path: root/vim/vimrc.vim
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-20 10:19:51 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-20 10:22:49 +1200
commit07e10e0c6cf47e92d92855671f9ea26e9a1ac575 (patch)
tree29ba15593d871d2a4a391f3345b5dc944da356d6 /vim/vimrc.vim
parentMerge branch 'release/v6.34.0' into develop (diff)
Rename vimrc and gvimrc to have .vim suffix
Since they don't need to have the same names when installed, this makes it marginally easier to set filetypes without special paths.
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/vimrc.vim')
1 files changed, 1644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc.vim b/vim/vimrc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..977cc05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/vimrc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1644 @@
+" Tom Ryder (tejr)'s Literate Vimrc
+" =================================
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/dotfiles.git>
+" This is an attempt at something like a 'literate vimrc', in the tradition of
+" Donald Knuth's "literate programming":
+" <http://www.literateprogramming.com/>
+" It's a long file, and comments abound. If this bothers you, you can execute
+" this command in Vim to strip out all the blank lines and lines with only
+" comments:
+" :g/\m^$\|^\s*"/d
+" This file should be saved as "vimrc" in the user runtime directory. On
+" Unix-like operating systems, this is ~/.vim; on Windows, it's ~/vimfiles.
+" It requires Vim 7.0 or newer with +eval, with 'nocompatible'. The vimrc
+" stub at ~/.vimrc on Unix or ~/_vimrc on Windows should check that these
+" conditions are met before loading this file with `:runtime vimrc`.
+" > And I was lifted up in heart, and thought
+" > Of all my late-shown prowess in the lists,
+" > How my strong lance had beaten down the knights,
+" > So many and famous names; and never yet
+" > Had heaven appeared so blue, nor earth so green,
+" > For all my blood danced in me, and I knew
+" > That I should light upon the Holy Grail.
+" >
+" > --Tennyson
+" This file has characters outside the ASCII character set, which makes the
+" Vim script linter vim-vint recommend declaring the file encoding with
+" a :scriptencoding command. The :help for this command specifies that it
+" should be done after 'encoding' is set, so we'll do that here at the top of
+" the file too.
+" On Unix, I keep LANG defined in my environment, and it's almost always set
+" to a multibyte (UTF-8) locale. This informs Vim's choice of internal
+" character encoding, but the default for the 'encoding' option in LANG's
+" absence is "latin1". Nowadays, this is never what I want, so we'll manually
+" choose "utf-8" as an encoding instead if the encoding is the default
+" 'latin1', and LANG is not defined.
+if !exists('$LANG') && &encoding ==# 'latin1'
+ set encoding=utf-8
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" With encoding handled, the next thing we'll do is ensure we have an
+" environment variable MYVIM set that specifies the path to the directory
+" holding user runtime files. We'll only set our own if such a variable does
+" not already exist in the environment.
+" We'll use the path nominated in the MYVIM variable as the root of our
+" 'backupdir', 'directory', 'undodir', and 'viminfofile' caches, and anywhere
+" else we need a sensible writable location for Vim-related files. Having it
+" available as an environment variable makes assignments with :set and
+" escaping much more convenient, without requiring awkward :execute wrappers.
+" I think the absence of a variable like this is a glaring omission from Vim.
+" We have VIM, VIMRUNTIME, and MYVIMRC, so why is there not an environment
+" variable for the user's Vim runtime directory? It is a mystery.
+" The default value for MYVIM will be the first path in &runtimepath. This is
+" similar to what Vim does internally for situating its spelling database
+" files, in the absence of a specific setting for 'spellfile'.
+" Splitting the values of a comma-separated option like 'runtimepath'
+" correctly is surprisingly complicated. The list separator for such options
+" is more accurately defined as follows:
+" > A comma not preceded by a backslash, and possibly followed by an arbitrary
+" > number of spaces and commas.
+" The pattern required for the split breaks down like this:
+" \\ <- Literal backslash
+" \@<! <- Negative lookbehind assertion; means that whatever occurred
+" before this pattern, here a backslash, cannot precede what
+" follows, but anything that does precede it is not removed from
+" the data as part of the split delimiter
+" , <- Literal comma
+" [, ]* <- Any number of commas and spaces
+" For the edge case of a blank 'runtimepath', MYVIM will be set to the empty
+" string, due to the way that split() works by default without its third
+" parameter {keepempty} set to false.
+" Once we have the path elements, we have to remove the escaping for periods,
+" specifically remove up to one backslash before all periods. We do that with
+" a map() over substitute(), string-eval style to accommodate older Vim before
+" Funcref variables were added.
+" We don't, however, have to deal with backslashes before other backslashes,
+" nor before any other character. You can read the source code for the ad-hoc
+" tokenizer in copy_option_part() in src/misc2.c in Vim's source code, and
+" test it with some values of your own, if you want to understand why.
+" I'll factor all of this mess out into a global function if I ever need it
+" anywhere else. Vim, I love you, but you are really weird.
+if !exists('$MYVIM')
+ let $MYVIM = map(
+ \ split(&runtimepath, '\\\@<!,[, ]*')
+ \,'substitute(v:val, ''\\,'', '''', ''g'')'
+ \)[0]
+" Having either imported or defined a value for the MYVIM environment
+" variable, we now need to ensure it's not going to cause problems for the
+" rest of this file. If any of those conditions are met, we'll throw an
+" explanatory error and stop reading this file. Most of the file doesn't
+" depend on MYVIM, but there's not much point accommodating these edge cases.
+" Firstly, MYVIM can't be an empty string. We need a real path.
+if $MYVIM ==# ''
+ echoerr 'Blank user runtime path'
+ finish
+" Secondly, if MYVIM's value contains a comma, its use in comma-separated
+" option values will confuse Vim into thinking more than one directory is
+" being specified, splitting our value into parts. This is normal :set
+" behavior. It's possible to work around this with some careful escaping or
+" :execute abstraction, but it's not really worth the extra complexity for
+" such a niche situation.
+if stridx($MYVIM, ',') >= 0
+ echoerr 'Illegal comma in user runtime path'
+ finish
+" Thirdly, Vim v7 prior to v7.1.055 had a nasty bug with escaping with
+" multiple backslash characters on the command line, and so on these older
+" versions of Vim, we'll need to forbid that character in the value of MYVIM
+" in order to be confident that we're stashing files in the correct path.
