path: root/vim
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-10 00:12:11 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-10 00:12:11 +1200
commitc58b393f617b55677b7d2fe23c8f2c1de3e48827 (patch)
tree3e46850a8d03e564d87e79fb3c88c14e94f35b59 /vim
parentDocument insert mode CTRL-K double-tap mapping (diff)
Make comments on leader mappings more legible
More abstracted, too. Who knows if I'll keep using backslash?
Diffstat (limited to 'vim')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 369962a7..e431e38e 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -1053,174 +1053,174 @@ nmap ]<Space> <Plug>(PutBlankLinesBelow)
let mapleader = '\'
let maplocalleader = ','
-" \a toggles 'formatoptions' 'a' flag using a plugin
+" Leader,a toggles 'formatoptions' 'a' flag using a plugin
nnoremap <Leader>a :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal formatoptions a<CR>
-" \b toggles settings friendly to copying and pasting
+" Leader,b toggles settings friendly to copying and pasting
nmap <Leader>b <Plug>(CopyLinebreakToggle)
-" \c toggles 'cursorline'; no visual mode map as it doesn't work
+" Leader,c toggles 'cursorline'; no visual mode map as it doesn't work
nnoremap <Leader>c :<C-U>setlocal cursorline! cursorline?<CR>
-" \C toggles 'cursorcolumn'; works in visual mode
+" Leader,C toggles 'cursorcolumn'; works in visual mode
nnoremap <Leader>C :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>C :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>gv
-" \d inserts the local date (POSIX date)
+" Leader,d inserts the local date (POSIX date)
nnoremap <Leader>d :read !date<CR>
-" \D inserts the UTC date (POSIX date)
+" Leader,D inserts the UTC date (POSIX date)
nnoremap <Leader>D :read !date -u<CR>
-" \e forces a buffer to be editable
+" Leader,e forces a buffer to be editable
nnoremap <Leader>e :<C-U>setlocal modifiable noreadonly<CR>
-" \f shows the current 'formatoptions' at a glance
+" Leader,f shows the current 'formatoptions' at a glance
nnoremap <Leader>f :<C-U>setlocal formatoptions?<CR>
-" \F reloads filetype plugins
+" Leader,F reloads filetype plugins
nnoremap <Leader>F :<C-U>FileTypeReload<CR>
-" \g shows the current file's fully expanded path
+" Leader,g shows the current file's fully expanded path
nnoremap <Leader>g :<C-U>echo expand('%:p')<CR>
-" \G changes directory to the current file's location
+" Leader,G changes directory to the current file's location
nnoremap <Leader>G :<C-U>cd %:h<Bar>pwd<CR>
-" \h toggles highlighting search results
+" Leader,h toggles highlighting search results
nnoremap <Leader>h :<C-U>set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
-" \H shows command history
+" Leader,H shows command history
nnoremap <Leader>H :<C-U>history :<CR>
-" \i toggles showing matches as I enter my pattern
+" Leader,i toggles showing matches as I enter my pattern
nnoremap <Leader>i :<C-U>set incsearch! incsearch?<CR>
-" \j jumps to buffers ("jetpack")
+" Leader,j jumps to buffers ("jetpack")
nnoremap <Leader>j :<C-U>buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
-" \k shows my marks
+" Leader,k shows my marks
nnoremap <Leader>k :<C-U>marks<CR>
-" \l toggles showing tab, end-of-line, and trailing white space
+" Leader,l toggles showing tab, end-of-line, and trailing white space
nnoremap <Leader>l :<C-U>setlocal list! list?<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>l :<C-U>setlocal list! list?<CR>gv
-" \L toggles 'colorcolumn' showing 'textwidth'
+" Leader,L toggles 'colorcolumn' showing 'textwidth'
nnoremap <Leader>L :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>L :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>gv
-" \m shows normal maps
+" Leader,m shows normal maps
nnoremap <Leader>m :<C-U>map<CR>
-" \M shows buffer-local normal maps
+" Leader,M shows buffer-local normal maps
nnoremap <Leader>M :<C-U>map <buffer><CR>
-" \n toggles line number display
+" Leader,n toggles line number display
nnoremap <Leader>n :<C-U>setlocal number! number?<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>n :<C-U>setlocal number! number?<CR>gv
-" \N toggles position display in bottom right
+" Leader,N toggles position display in bottom right
nnoremap <Leader>N :<C-U>set ruler! ruler?<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>N :<C-U>set ruler! ruler?<CR>gv
-" \o opens a line below in paste mode
+" Leader,o opens a line below in paste mode
nmap <Leader>o <Plug>(PasteOpenBelow)
-" \O opens a line above in paste mode
+" Leader,O opens a line above in paste mode
nmap <Leader>O <Plug>(PasteOpenAbove)
-" \p toggles paste mode
+" Leader,p toggles paste mode
nnoremap <Leader>p :<C-U>set paste! paste?<CR>
-" \P creates the path to the current file
+" Leader,P creates the path to the current file
