path: root/games
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/pks.awk b/games/pks.awk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff316fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/pks.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Ha, ha, ha! Awk!
+# Print either two or three "has" and the given word, capitalized
+function haha(wr) {
+ # Two or three "has"? Important decisions here folks
+ srand()
+ hr = int(rand()*2+1)
+ for (ha = "Ha"; hi < hr; hi++)
+ ha = ha ", ha"
+ # Capitalise the word
+ wr = toupper(substr(wr,1,1)) substr(wr,2)
+ # Return the laughter and the word
+ return ha "! " wr "!"
+# Ha, ha! Failure!
+function fail(str, ex) {
+ af = 1
+ print haha(str) | "cat >&2"
+ exit(ex)
+# Process arguments
+ # If no arguments, assume a dictionary file
+ if (ARGC == 1) {
+ ARGC = 2
+ if ("DICT" in ENVIRON)
+ else
+ ARGV[1] = "/usr/share/dict/words"
+ }
+ # Check the user hasn't tried stdin
+ for (ai = 1; ai < ARGC; ai++)
+ if (ARGV[ai] == "-")
+ fail("standard input", 2)
+ # Count the number of lines in the files (pass 1)
+ for (ai = 1; ai < ARGC; ai++)
+ while (getline < ARGV[ai])
+ lc++
+ # If all files were empty, we can't go on
+ if (lc == 0)
+ fail("no data", 1)
+ # Pick a random line number
+ srand()
+ lr = int(lc*rand()+1)
+# Iterate over the file until we get to the selected line (pass 2)
+NR >= lr {
+ # Find the first word-looking thing
+ for (i = 1; !wr && i <= NF; i++)
+ if (tolower($i) ~ /[[:lower:]]/)
+ wr = $i
+ # Strip trailing possessives
+ sub(/'s*$/, "", wr)
+ # No word? Uh, better keep going
+ if (!length(wr))
+ next
+ # Ha, ha! Suboptimal!
+ print haha(wr)
+ exit(0)
+# Ha, ha, ha! Incompetent!
+END {
+ if (!af && !length(wr))
+ fail("error", 1)