+" To reproduce this bug on these older versions, try this command:
+" :file foo\ bar\ baz
+" It should rename the buffer as "foo bar aaz"; note the change in the first
+" letter of the last word of the filename.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.1.055>
+if (v:version < 701 || v:version == 701 && !has('patch55'))
+ \ && stridx($MYVIM, '\') >= 0
+ echoerr 'Illegal backslash in user runtime path on Vim < v7.1.055'
+ finish
+" Now that we have a bit more confidence in our runtime environment, set up
+" all of the filetype detection, plugin, and indent hooks.
+filetype plugin indent on
+" There are a couple of contexts in which it's useful to reload filetypes for
+" the current buffer, quietly doing nothing if filetypes aren't enabled.
+" We'll set up a user command named :ReloadFileType to do this, with
+" a script-local function backing it.
+function! s:ReloadFileType() abort
+ if exists('g:did_load_filetypes')
+ doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
+ endif
+command! -bar ReloadFileType
+ \ call s:ReloadFileType()
+" We'll also define a :ReloadVimrc command. This may seem like overkill, at
+" first. Surely just `:source $MYVIMRC` would be good enough?
+" The problem is there are potential side effects to the current buffer when
+" the vimrc is reloaded. The :set commands for options like 'expandtab' and
+" 'shiftwidth' may trample over different buffer-local settings that were
+" specified by filetype and indent plugins. To ensure these local values are
+" reinstated, we'll define the new command wrapper to issue a :ReloadFileType
+" command after the vimrc file is sourced.
+" We can't put the actual :source command into the script-local function we
+" define here, because Vim would get upset that we're trying to redefine
+" a function as it executes!
+" Just to be on the safe side, we also suppress any further ##SourceCmd hooks
+" from running the :source command with a :noautocmd wrapper. This is
+" a defensive measure to avoid infinite recursion. It may not actually be
+" necessary.
+" We emit a message afterwards, just to make it clear that something has
+" happened. The :redraw just before that message seems to be necessary for
+" this message to display correctly. I'm not sure why.
+function! s:ReloadVimrc() abort
+ ReloadFileType
+ redraw
+ echomsg fnamemodify($MYVIMRC, ':p:~').' reloaded'
+command! -bar ReloadVimrc
+ \ noautocmd source $MYVIMRC | call s:ReloadVimrc()
+" We'll now create or reset a group of automatic command hooks specific to
+" matters related to reloading the vimrc itself, or maintaining and managing
+" options set within it.
+augroup vimrc
+ autocmd!
+augroup END
+" Reload the stub vimrc, and thereby this main one, each time either of them
+" is written. This often makes errors in the file immediately apparent, and
+" saves restarting Vim or running the :source command manually, which I almost
+" always want to do after changing my vimrc file anyway.
+autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ ReloadVimrc
+" If Vim is new enough (v7.0.187) to support the ##SourceCmd event for
+" automatic command hooks, we'll also apply a hook for that event to catch
+" invocations of :source of either vimrc file, and translate that into
+" reloading the stub vimrc.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.0.187>
+if exists('##SourceCmd')
+ autocmd vimrc SourceCmd $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ ReloadVimrc
+" We're going to be creating a few directories now. The code to do so in
+" a compatible way is verbose, mostly because we need to check whether the
+" directory already exists, even though we're specifying the special 'p' value
+" for its optional {path} argument. This is because until v8.0.1708, mkdir()
+" raises an error if the directory to be created already exists, even with
+" a {path} of 'p', where the analogous `mkdir` shell command does not do so
+" with its -p option included.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.0.1708>
+" So, let's wrap that logic in a script-local function s:Establish(), and then
+" hide it behind a user command :Establish. We'll lock down all the
+" directories that we create with restrictive permissions, too. Who knows
+" what secrets are in your file buffers?
+" We set the command's tab completion to provide directory names as
+" candidates, and specify that there must be only one argument, which we'll
+" provide as a quoted parameter to the function.
+function! s:Establish(name) abort
+ let name = a:name
+ let path = 'p'
+ let prot = 0700
+ if !isdirectory(name) && exists('*mkdir')
+ call mkdir(name, path, prot)
+ endif
+command! -bar -complete=dir -nargs=1 Establish
+ \ call s:Establish(<f-args>)
+" Now that we have a clean means to create directories if they don't already
+" exist, let's apply it for the first time to the user runtime directory.
+" Note that we aren't checking whether this actually succeeded. We do want
+" errors raised if there were problems with the creation, but we'll barrel on
+" ahead regardless after warning the user about our failure.
+Establish $MYVIM
+" Our next application of our new :Establish command is to configure the path
+" for the viminfo metadata file, putting it in a cache subdirectory of the
+" user runtime directory set in MYVIM.
+" Using this non-default location for viminfo has the nice benefit of
+" preventing command and search history from getting clobbered when something
+" runs Vim without using this vimrc, because such an instance will safely
+" write its history to the default viminfo path instead. It also contributes
+" to our aim of having everything related to the Vim runtime process in one
+" dedicated directory tree.
+" The normal method of specifying the path to the viminfo file, as applied
+" here, is an addendum of the path to the 'viminfo' option with an "n" prefix.
+" Vim v8.1.716 introduced a nicer way to set this with an option named
+" 'viminfofile', which is too new for us to use just yet.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.1.0716>
+Establish $MYVIM/cache
+set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
+" Speaking of recorded data in viminfo files, the default Vim limit of a mere
+" 50 entries for command and search history is pretty mean. Because I don't
+" think I'm ever likely to be in a situation where remembering several
+" thousand Vim commands and search patterns is going to severely tax memory,
+" let alone disk space, I'd rather this limit were much higher. It's
+" sometimes really handy to dig up commands from many days ago.
+" The maximum value for the 'history' option is documented in `:help
+" 'history'` as 10000, so let's just use that, and see if anything breaks.
+set history=10000
+" We'll now enable automatic backups of most file buffers, since that's off by
+" default. In practice, I don't need these backups very much, at least if I'm
+" using version control sensibly, but they have still saved my bacon a few
+" times.
+" We'll try to keep the backup files in a dedicated cache directory, to stop
+" them popping up next to the file to which they correspond, and getting
+" accidentally committed to version control.
+" If Vim is new enough, we'll add two trailing slashes to the path we're
+" inserting, which prompts Vim to incorporate the full escaped path of the
+" relevant buffer in the backup filename, avoiding collisions.
