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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 1037caf6..fb18a2bd 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -33,7 +33,14 @@ set autoindent " Use indent of previous line on new lines
set expandtab " Use spaces instead of tabs
set shiftround " Round indenting to multiples of 'shiftwidth'
set shiftwidth=4 " Indent with four spaces
-set softtabstop=4 " Insert four spaces for a Tab press
+" Spaces to insert on Tab key press; if supported, use negative value to
+" mirror 'shiftwidth'
+if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch693')
+ set softtabstop=-1
+ set softtabstop=4
" Let me backspace over pretty much anything
set backspace=