path: root/vim/autoload/option.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/autoload/option.vim')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/vim/autoload/option.vim b/vim/autoload/option.vim
index 49fbf1a4..82999ba1 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/option.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/option.vim
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-" Split a comma-separated option value into parts, accounting for escaped
-" commas and leading whitespace as Vim itself does internally
-function! option#Split(expr, ...) abort
- if a:0 > 1
- echoerr 'Too many arguments'
- endif
- let keepempty = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
- let parts = split(a:expr, '\\\@<!,[, ]*', keepempty)
- return map(copy(parts), 'substitute(v:val, ''\\,'', '','', ''g'')')
-" Escape the right-hand side of a :set option value
-function! option#Escape(expr) abort
- return escape(a:expr, ' |"\')
+# Split a comma-separated option value into parts, accounting for escaped
+# commas and leading whitespace as Vim itself does internally
+export def Split(expr: string, keepempty: bool = v:true): list<string>
+ const parts = split(expr, '\\\@<!,[, ]*', keepempty)
+ return map(copy(parts), (_, val) => substitute(val, '\,', ',', 'g'))
+# Escape the right-hand side of a :set option value
+export def Escape(expr: string): string
+ return escape(expr, ' |"\')