+" As a historical note, other similar directory path list options supported
+" this trailing slashes hint for a long time before 'backupdir' caught up to
+" them. The 'directory' option for swap files has supported it at least as
+" far back as v5.8.0 (2001), and 'undodir' appears to have supported it since
+" its creation in v7.2.438. Even though the :help for 'backupdir' didn't say
+" so, people assumed it would work the same way, when in fact Vim simply
+" ignored it until v8.1.0251. I don't want to add the slashes to the option
+" value in older versions of Vim where they don't do anything, so we'll check
+" the version ourselves to see if there's any point in including them.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.1.0251>
+" It's all so awkward. Surely separate options named something like
+" 'backupfullname', 'swapfilefullname' would have been clearer.
+set backup
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/backup
+if has('patch-8.1.251')
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup//
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup
+" Files in certain directories on Unix-compatible filesystems should not be
+" backed up, for security reasons. This is particularly important if editing
+" temporary files created by sudoedit(8). On Unix-like systems, we here add
+" a few paths to the default value of 'backupskip' in order to prevent the
+" creation of such undesired backup files.
+" * /dev/shm: RAM disk, default path for password-store's temporary files
+" * /usr/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [1/2]
+" * /var/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [2/2]
+" Prior to v8.1.1519, Vim didn't check patterns added to 'backupskip' for
+" uniqueness, so adding the same path repeatedly resulted in duplicate strings
+" in the value. This was due to the absence of the P_NODUP flag for the
+" option's definition in src/option.c in the Vim source code. If we're using
+" a version older than v8.1.1519, we'll need to explicitly reset 'backupskip'
+" to its default value before adding patterns to it, so that reloading this
+" file doesn't stack up multiple copies of any added paths.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.1.1519>
+if has('unix')
+ if !has('patch-8.1.1519')
+ set backupskip&
+ endif
+ set backupskip^=/dev/shm/*,/usr/tmp/*,/var/tmp/*
+" Keep swap files for file buffers in a dedicated directory, rather than the
+" default of writing them to the same directory as the buffer file. Add two
+" trailing slashes to the path to prompt Vim to use the full escaped path in
+" its name, in order to avoid filename collisions, since the 'directory'
+" option has supported that hint for much longer than 'backupdir' has. We
+" apply :Establish to attempt to create the path first, if needed.
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/swap
+set directory^=$MYVIM/cache/swap//
+" Keep tracked undo history for files permanently, in a dedicated cache
+" directory, so that the u/:undo and CTRL-R/:redo commands will work between
+" Vim invocations.
+" The 'undodir' option has the same structure as 'backupdir' and 'directory';
+" if we have a user runtime directory, create a sub-subdirectory within it
+" dedicated to the undo files cache. Note also the trailing double-slash as
+" a signal to Vim to use the full path of the original file in its undo file
+" cache's name.
+" Support for these persistent undo file caches was not released until v7.3.0,
+" so we need to check for the feature's presence before we enable it.
+if has('persistent_undo')
+ Establish $MYVIM/cache/undo
+ set undofile
+ set undodir^=$MYVIM/cache/undo//
+" For spelling, use New Zealand English by default, but later on we'll
+" configure a leader mapping to switch to United States English, since I so
+" often have to write for Yankees. We'll set the 'spellfile' option too, to
+" place it in the cache directory into which we've been putting everything.
+" We'll follow Vim's standard naming convention for the file itself, though.
+" If available, my plugin spellfile_local.vim will extend this later to add
+" more spelling word lists per filetype and per file.
+set spelllang=en_nz
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell
+let &spellfile = $MYVIM.'/cache/spell/'.join([
+ \ substitute(&spelllang, '_.*', '', '')
+ \,&encoding
+ \,'add'
+ \], '.')
+" For word completion in insert mode with CTRL-X CTRL-K, or if 'complete'
+" includes the 'k' flag, the 'dictionary' option specifies the path to the
+" system word list. This makes the dictionary completion work consistently,
+" even if 'spell' isn't set at the time to coax it into using 'spellfile'.
+" It's not an error if the system directory file added first doesn't exist;
+" it's just a common location that often yields a workable word list, and does
+" so on all of my main machines.
+" At some point, I may end up having to set this option along with 'spellfile'
+" a bit more intelligently to ensure that spell checking and dictionary
+" function consistently, and with reference to the same resources. For the
+" moment, I've just added another entry referring to a directory in the user
+" runtime directory, but I don't have anything distinct to put there yet.
+" In much the same way, we add an expected path to a thesaurus, for completion
+" with CTRL-X CTRL-T in insert mode, or with 't' added to 'completeopt'. The
+" thesaurus data isn't installed as part of the default `install-vim` target
+" in tejr's dotfiles, but it can be retrieved and installed with
+" `install-vim-thesaurus`.
+" I got the thesaurus itself from the link in the :help for 'thesaurus' in
+" v8.1. It's from WordNet and MyThes-1. I maintain a mirror on my own
+" website that the Makefile recipe attempts to retrieve. I had to remove the
+" first two metadata lines from thesaurus.txt, as Vim appeared to interpret
+" them as part of the body data.
+" Extra checks for appending the 'dictionary' and 'thesaurus' paths in MYVIM
+" need to be made, because the P_NDNAME property is assigned to them, which
+" enforces a character blacklist in the option value. We check for the same
+" set of blacklist characters here, and if the MYVIM path offends, we just
+" skip the setting entirely, rather than throwing cryptic errors at the user.
+" None of them are particularly wise characters to have in paths, anyway,
+" legal though they may be on Unix filesystems.
+set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
+if $MYVIM !~# '[*?[|;&<>\r\n]'
+ set dictionary^=$MYVIM/ref/dictionary.txt
+ set thesaurus^=$MYVIM/ref/thesaurus.txt
+" Next, we'll modernize a little in adjusting some options with old
+" language-specific defaults.
+" Traditional vi was often used for development in the C programming language.
+" The default values for a lot of Vim's options still reflect this common use
+" pattern. In this case, the 'comments' and 'commentstring' options reflect
+" the C syntax for comments:
+" /*
+" * This is an ANSI C comment.
+" */
+" Similarly, the 'define' and 'include' options default to C preprocessor
+" directives:
+" #define FOO "bar"
+" #include "baz.h"
+" Times change, however, and I don't get to work with C nearly as much as I'd
+" like. The defaults for these options no longer make sense, and so we blank
+" them, compelling filetype plugins to set them as they need instead.