nnoremap <Leader>P :<C-U>call mkdir(expand('%:h'), 'p')<CR>
-" \q formats the current paragraph
+" Leader,q formats the current paragraph
nnoremap <Leader>q gqap
-" \r acts as a replacement operator
+" Leader,r acts as a replacement operator
nmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
xmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
-" \R reloads ~/.vimrc
+" Leader,R reloads ~/.vimrc
nnoremap <Leader>R :<C-U>source $MYVIMRC<CR>
-" \s toggles spell checking
+" Leader,s toggles spell checking
nnoremap <Leader>s :<C-U>setlocal spell! spell?<CR>
-" \S shows loaded scripts
+" Leader,S shows loaded scripts
nnoremap <Leader>S :<C-U>scriptnames<CR>
-" \t shows current filetype
+" Leader,t shows current filetype
nnoremap <Leader>t :<C-U>setlocal filetype?<CR>
-" \T clears filetype
+" Leader,T clears filetype
nnoremap <Leader>T :<C-U>setlocal filetype=<CR>
-" \u sets US English spelling (compare \z)
+" Leader,u sets US English spelling (compare Leader,z)
nnoremap <Leader>u :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_us<CR>
-" \v shows all global variables
+" Leader,v shows all global variables
nnoremap <Leader>v :<C-U>let g: v:<CR>
-" \V shows all local variables
+" Leader,V shows all local variables
nnoremap <Leader>V :<C-U>let b: t: w:<CR>
-" \w toggles wrapping
+" Leader,w toggles wrapping
nnoremap <Leader>w :<C-U>setlocal wrap! wrap?<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>w :<C-U>setlocal wrap! wrap?<CR>gv
-" \x strips trailing whitespace via a custom plugin
+" Leader,x strips trailing whitespace via a custom plugin
nnoremap <Leader>x :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>x :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
-" \X squeezes repeated blank lines via a custom plugin
+" Leader,X squeezes repeated blank lines via a custom plugin
nnoremap <Leader>X :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>X :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
-" \y shows all registers
+" Leader,y shows all registers
nnoremap <Leader>y :<C-U>registers<CR>
-" \z sets NZ English spelling (compare \u)
+" Leader,z sets NZ English spelling (compare Leader,u)
nnoremap <Leader>z :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_nz<CR>
-" \= runs the whole buffer through =, preserving position
+" Leader,= runs the whole buffer through =, preserving position
nnoremap <Leader>= :<C-U>KeepPosition normal! 1G=G<CR>
-" \+ runs the whole buffer through gq, preserving position
+" Leader,+ runs the whole buffer through gq, preserving position
nnoremap <Leader>+ :<C-U>KeepPosition normal! 1GgqG<CR>
-" \. runs the configured make program into the location list
+" Leader,. runs the configured make program into the location list
nnoremap <Leader>. :<C-U>lmake!<CR>
-" \< and \> adjust indent of last edit; good for pasting
+" Leader,< and Leader,> adjust indent of last edit; good for pasting
nnoremap <Leader><lt> :<C-U>'[,']<lt><CR>
nnoremap <Leader>> :<C-U>'[,']><CR>
-" \_ uses last changed or yanked text as an object
+" Leader,_ uses last changed or yanked text as an object
onoremap <Leader>_ :<C-U>normal! `[v`]<CR>
-" \% uses entire buffer as an object
+" Leader,% uses entire buffer as an object
onoremap <Leader>% :<C-U>normal! 1GVG<CR>
-" \{ and \} move to lines with non-space chars before current column
+" Leader,{ and Leader,} move to lines with non-space chars before current column
map <Leader>{ <Plug>(VerticalRegionUp)
sunmap <Leader>{
map <Leader>} <Plug>(VerticalRegionDown)
sunmap <Leader>}
-" \/ types :vimgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+" Leader,/ types :vimgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
nnoremap <Leader>/ :<C-U>vimgrep /\c/j **<S-Left><S-Left><Right>
-" \? types :lhelpgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+" Leader,? types :lhelpgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
nnoremap <Leader>? :<C-U>lhelpgrep \c<S-Left>
-" \* escapes regex metacharacters
+" Leader,* escapes regex metacharacters
nmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
xmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
-" \\ jumps to the last edit position mark, like g;, but works as a motion
+" Leader,\ jumps to the last edit position mark, like g;, but works as a motion
" "Now, where was I?" (tap-tap)
nnoremap <Leader>\ `"
xnoremap <Leader>\ `"
-" \DEL deletes the current buffer
+" Leader,DEL deletes the current buffer
nnoremap <Leader><Delete> :bdelete<CR>
-" \INS edits a new buffer
+" Leader,INS edits a new buffer
nnoremap <Leader><Insert> :<C-U>enew<CR>
-" \TAB toggles 'autoindent'
+" Leader,TAB toggles 'autoindent'
nnoremap <Leader><Tab> :<C-U>setlocal autoindent! autoindent?<CR>
" Some useful abbreviations