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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/pdksh/kshrc.d/prompt.ksh b/pdksh/kshrc.d/prompt.ksh
index bef80733..f7a187ed 100644
--- a/pdksh/kshrc.d/prompt.ksh
+++ b/pdksh/kshrc.d/prompt.ksh
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ prompt() {
# Set up prompt, including optional PROMPT_PREFIX and PROMPT_SUFFIX
# variables
- PS1=$PS1'$(prompt vcs)'
PS1=$PS1'$(prompt job)'
PS1=$PS1'$(prompt ret)'
@@ -95,164 +94,6 @@ prompt() {
PS4='+ '
- git)
- # Bail if we have no git(1)
- if ! hash git 2>/dev/null ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # Attempt to determine git branch, bail if we can't
- local branch
- branch=$( {
- git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD ||
- git rev-parse --short HEAD
- } 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ ! -n $branch ]] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- branch=${branch##*/}
- # Safely read status with -z --porcelain
- local line
- local -i ready modified untracked
- while IFS= read -rd '' line ; do
- if [[ $line == [MADRCT]* ]] ; then
- ready=1
- fi
- if [[ $line == ?[MADRCT]* ]] ; then
- modified=1
- fi
- if [[ $line == '??'* ]] ; then
- untracked=1
- fi
- done < <(git status -z --porcelain 2>/dev/null)
- # Build state array from status output flags
- local -a state
- if ((ready)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='+'
- fi
- if ((modified)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='!'
- fi
- if ((untracked)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='?'
- fi
- # Add another indicator if we have stashed changes
- if git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='^'
- fi
- # Print the status in brackets with a git: prefix
- (IFS= ; printf '(git:%s%s)' "${branch:-unknown}" "${state[*]}")
- ;;
- # Mercurial prompt function
- hg)
- # Bail if we have no hg(1)
- if ! hash hg 2>/dev/null ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # Exit if not inside a Mercurial tree
- local branch
- if ! branch=$(hg branch 2>/dev/null) ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # Safely read status with -0
- local line
- local -i modified untracked
- while IFS= read -rd '' line ; do
- if [[ $line == '?'* ]] ; then
- untracked=1
- else
- modified=1
- fi
- done < <(hg status -0 2>/dev/null)
- # Build state array from status output flags
- local -a state
- if ((modified)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='!'
- fi
- if ((untracked)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='?'
- fi
- # Print the status in brackets with an hg: prefix
- (IFS= ; printf '(hg:%s%s)' "${branch:-unknown}" "${state[*]}")
- ;;
- # Subversion prompt function
- svn)
- # Bail if we have no svn(1)
- if ! hash svn 2>/dev/null ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # Determine the repository URL and root directory
- local key value url root
- while IFS=: read -r key value ; do
- case $key in
- 'URL')
- url=${value## }
- ;;
- 'Repository Root')
- root=${value## }
- ;;
- esac
- done < <(svn info 2>/dev/null)
- # Exit if we couldn't get either
- if [[ ! -n $url || ! -n $root ]] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # Remove the root from the URL to get what's hopefully the branch
- # name, removing leading slashes and the 'branches' prefix, and any
- # trailing content after a slash
- local branch
- branch=${url/"$root"}
- branch=${branch#/}
- branch=${branch#branches/}
- branch=${branch%%/*}
- # Parse the output of svn status to determine working copy state
- local symbol
- local -i modified untracked
- while read -r symbol _ ; do
- if [[ $symbol == *'?'* ]] ; then
- untracked=1
- else
- modified=1
- fi
- done < <(svn status 2>/dev/null)
- # Add appropriate state flags
- local -a state
- if ((modified)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='!'
- fi
- if ((untracked)) ; then
- state[${#state[@]}]='?'
- fi
- # Print the state in brackets with an svn: prefix
- (IFS= ; printf '(svn:%s%s)' "${branch:-unknown}" "${state[*]}")
- ;;
- # VCS wrapper prompt function; print the first relevant prompt, if any
- vcs)
- local vcs
- for vcs in "${PROMPT_VCS[@]:-git}" ; do
- if prompt "$vcs" ; then
- return
- fi
- done
- ;;
# Show return status of previous command in angle brackets, if not zero
if ((PROMPT_RETURN > 0)) ; then