+" The default value for the 'path' option is similar, in that it has an aged
+" default; this option specifies directories in which project files and
+" includes can be unearthed by navigation commands like 'gf'. Specifically,
+" its default value comprises /usr/include, which is another C default. Let's
+" get rid of that, too.
+set comments= commentstring= define= include=
+set path-=/usr/include
+" Next, we'll adjust the global indentation settings. In general and as
+" a default, I prefer spaces to tabs, and I like to use four of them, for
+" a more distinct visual structure. Should you happen to disagree with this,
+" I cordially invite you to fite me irl.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/blinkenlights/spaces.webm>
+" Filetype indent plugins will often refine these settings for individual
+" buffers. For example, 'expandtab' is not appropriate for Makefiles, nor for
+" the Go programming language. For another, two-space indents are more
+" traditional for Vim script.
+set autoindent " Use indent of previous line on new lines
+set expandtab " Insert spaces when tab key is pressed in insert mode
+set shiftwidth=4 " Indent command like < and > use four-space indents
+set smarttab " Tab at start of line means indent, otherwise means tab
+" Apply 'softtabstop' option to make a tab key press in insert mode insert the
+" same number of spaces as defined by the indent depth in 'shiftwidth'. If
+" Vim is new enough to support it (v7.3.693), apply a negative value to do
+" this dynamically if 'shiftwidth' changes.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.3.693>
+if v:version > 730 || v:version == 730 && has('patch693')
+ set softtabstop=-1
+ let &softtabstop = &shiftwidth
+" Relax traditional vi's harsh standards over what regions of the buffer can
+" be removed with backspace in insert mode. While this admittedly allows bad
+" habits to continue, since insert mode by definition is not really intended
+" for deleting text, I feel the convenience outweighs that in this case.
+set backspace+=eol " Line breaks
+set backspace+=indent " Leading whitespace characters created by 'autoindent'
+set backspace+=start " Text before the start of the current insertion
+" When soft-wrapping text with the 'wrap' option on, which is off by default,
+" break the lines between words, rather than within them; it's much easier to
+" read.
+set linebreak
+" Similarly, show that the screen line is a trailing part of a wrapped line by
+" prefixing it with an ellipsis. If we have a multi-byte encoding, use
+" a proper ellipsis character to save a couple of columns, but otherwise three
+" periods will do just fine.
+" Note that we test for the presence of a multi-byte encoding with a special
+" feature from `:help feature-list`, as recommended by `:help encoding`.
+" Checking that `&encoding ==# 'utf-8'` is not quite the same thing, though
+" it's unlikely I'll ever use a different Unicode encoding by choice.
+if has('multi_byte_encoding')
+ set showbreak=…
+ set showbreak=...
+" The visual structure of code provided by indents breaks down if a lot of the
+" lines wrap. Ideally, most if not all lines would be kept below 80
+" characters, but in cases where this isn't possible, soft-wrapping longer
+" lines when 'wrap' is on so that the indent is preserved in the following
+" line mitigates this breakdown somewhat.
+" With this 'breakindent' option set, it's particularly important to have
+" 'showbreak' set to something besides an empty string, as done above,
+" otherwise without line numbers it's hard to tell what's a logical line and
+" what's not.
+" The 'breakindent' option wasn't added until v7.4.338, so we need to check it
+" exists before we set it.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.4.338>
+if exists('+breakindent')
+ set breakindent
+" Rather than rejecting operations like :write or :saveas when 'readonly' is
+" set or in other situations in which data might be lost, Vim should give me
+" a prompt to allow me to confirm that I know what I'm doing.
+set confirm
+" If Vim receives an Escape key code in insert mode, it shouldn't wait to see
+" if it's going to be followed by another key code, despite this being how the
+" function keys and Meta/Alt modifier are implemented for many terminal types.
+" Otherwise, if I press Escape, there's an annoying delay before 'showmode'
+" stops showing '--INSERT--'.
+" This breaks the function keys and the Meta/Alt modifier in insert mode in
+" most or maybe all of the terminals I use, but I don't want those keys in
+" insert mode, anyway. All of this works fine in the GUI, of course.
+set noesckeys
+" Automatic text wrapping options using flags in the 'formatoptions' option
+" begin here. I rely on the filetype plugins to set the 't' and 'c' flags for
+" this option to configure whether text or comments should be wrapped, as
+" appropriate for the document type or language, and so I don't mess with
+" either of those flags here.
+" If a line is already longer than 'textwidth' would otherwise limit when
+" editing of that line begins in insert mode, don't suddenly automatically
+" wrap it; I'll break it apart myself with a command like 'gq'. This doesn't
+" seem to stop paragraph reformatting with 'a', if that's set.
+set formatoptions+=l
+" Don't wrap a line in such a way that a single-letter word like "I" or "a" is
+" at the end of it. Typographically, as far as I can tell, this seems to be
+" a stylistic preference rather than a rule, rather like avoiding "widow" and
+" "orphan" lines in typesetting. I think it generally looks better to have
+" the short word start the line, so we'll switch it on.
+set formatoptions+=1
+" If the filetype plugins have correctly described what the comment syntax for
+" the buffer's language looks like, it makes sense to use that to figure out
+" how to join lines within comments without redundant comment syntax cropping
+" up. For example, with this set, joining lines in this very comment with 'J'
+" would remove the leading '"' characters.
+" This 'formatoptions' flag wasn't added until v7.3.541. Because we can't
+" test for the availability of option flags directly, we resort to a version
+" number check before attempting to set it. I don't like using :silent! to
+" suppress errors for this sort of thing when I can reasonably avoid it, even
+" if the tests are somewhat more verbose.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.3.541>
+if v:version > 730 || v:version == 730 && has('patch541')
+ set formatoptions+=j
+" A momentary digression here into the doldrums of 'cpoptions'--after
+" staunchly opposing it for years, I have converted to two-spacing. You can
+" blame Steve Losh:
+" <http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/why-i-two-space/>
+" Consequently, we specify that sentence objects for the purposes of the 's'
+" text object, the '(' and ')' sentence motions, and formatting with the 'gq'
+" command must be separated by *two* spaces. One space does not suffice.
+" My defection to the two-spacers is also the reason I now leave 'joinspaces'
+" set, per its default, so that two spaces are inserted when consecutive
+" sentences separated by a line break are joined onto one line by the 'J'
+" command.
+set cpoptions+=J
+" Separating sentences with two spaces has an advantage in making a clear
+" distinction between two different types of periods: periods that abbreviate
+" longer words, as in "Mr. Moolenaar", and periods that terminate sentences,
+" like this one.
