path: root/vim/after
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/after')
3 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
index c9b14b6b..2dc5fa37 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|setlocal comments< formatoptions<'
if has('autocmd') && exists('+cursorcolumn')
augroup gitcommit
autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer>
- \ let &l:colorcolumn = gitcommit#CursorColumn()
+ \ let &l:colorcolumn = gitcommit#CursorColumn()
augroup END
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|autocmd! gitcommit'
\ . '|augroup! gitcommit'
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
index dc429221..759d06bf 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|unlet b:current_compiler'
" Set up hooks for timestamp updating
augroup html_timestamp
autocmd BufWritePre <buffer>
- \ if exists('b:html_timestamp_check')
- \| call html#TimestampUpdate()
- \|endif
+ \ if exists('b:html_timestamp_check')
+ \| call html#TimestampUpdate()
+ \|endif
augroup END
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|autocmd! html_timestamp BufWritePre <buffer>'
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
index 46182627..2fc5bd78 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|nunmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>K'
" 8.1.273 updated the runtime files to include a fix for this
if v:version < 801 || v:version == 801 && !has('patch273')
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|nunmap <buffer> [['
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> [['
- \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]]'
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]]'
- \ . '|nunmap <buffer> []'
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> []'
- \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]['
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]['
- \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]"'
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]"'
- \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ["'
- \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ["'
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> [['
+ \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]]'
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]]'
+ \ . '|nunmap <buffer> []'
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> []'
+ \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]['
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]['
+ \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ]"'
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ]"'
+ \ . '|nunmap <buffer> ["'
+ \ . '|vunmap <buffer> ["'