diff options
-rw-r--r--vim/autoload/.vimrc.vim.un~bin0 -> 16468 bytes
4 files changed, 130 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/vim/autoload/.vimrc.vim.un~ b/vim/autoload/.vimrc.vim.un~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8d8689d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/.vimrc.vim.un~
Binary files differ
diff --git a/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
index 25d3b22e..5280baf6 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
" Escape a text value for inclusion in an option value
function! vimrc#EscapeSet(string) abort
- return escape(a:string, '\ ')
+ return escape(a:string, '\ |"')
" Escape a text value for inclusion as an element in a comma-separated list
-" option value
-function! vimrc#EscapeSetList(string) abort
+" option value. Yes, the comma being the sole inner escaped character here is
+" correct. No, we don't escape backslash itself. Yes, that means it's
+" impossible to have the literal string '\,' in a part.
+function! vimrc#EscapeSetPart(string) abort
return vimrc#EscapeSet(escape(a:string, ','))
@@ -15,51 +17,66 @@ function! vimrc#PluginReady(filename) abort
\ && &loadplugins
-" Split a string with a split character that can be escaped with another,
-" e.g. &runtimepath with commas and backslashes respectively
-function! vimrc#SplitEscaped(str, ...) abort
+" Split a comma-separated option string into its constituent parts, imitating
+" copy_option_part() in the Vim sources. No, I'm not going to use some insane
+" regular expression. Who do you think I am, Tim Pope?
+function! vimrc#SplitOption(str) abort
- " Arguments to function
- let str = a:str " String to split
- let sep = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ',' " Optional split char, default comma
- let esc = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : '\' " Optional escape char, default backslash
+ " Specify escaping and separating characters
+ let esc = '\'
+ let sep = ','
- " Get length of string, return empty list if it's zero
+ " Get string and its length into local variable
+ let str = a:str
let len = strlen(str)
- if !len
- return []
- endif
- " Collect items into list by iterating characterwise
- let list = [''] " List items
- let idx = 0 " Offset in string
+ " Prepare list of parts and a variable to hold each part as it's built
+ let parts = []
+ let part = ''
+ " Start the index
+ let idx = 0
+ " Iterate through string; we use a while loop because we might be skipping
+ " over characters
while idx < len
- if str[idx] ==# sep
+ " Get the character at this index
+ let char = str[idx]
+ " Examine this character and possibly the one following it
+ if char ==# esc && str[idx+1] ==# sep
- " This character is the item separator, and it wasn't escaped; start a
- " new list item
- call add(list, '')
+ " If this is the escape character *and* the following character is the
+ " separator character, add the separator character to the part, and skip
+ " to the character after that for the next iteration. Note that if the
+ " following character is *not* the separator character, that means we add
+ " the escape character literally. This is deliberate, and is exactly
+ " what Vim does!
+ let part .= sep
+ let idx += 2
+ elseif char ==# sep
+ " If this is the separator character, we can add the list part we've
+ " built (even if it's blank) to the list of parts, and start a new one
+ call add(parts, part)
+ let part = ''
+ let idx += 1
- " This character is the escape character, so we'll skip to the next
- " character, if any, and add that; testing suggests that a terminal
- " escape character on its own shouldn't be added
- if str[idx] ==# esc
- let idx += 1
- endif
- let list[-1] .= str[idx]
+ " Just add this character literally, there's nothing special about it
+ let part .= char
+ let idx += 1
- " Bump index for next character
- let idx += 1
- " Return the completed list
- return list
+ " Pass the list of collected string parts to the caller. It might be empty,
+ " or contain zero-length strings; neither are error conditions.
+ return parts
diff --git a/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim~ b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bf6b41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim~
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+" Escape a text value for inclusion in an option value
+function! vimrc#EscapeSet(string) abort
+ return escape(a:string, '\ |"')
+" Escape a text value for inclusion as an element in a comma-separated list
+" option value. Yes, the comma being the sole inner escaped character here is
+" correct. If you escape existing backslashes, you'll break it.
+function! vimrc#EscapeSetList(string) abort
+ return vimrc#EscapeSet(escape(a:string, ','))
+" Check that we have a plugin available, and will be loading it
+function! vimrc#PluginReady(filename) abort
+ return globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/'.a:filename.'.vim') !=# ''
+ \ && &loadplugins
+function! vimrc#SplitOption(str) abort
+ let esc = '\'
+ let sep = ','
+ let str = a:str
+ let len = strlen(str)
+ let parts = []
+ let part = ''
+ let idx = 0
+ while idx < len
+ let char = str[idx]
+ if char ==# esc && str[idx+1] ==# sep
+ let part .= sep
+ let idx += 1
+ elseif char ==# sep
+ call add(list, part)
+ let part = ''
+ else
+ let part .= char
+ endif
+ let idx += 1
+ endwhile
+ return parts
+" Convenience version function check that should work with 7.0 or newer;
+" takes strings like 7.3.251
+function! vimrc#Version(verstr) abort
+ " Throw toys if the string doesn't match the expected format
+ if a:verstr !~# '^\d\+\.\d\+.\d\+$'
+ echoerr 'Invalid version string: '.a:verstr
+ endif
+ " Split version string into major, minor, and patch level integers
+ let [major, minor, patch] = split(a:verstr, '\.')
+ " Create a string like 801 from a version number 8.1 to compare it to
+ " the v:version integer
+ let ver = major * 100 + minor
+ " Compare versions
+ if v:version > ver
+ return 1 " Current Vim is newer than the wanted one
+ elseif ver < v:version
+ return 0 " Current Vim is older than the wanted one
+ else
+ return has('patch'.patch) " Versions equal, return patch presence
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index b2f32930..1cdaaf15 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
" Set an environment variable for the user runtime directory, if not already
" set; use the first element of &runtimepath, rather like 'spellfile'
if !exists('$MYVIM') && &runtimepath !=# ''
- let $MYVIM = vimrc#SplitEscaped(&runtimepath)[0]
+ let $MYVIM = vimrc#SplitOption(&runtimepath)[0]
" The all-important default indent settings; filetypes to tweak
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ set backspace+=start " Before the start of current insertion
" Keep backup files in dedicated directory; add trailing double-slash to keep
" full path in name, if Vim is new enough to support that
set backup
-execute 'set backupdir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetList($MYVIM.'/cache/backup')
+execute 'set backupdir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart($MYVIM.'/cache/backup')
\ . (vimrc#Version('8.1.251') ? '//' : '')
" Add some *nix paths not to back up
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ set confirm
set cpoptions+=J
" Keep swap files in dedicated directory, named with full path
-execute 'set directory^='.vimrc#EscapeSetList($MYVIM.'/cache/swap')
+execute 'set directory^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart($MYVIM.'/cache/swap')
" If the environment didn't set an encoding, use UTF-8, not ASCII
if !exists('$LANG')
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ endif
" Keep persistent undo files in dedicated directory, named with full path
if has('persistent_undo') " v7.2.438
set undofile
- execute 'set undodir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetList($MYVIM.'/cache/undo//')
+ execute 'set undodir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart($MYVIM.'/cache/undo//')
" Keep the viminfo file in the home Vim directory, mostly to stop history