+" If we're using two-period spacing for sentences, Vim can interpret the
+" different spacing to distinguish between the two types, and can thereby
+" avoid breaking a line just after an abbreviating period. For example, the
+" two words in "Mr. Moolenaar" should never be split apart, preventing
+" confusion on the reader's part lest the word "Mr." look too much like the
+" end of a sentence, and also preserving the semantics of that same period for
+" subsequent reformatting; its single-space won't get lost.
+" So, getting back to our 'formatoptions' settings, that is what the 'p' flag
+" does. I wrote the patch that added it, after becoming envious of an
+" analogous feature during an ill-fated foray into GNU Emacs usage.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.1.1523>
+if has('patch-8.1.728')
+ set formatoptions+=p
+" In an effort to avoid loading unnecessary files, we add a flag to the
+" 'guioptions' option to prevent the menu.vim runtime file from being loaded.
+" It doesn't do any harm, but I never use it, and it's easy to turn it off.
+" The documentation for this flag in `:help 'go-M'` includes a note saying the
+" flag should be set here, rather that in the GUI-specific gvimrc file, as one
+" might otherwise think.
+if has('gui_running')
+ set guioptions+=M
+" By default, Vim doesn't allow a file buffer to have unwritten changes if
+" it's not displayed in a window. Setting this option removes that
+" restriction so that buffers can remain in a modified state while not
+" actually displayed anywhere.
+" This option is set in almost every vimrc I read; it's so pervasive that
+" I sometimes see comments expressing astonishment or annoyance that it isn't
+" set by default. However, I didn't actually need this option for several
+" years of Vim usage, because I instinctively close windows onto buffers only
+" after the buffers within them have been written anyway.
+" However, the option really is required for batch operations performed with
+" commands like :argdo or :bufdo, because Vim won't otherwise tolerate
+" unwritten changes to a litany of buffers that are not displayed in any
+" window. After I started using such command maps a bit more often,
+" I realized I finally had a reason to turn this on permanently.
+set hidden
+" Highlight matches for completed searches in the buffer text, but clear that
+" highlighting away when this vimrc file is reloaded. Later on in this file,
+" CTRL-L in normal mode is remapped to issue :nohlsearch in addition to its
+" usual screen refresh function.
+set hlsearch
+" Highlight search matches in my text while I'm still typing my pattern,
+" including scrolling the screen to show the first such match if necessary.
+" This can be somewhat jarring, particularly when the cursor ends up scrolling
+" a long way from home in a large file, but I think the benefits of being able
+" to see instances of what I'm trying to match as I type the pattern do
+" outweigh that discomfort.
+set incsearch
+" Don't waste cycles and bandwidth redrawing the screen during execution of
+" macro recordings and scripts.
+set lazyredraw
+" Define meta-characters to show in place of characters that are otherwise
+" invisible, or line wrapping attributes when the 'list' option is enabled.
+" These 'list' characters all correspond to invisible or indistinguishable
+" characters. We leave the default eol:$ in place to show newlines, and add
+" a few more.
+set listchars+=tab:>- " Tab characters, preserve width with hyphens
+set listchars+=trail:- " Trailing spaces
+set listchars+=nbsp:+ " Non-breaking spaces
+" The next pair of 'list' characters are arguably somewhat misplaced, in that
+" they don't really represent invisible characters in the same way as the
+" others, but are hints for the presence of other characters on unwrapped
+" lines that are wider than the screen. They're very useful, though.
+" If the current encoding supports it, use these non-ASCII characters for the
+" markers, as they're visually distinctive:
+" extends: Signals presence of unwrapped text to screen right
+" precedes: Signals presence of unwrapped text to screen left
+" Failing that, '<' and '>' will do the trick.
+if has('multi_byte_encoding')
+ set listchars+=extends:»,precedes:«
+ set listchars+=extends:>,precedes:<
+" Don't let your editor's options be configured by content in arbitrary files!
+" Down with modelines! Purge them from your files! Écrasez l'infâme!
+" I think that modelines are Vim's worst misfeature, and that 'nomodeline'
+" should be the default. It's enabled pretty bad security vulnerabilities
+" over the years, and it's a lot more effective to use filetype detection,
+" other automatic command hooks, or methods like .editorconfig to set
+" variables specifically for a buffer or project.
+set nomodeline
+" The only octal numbers I can think of that I ever even encounter are Unix
+" permissions masks, and I'd never use CTRL-A or CTRL-X to increment them.
+" Numbers with leading zeroes are far more likely to be decimals.
+set nrformats-=octal
+" I like to leave the last line of the screen blank unless something is
+" actually happening in the editor for it to report, so I have grown to like
+" the Vim default of 'noruler'. CTRL-G shows me everything I need to know,
+" and is near-instinctive now.
+" Rude system vimrc files tend to switch this back on, though, so we force it
+" off here.
+set noruler
+" Sessions preserve window, tab, and buffer layout, and are thereby great for
+" more complex and longer-term projects like books, but they don't play
+" together well with plugins and filetype plugins. Restoring the same
+" settings from both reloaded plugins and from the session causes screeds of
+" errors. Adjusting session behavior to stop it trying to restore the sorts
+" of settings that plugins manage makes them usable again.
+set sessionoptions-=localoptions " No buffer options or mappings
+set sessionoptions-=options " No global options or mappings
+" The 'I' flag for the 'shortmess' option prevents the display of the Vim
+" startup screen with version information, :help hints, and donation
+" suggestion. After I registered Vim and donated to Uganda per the screen's
+" plea, I didn't feel bad about turning this off anymore. Even with this
+" setting in place, I wouldn't normally see it too often anyway, as I seldom
+" start Vim with no file arguments.
+" I haven't felt the need to mess with the other flags in this option.
+" I don't have any problems with spurious Enter prompts, which seems to be the
+" main reason people pile it full of letters.
+set shortmess+=I
+" We'll only use the old 'showmatch' method of a brief jump to the matching
+" bracket under the cursor if the much-preferred matchparen.vim standard
+" plugin doesn't look like it's going to load, whether because plugins have
+" been disabled, or it's not in any of the plugin directories.
+if !&loadplugins || globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/matchparen.vim') ==# ''
+ set showmatch matchtime=3
+" I find the defaults of new windows opening above or to the left of the
+" previous window too jarring, because I'm used to both the i3 window manager
+" and the tmux terminal multiplexer doing it the other way around, in reading
+" order. I prefer the visual effect of the previous text staying where it is,
+" and the new window occupying previously blank space.
