diff options
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 4f98e844..daa3aecd 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -932,18 +932,77 @@ set wildmode=list:longest,full
" <https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind#Complex_actions>
-" It's tempting to put the list of patterns here into a separate file--or at
-" least into a more readily editable intermediate list variable--rather than
-" the minor maintenance hassle it presently constitutes in this compact form.
-" I'm not sure whether I'll do that just yet.
-set wildignore=*~,#*#,*.7z,.DS_Store,.git,.hg,.svn,*.a,*.adf,*.asc,*.au,*.aup
- \,*.avi,*.bin,*.bmp,*.bz2,*.class,*.db,*.dbm,*.djvu,*.docx,*.exe
- \,*.filepart,*.flac,*.gd2,*.gif,*.gifv,*.gmo,*.gpg,*.gz,*.hdf,*.ico
- \,*.iso,*.jar,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.m4a,*.mid,*.mp3,*.mp4,*.o,*.odp,*.ods,*.odt
- \,*.ogg,*.ogv,*.opus,*.pbm,*.pdf,*.png,*.ppt,*.psd,*.pyc,*.rar,*.rm
- \,*.s3m,*.sdbm,*.sqlite,*.swf,*.swp,*.tar,*.tga,*.ttf,*.wav,*.webm,*.xbm
- \,*.xcf,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.xpm,*.xz,*.zip
+set wildignore=*~,#*#
+ \,*.7z
+ \,.DS_Store
+ \,.git
+ \,.hg
+ \,.svn
+ \,*.a
+ \,*.adf
+ \,*.asc
+ \,*.au
+ \,*.aup
+ \,*.avi
+ \,*.bin
+ \,*.bmp
+ \,*.bz2
+ \,*.class
+ \,*.db
+ \,*.dbm
+ \,*.djvu
+ \,*.docx
+ \,*.exe
+ \,*.filepart
+ \,*.flac
+ \,*.gd2
+ \,*.gif
+ \,*.gifv
+ \,*.gmo
+ \,*.gpg
+ \,*.gz
+ \,*.hdf
+ \,*.ico
+ \,*.iso
+ \,*.jar
+ \,*.jpeg
+ \,*.jpg
+ \,*.m4a
+ \,*.mid
+ \,*.mp3
+ \,*.mp4
+ \,*.o
+ \,*.odp
+ \,*.ods
+ \,*.odt
+ \,*.ogg
+ \,*.ogv
+ \,*.opus
+ \,*.pbm
+ \,*.pdf
+ \,*.png
+ \,*.ppt
+ \,*.psd
+ \,*.pyc
+ \,*.rar
+ \,*.rm
+ \,*.s3m
+ \,*.sdbm
+ \,*.sqlite
+ \,*.swf
+ \,*.swp
+ \,*.tar
+ \,*.tga
+ \,*.ttf
+ \,*.wav
+ \,*.webm
+ \,*.xbm
+ \,*.xcf
+ \,*.xls
+ \,*.xlsx
+ \,*.xpm
+ \,*.xz
+ \,*.zip
" Allow me to be lazy and type a path to complete on the Ex command line in
" all-lowercase, and transform the consequent completion to match the