path: root/vim
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-09 01:20:36 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-09 01:20:36 +1200
commite858f2b6872a4f0807f1576a0e7347f91a2b9e53 (patch)
treed53ba013c1d9e04f995ac778dcd086e59362e14b /vim
parentAdjust comma comment (diff)
Refactor cache directory creation and 'viminfo'
Diffstat (limited to 'vim')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 0b359398..cce19369 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -95,13 +95,44 @@ if stridx($MYVIM, ',') != -1
-" If we have a directory creation function, and the cache directory doesn't
-" already exist, create it. This will be where backup, swap, undo, and
-" viminfo files are stored, each in their own directories.
+" We're going to be creating a few directories, and the code to do so in
+" a compatible way is surprisingly verbose, because we need to check the
+" mkdir() function is actually available, and also whether the directory
+" concerned already exists, even if we specify the special 'p' value for its
+" optional {path} argument.
+" This is because the meaning of mkdir(..., 'p') is not the same as `mkdir -p`
+" in shell script, or at least, it isn't in older versions of Vim. Even with
+" the magic 'p' sauce, these older versions throw errors if the directory
+" already exists, despite what someone familiar with `mkdir -p`'s behaviour in
+" shell script might expect.
+" So, let's wrap all that nonsense in a script-local function. We'll make all
+" the directories we create have restrictive permissions, too, with a {prot}
+" argument of 0700.
+function! s:Mkdir(path) abort
+ if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(a:path)
+ call mkdir(a:path, 'p', 0700)
+ endif
+" Keep the viminfo file in a cache subdirectory of $MYVIM, creating that
+" subdirectory if necessary.
-if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory($MYVIM.'/cache')
- call mkdir($MYVIM.'/cache', 'p', 0700)
+" Using this location for viminfo has the nice benefit of preventing history
+" from getting clobbered when something runs Vim without using this vimrc,
+" because it writes its history to the default viminfo path instead. It also
+" means that everything Vim-related in the user's home directory should be
+" encapsulated in the one ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles directory.
+" The normal method of specifying the path to the viminfo file used here is an
+" addendum to the 'viminfo' option, which works OK. Vim v8.1.716 introduced
+" a nicer way to set it with a 'viminfofile' option, but there's no particular
+" reason to use it until it's in a few more stable versions.
+call s:Mkdir($MYVIM.'/cache')
+set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
" Create a 'vimrc' automatic command hook group, if it already exists, and
" clear away any automatic command hooks already defined within it if it does,
@@ -255,10 +286,7 @@ if has('patch-8.1.251')
set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup
-let s:backupdir = split(&backupdir, s:option_split_pattern)[0]
-if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(s:backupdir)
- call mkdir(s:backupdir, '', 0700)
+call s:Mkdir(split(&backupdir, s:option_split_pattern)[0])
" Files in certain directories on Unix-compatible filesystems should not be
" backed up for reasons of privacy, or an intentional ephemerality, or both.
@@ -340,10 +368,7 @@ set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
" needed, too.
set directory^=$MYVIM/cache/swap//
-let s:directory = split(&directory, s:option_split_pattern)[0]
-if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(s:directory)
- call mkdir(s:directory, '', 0700)
+call s:Mkdir(split(&directory, s:option_split_pattern)[0])
" On Unix, I keep LANG defined in my environment, and it's almost always set
" to a multibyte (UTF-8) locale. This informs Vim's choice of internal
@@ -590,18 +615,7 @@ endif
if has('persistent_undo') " v7.2.438
set undofile
set undodir^=$MYVIM/cache/undo//
- let s:undodir = split(&undodir, s:option_split_pattern)[0]
- if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(s:undodir)
- call mkdir(s:undodir, '', 0700)
- endif
-" Keep the viminfo file in the home Vim directory, mostly to stop history
-" getting clobbered when something runs Vim without using this vimrc
-if exists('+viminfofile') " Use new option method if we can (v8.1.716)
- set viminfofile=$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
-else " Resort to clunkier method with 'viminfo' option flag
- set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
+ call s:Mkdir(split(&undodir, s:option_split_pattern)[0])
" Let me move beyond buffer text in visual block mode