+set splitbelow splitright
+" Limit the number of characters per line that syntax highlighting will
+" attempt to match. This is as much an effort to encourage me to break long
+" lines and do hard wrapping correctly as it is for efficiency.
+set synmaxcol=500
+" Vim has an internal list of terminal types that support using smoother
+" terminal redrawing, and for which 'ttyfast' is normally set, described in
+" `:help 'ttyfast'`. That list includes most of the terminals I use, but
+" there are a couple more for which the 'ttyfast' option should apply: the
+" windows terminal emulator PuTTY, and the terminal multiplexer tmux, both of
+" which I use heavily.
+if &term =~# '^putty\|^tmux'
+ set ttyfast
+" We really don't want a mouse; while I use it a lot for cut and paste in X,
+" it just gets in the way if the tool running in the terminal tries to use it
+" too. Mouse events should be exclusively handled by the terminal emulator
+" application, so Vim shouldn't try to give me terminal mouse support, even if
+" it would work.
+" The manual suggests that disabling this should be done by clearing 't_RV',
+" but that didn't actually seem to work when I tried it.
+set ttymouse=
+" While using virtual block mode, allow me to navigate to any column of the
+" buffer window; don't confine the boundaries of the block to the coordinates
+" of characters that actually exist in the buffer text. While working with
+" formatted columnar data with this off is generally OK, it's a hassle for
+" more subtle applications of visual block mode.
+set virtualedit+=block
+" I can't recall a time that Vim's error beeping or flashing was actually
+" useful to me, and so we turn it off in the manner that the manual instructs
+" in `:help 'visualbell'`. This enables visual rather than audio error bells,
+" but in the same breath, blanks the terminal attribute that would be used to
+" trigger such screen blinking, indirectly disabling the bell altogether.
+" I thought at first that the newer 'belloff' and/or 'errorbells' options
+" would be a more intuitive way to keep Vim quiet, but the last time I checked
+" that, neither appeared to work as comprehensively as this older method does.
+" Interestingly, the :help says that this setting has to be repeated in the
+" gvimrc file for GUI Vim.
+set visualbell t_vb=
+" When Ex command line completion is started with Tab, list valid completions
+" and complete the command line to the longest common substring, just as Bash
+" does, with just the one key press.
+" The default value of 'full' for the 'wildmode' option puts the full
+" completion onto the line immediately, which I tolerate for insert mode
+" completion but don't really like on the Ex command line. Instead, I arrange
+" for that to happen only with a second key press.
+set wildmenu
+set wildmode=list:longest,full
+" Define a list of patterns to ignore for file and directory command line
+" completion. Files and directories with names matching any of these patterns
+" won't be presented as candidates for tab completion on the command line.
+" To make this list, I went right through my home directory with
+" a `find`-toothed comb; counted the occurrences of every extension, forced
+" down to lowercase; and then manually selected the ones that I was confident
+" would seldom contain plain text.
+" The following incantation does the trick with POSIX-compatible shell tools,
+" giving patterns for the top 100 alphanumeric extensions for files from the
+" running user's home directory:
+" $ (LC_ALL=C find "$HOME" ! -type d -name '*.?*' -exec \
+" sh -c 'for fn ; do
+" ext=${fn##*.}
+" case $ext in
+" (*[![:alnum:]]*) continue ;;
+" (?*) printf "%s\n" "$ext" ;;
+" esac
+" done' _ {} + |
+" tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]' | sort | uniq -c |
+" sort -k1,1nr | awk 'NR <= 100 {print "*." $2}')
+" I turned out to have rather a lot of .html and .vim files.
+" If you're scoffing at that and thinking "I could write a much simpler one",
+" please do so, and send it to me at <tom@sanctum.geek.nz> to have yours put
+" in here instead, with appropriate credit. Don't forget to handle more than
+" ARG_MAX files, include filenames with newlines, and that the -z or -0 null
+" separator extensions are not standardized in POSIX.
+" <https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind#Complex_actions>
+set wildignore=*~,#*#
+ \,*.7z
+ \,.DS_Store
+ \,.git
+ \,.hg
+ \,.svn
+ \,*.a
+ \,*.adf
+ \,*.asc
+ \,*.au
+ \,*.aup
+ \,*.avi
+ \,*.bin
+ \,*.bmp
+ \,*.bz2
+ \,*.class
+ \,*.db
+ \,*.dbm
+ \,*.djvu
+ \,*.docx
+ \,*.exe
+ \,*.filepart
+ \,*.flac
+ \,*.gd2
+ \,*.gif
+ \,*.gifv
+ \,*.gmo
+ \,*.gpg
+ \,*.gz
+ \,*.hdf
+ \,*.ico
+ \,*.iso
+ \,*.jar
+ \,*.jpeg
+ \,*.jpg
+ \,*.m4a
+ \,*.mid
+ \,*.mp3
+ \,*.mp4
+ \,*.o
+ \,*.odp
+ \,*.ods
+ \,*.odt
+ \,*.ogg
+ \,*.ogv
+ \,*.opus
+ \,*.pbm
+ \,*.pdf
+ \,*.png
+ \,*.ppt
+ \,*.psd
+ \,*.pyc
+ \,*.rar
+ \,*.rm
+ \,*.s3m
+ \,*.sdbm
+ \,*.sqlite
+ \,*.swf
+ \,*.swp
+ \,*.tar
+ \,*.tga
+ \,*.ttf
+ \,*.wav
+ \,*.webm
+ \,*.xbm
+ \,*.xcf
+ \,*.xls
+ \,*.xlsx
+ \,*.xpm
+ \,*.xz
+ \,*.zip
+" Allow me to be lazy and type a path to complete on the Ex command line in
+" all-lowercase, and transform the consequent completion to match the
+" appropriate case, like the Readline setting completion-ignore-case can be
+" used for GNU Bash.
+" As far as I can tell, despite its name, the 'wildignore' case option doesn't
+" have anything to do with the 'wildignore' option, and so files that would
+" match any of those patterns only with case insensitivity implied will still
+" be candidates for completion.
+" The option wasn't added until v7.3.72, so we need to check it exists before
+" we try to set it.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.3.072>
+if exists('+wildignorecase')
+ set wildignorecase
+" Enable syntax highlighting, but only if it's not already on, to save
+" reloading the syntax files unnecessarily.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/blinkenlights/syntax-on.jpg>
+" For several months in 2018, as an experiment, I tried using terminals with
+" no color at all, imitating a phenomenally productive BSD purist co-worker
+" who abhorred color in any form on his terminals. He only drank black
+" coffee, too. If you're reading this: Hello, bdh!
