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1 files changed, 45 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 0ade2588..f49ea20d 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -426,32 +426,66 @@ if has('patch-8.1.728')
set formatoptions+=p
-" Don't load GUI menus; set here before GUI starts or any filetype or syntax
-" logic is performed
+" In an effort to avoid loading unnecessary files, we add a flag to the
+" 'guioptions' option to prevent the menu.vim runtime file from being loaded.
+" It doesn't do any harm, but I never use it, and it's easy to turn it off.
+" The documentation for this flag in `:help 'go-M'` includes a note saying the
+" flag should be set here, rather that in the GUI-specific gvimrc file, as one
+" might otherwise think.
if has('gui_running')
set guioptions+=M
-" Allow buffers to have changes without being displayed
+" By default, Vim doesn't allow a file buffer to have unsaved changes if it's
+" not displayed in a window. Setting this option removes that restriction so
+" that buffers can be modified and not displayed.
+" Despite this option being in almost every vimrc I read, I didn't personally
+" need it for years into my Vim career, because I instinctively only closed
+" windows onto buffers after the buffers within them were saved anyway.
+" However, the option really is required for batch operations performed with
+" commands like :argdo or :bufdo. After I started using those a bit more
+" often, I realised I finally had a reason to turn this on, and so on it shall
+" stay.
set hidden
-" Keep much more command and search history
+" I don't think I'm ever likely to be in a situation where remembering several
+" thousand Vim commands and search patterns is going to severely tax memory,
+" let alone hard disk space.
set history=2000
-" Highlight completed searches; clear on reload
+" Do highlight completed searches, but clear them away on vimrc reload. Later
+" on in this file, CTRL-L in normal mode is remapped to stack on a :nohlsearch
+" as well.
set hlsearch
-" Don't assume I'm editing C; let the filetype set this
-" Show search matches as I type my pattern
+" Show search matches as I type my pattern, including scrolling the screen if
+" necessary. This is somewhat jarring sometimes, particularly when the cursor
+" runs so far away from home, but I think the benefits of being able to see
+" instances of what I'm trying to match as I try to match it do outweight
+" that.
set incsearch
-" Don't show a status line if there's only one window
-" This is Vim's default, but not Neovim's
+" If there's only one window, I don't need a statusline to appear beneath it.
+" I very often edit only one file, and just open a :help buffer or two. This
+" is the Vim default, but Neovim changed it, so we'll explicitly set it to the
+" default here in case we're using Neovim.
set laststatus=1
-" Don't redraw the screen during batch execution
+" Don't waste cycles and bandwidth redrawing the screen during batch execution
+" of macros. I think this does amount to the occasional :redraw needing to be
+" in a script, but it's not too bad, and last I checked it really does speed
+" things up, especially for linewise operations on really big data sets.
set lazyredraw
" Break lines at word boundaries