path: root/vim/vimrc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 948de359..6f0c9b1a 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -129,31 +129,6 @@ set sidescrolloff=16
nnoremap & :&&<CR>
vnoremap & :&&<CR>
-" Don't bother about checking whether Escape is being used as a means to enter
-" a Meta-key combination, just register Escape immediately
-set noesckeys
-" Don't bother drawing the screen while executing macros or other automated or
-" scripted processes, just draw the screen as it is when the operation
-" completes
-set lazyredraw
-" Improve redrawing smoothness by assuming that my terminal is reasonably
-" fast
-set ttyfast
-" Never use any kind of bell, visual or not
-set visualbell t_vb=
-" Require less than one second between keys for mappings to work correctly
-set timeout
-set timeoutlen=1000
-" Require less than a twentieth of a second between keys for key codes to work
-" correctly; I don't use Escape as a meta key anyway
-set ttimeout
-set ttimeoutlen=50
" Tolerate typos like :Wq, :Q, or :Qa and do what I mean, including any
" arguments or modifiers; I fat-finger these commands a lot because I type
" them so rapidly, and they don't correspond to any other commands I use
@@ -188,9 +163,6 @@ set display=lastline
set nowrap
nnoremap <leader>w :set wrap!<CR>
-" Don't write the output of :make to the terminal
-set shellpipe=>
" When wrapping, j and k should move by screen row, and not to the same
" column number in the previous logical line, which feels very clumsy and is
" seldom particularly helpful; you can use n| to jump to the nth column in a