+" That experiment was instructive and interesting, and I found I had been
+" leaning on color information in some surprising ways. However, some months
+" later, I found I still missed my colors, and so I went back to my
+" Kodachrome roots, and didn't pine at all for that monochrome world.
+" The thing I most like about syntax highlighting is detecting runaway
+" strings, which generally works in even the most threadbare language syntax
+" highlighting definitions. I kept missing such errors when I didn't have the
+" colors. I don't have high standards for it otherwise, except maybe for
+" shell script.
+if !exists('syntax_on')
+ syntax enable
+" Before we attempt to pick a syntax highlighting color scheme, we'll set up
+" a couple of hooks for color scheme loading. In this case, we turn
+" 'cursorline' on if my 'sahara' color scheme is loaded, since I've configured
+" it to be a very dark gray that doesn't stand out too much against a black
+" background. For any other color scheme, turn the option off, because it
+" almost always stands out too much for my liking.
+" You'd think the autocommand pattern here could be used to match the colour
+" scheme name, and it can be ... after patch v7.4.108, when Christian Brabandt
+" fixed it. Until that version, it matched against the current buffer name,
+" so we're forced to have an explicit test in the command instead.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.4.108>
+autocmd vimrc ColorScheme *
+ \ let &cursorline = g:colors_name ==# 'sahara'
+" Use 'dark' as my default value for 'background', in the absence of an
+" environment variable COLORFGBG or a response in v:termrbgresp that would set
+" it specifically.
+if !exists('$COLORFGBG') && get(v:, 'termrbgresp', '') ==# ''
+ set background=dark
+" If the background seems to be dark, and I have either the GUI or a 256 color
+" terminal, and my custom sahara.vim color scheme looks to be available, load
+" it.
+if &background ==# 'dark'
+ \ && (has('gui_running') || &t_Co >= 256)
+ \ && globpath(&runtimepath, 'colors/sahara.vim') !=# ''
+ colorscheme sahara
+" My mapping definitions begin here. I have some general personal rules for
+" approaches to mappings:
+" * Use the configured Leader key as a prefix for mappings as much as
+" possible.
+" * Use only the configured LocalLeader key as a prefix for mappings that are
+" defined as local to a buffer, which for me are almost always based on
+" &filetype and set up by ftplugin files.
+" * If a normal mode map would make sense in visual mode, take the time to
+" configure that too. Use :xmap and its analogues rather than :vmap to
+" avoid defining unusable select-mode mappings, even though I never actually
+" use selection mode directly.
+" * Avoid mapping in insert mode; let characters be literal to the greatest
+" extent possible, and avoid "doing more" in insert mode besides merely
+" inserting text as it's typed.
+" * Avoid key chords with Ctrl in favor of leader keys.
+" * Never use Alt/Meta key chords; the terminal support for them is just too
+" confusing and flaky.
+" * Don't suppress display of mapped commands for no reason; it's OK to show
+" the user the command that's being run under the hood. Do avoid HIT-ENTER
+" prompts, though.
+" * Avoid shadowing any of Vim's existing functionality. If possible, extend
+" or supplement what Vim does, rather than replacing it.
+" We'll start with the non-leader mappings. Ideally, there shouldn't be too
+" many of these.
+" Use backspace as an even quicker way to switch to the current buffer's
+" alternate buffer. User nickspoons of #vim was incredulous that I had never
+" used CTRL-^ and indeed did not know about it. I have since repented.
+nnoremap <Backspace> <C-^>
+" I find the space bar's default behavior in normal mode of moving right one
+" character to be useless. Instead, I remap it to be a lazy way of paging
+" through the argument list buffers, scrolling a page until the last line of
+" the buffer is visible, and then moving to the :next buffer.
+" I always wanted you to go into space, man.
+nnoremap <expr> <Space>
+ \ line('w$') < line('$')
+ \ ? "\<PageDown>"
+ \ : ":\<C-U>next\<CR>"
+" I hate CTRL-C's default insert mode behavior. It ends the insert session
+" without firing the InsertLeave event for automatic command hooks. Why would
+" anyone want that? It breaks plugins that hinge on mirrored functionality
+" between the InsertEnter and InsertLeave events, and doesn't otherwise differ
+" from Escape or :stopinsert. Even worse, people think it's a *synonym* for
+" Escape, and use it because it's easier to reach than the Escape key or
+" CTRL-[. Terrible!
+" Instead, I apply a custom plugin named insert_cancel.vim to make it cancel
+" the current insert operation; that is, if the buffer has changed at all
+" since the start of the insert operation, pressing CTRL-C will reverse it,
+" while ending insert mode and firing InsertLeave as normal. This makes way
+" more sense to me, and I use it all the time now.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-insert-cancel.git/about/>
+" You might think on a first look, as I did, that a plugin is overkill, and
+" that a mapping like this would be all that's required:
+" :inoremap <C-C> <Esc>u
+" Indeed, it *mostly* works, but there are some subtle problems with it. The
+" primary issue is that if you didn't make any changes during the insert mode
+" session that you're terminating, it *still* reverses the previous change,
+" which will be something else entirely that you probably *didn't* mean to be
+" undone. The plugin's way of working around this and the other shortcomings
+" of the simple mapping above is not too much more complicated, but it was not
+" easy to figure out.
+" At any rate, we only want to establish the mapping if we can expect the
+" plugin to load, so test that 'loadplugins' is set and that the plugin file
+" exists with the expected filename.
+" If the plugin isn't available, I just abandon CTRL-C to continue its
+" uselessness.
+if &loadplugins && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/insert_cancel.vim') !=# ''
+ imap <C-C> <Plug>(InsertCancel)
+" I often can't remember (or guess) digraph codes, and want to look up how to
+" compose a specific character that I can name, at least in part. The table
+" in `:help digraph-table` is what to use for that situation, and it solves
+" the problem, but I didn't like the overhead of repeated lookups therein.
+" Steve Losh has a solution I liked where a double-tap of CTRL-K in insert
+" mode brought up the applicable :help window:
+" <https://bitbucket.org/sjl/dotfiles/src/2559256/vim/vimrc#lines-309:310>
+" I took that one step further with a custom plugin named digraph_search.vim.
+" It parses the digraph table from :help and runs a simple text search of its
+" names using a string provided by the user. For example, searching for ACUTE
+" yields:
+" > Digraphs matching ACUTE:
+" > ´ '' ACUTE ACCENT
+" > ...etc...
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-digraph-search.git/about/>
+" This leaves you in insert mode, ready to hit CTRL-K one more time and then
+" type the digraph that you've hopefully found.
+" Since a double-tap of CTRL-K does nothing in default Vim, we don't bother
+" checking that the plugin's available before we map to it; it'll just quietly
+" do nothing.
+imap <C-K><C-K> <Plug>(DigraphSearch)
+" I end up hitting CTRL-L to clear or redraw the screen in interactive shells
+" and tools like Mutt and Vim pretty often. It feels natural to me to stack
+" issuing a :nohlsearch command to stop highlighting searches on top of this.
+" This gets by far the most use in normal mode, but I'd like it to work in
+" insert and visual modes, too, where it's occasionally useful, especially on
+" things like mobile phone terminal emulators that can be choppy and require
+" a lot of redrawing.
+" For each of these, we end the mapping with a CTRL-L in normal mode, thereby
+" extending rather than replacing Vim's normal behavior.
+nnoremap <C-L>
+ \ :<C-U>nohlsearch<CR><C-L>
+" The insert mode wrapper for normal CTRL-L uses i_CTRL-O to issue a single
+" normal mode command. We intentionally use `:normal` rather than `:normal!`
+" so that the mapping works recursively. I tried using <C-O><C-L> with :imap
+" for this, but it didn't work. Maybe i_CTRL-O doesn't respect mappings.
+" I couldn't find any documentation about it.
+inoremap <C-L> <C-O>:execute "normal \<C-L>"<CR>
+" We use :vnoremap here rather than :xnoremap and thereby make the mapping
+" apply to select mode as well, because CTRL-L doesn't reflect a printable
+" character, and so we may as well make it work, even though I don't actually
+" use select mode directly.
+vmap <C-L> <Esc><C-L>gv
+" By default, the very-useful normal mode command '&' that repeats the
+" previous :substitute command doesn't preserve the flags from that
+" substitution. I'd prefer it to do so, like the :&& command does, and it's
+" easily remapped for both normal and visual mode, so let's just do it.
+nnoremap &
+ \ :&&<CR>
+xnoremap &
+ \ :&&<CR>
+" I really like using the '!' command in normal mode as an operator to filter
+" text through a shell command. It always bugged me a little that there
+" didn't seem to be an analogue for a motion to filter text through an
+" internal command like :sort, so I wrote one.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-colon-operator.git/about/>
+nmap g: <Plug>(ColonOperator)
+" I used Tim Pope's unimpaired.vim plugin for ages, and I liked some of these
+" bracket pair mappings, so I've carried a few of the simpler ones over. All
+" of these can be prefixed with a count if needed, too. I use all of them
+" pretty regularly, even though cycling through lists to look for something
+" can be a bit wasteful.
+" Argument list
+nnoremap [a
+ \ :previous<CR>
+nnoremap ]a
+ \ :next<CR>
+" Buffers
+nnoremap [b
+ \ :bprevious<CR>
+nnoremap ]b
+ \ :bnext<CR>
+" Quickfix list
+nnoremap [c
+ \ :cprevious<CR>
+nnoremap ]c
+ \ :cnext<CR>
+" Location list
+nnoremap [l
+ \ :lprevious<CR>
+nnoremap ]l
+ \ :lnext<CR>
+" Here's another mapping I particularly liked from unimpaired.vim; insert
+" blank lines from normal mode, using a custom plugin of mine called
+" put_blank_lines.vim. These use operator functions so that they're
+" repeatable without repeat.vim. They accept count prefixes, too.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-put-blank-lines.git/about/>
+nmap [<Space> <Plug>(PutBlankLinesAbove)
+nmap ]<Space> <Plug>(PutBlankLinesBelow)
+" We're on to the leader maps, now. It's difficult to know in what order to
+" describe and specify these. I used to have them in alphabetical order, but
+" it seems much more useful to group them by the type of action they take.
+" First of all, let's set the leader keys; backslash happens to be the
+" default, but I like to make my choice explicit here. As of 2019, I'm still
+" not certain that comma is the best choice for my local leader. I use it all
+" the time for this purpose, and it works well, but I don't much like that it
+" shadows a useful function in the fFtT;, group, and I sometimes wonder if
+" I would use the key for its original function more, had I not shadowed it.
+let mapleader = '\'
+let maplocalleader = ','
+" If the local leader is a comma, map double-tap comma to its original
+" function in the relevant modes so that I can still use it quickly without
+" relying on mapping 'timeout'.
+if maplocalleader ==# ','
+ noremap ,, ,
+ sunmap ,,
+" Let's start with some simple ones; these ones all just toggle a boolean
+" option, and print its new value. They're dirt simple to specify, and don't
+" require any plugins.
+" These are sometimes applicable in visual mode, and sometimes not. We'll
+" start with the ones that only make sense as normal mode maps. Annoyingly,
+" a visual mode mapping for 'cursorline' toggling doesn't work at all;
+" 'cursorline' is always off when in any visual mode, including block mode,
+" where it actually might have been really handy.
+"" Leader,TAB toggles automatic indentation based on the previous line
+nnoremap <Leader><Tab>
+ \ :<C-U>set autoindent! autoindent?<CR>
+"" Leader,c toggles highlighted cursor row; doesn't work in visual mode
+nnoremap <Leader>c
+ \ :<C-U>set cursorline! cursorline?<CR>
+"" Leader,h toggles highlighting search results
+nnoremap <Leader>h
+ \ :<C-U>set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
+"" Leader,i toggles showing matches as I enter my pattern
+nnoremap <Leader>i
+ \ :<C-U>set incsearch! incsearch?<CR>
+"" Leader,s toggles spell checking
+nnoremap <Leader>s
+ \ :<C-U>set spell! spell?<CR>
+" The next group of option-toggling maps are much the same as the previous
+" group, except they also include analogous maps for visual mode, defined as
+" recursive maps into normal mode that conclude with re-selecting the text.
+"" Leader,C toggles highlighted cursor column; works in visual mode
+nnoremap <Leader>C
+ \ :<C-U>set cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>C <Esc><Leader>Cgv
+"" Leader,l toggles showing tab, end-of-line, and trailing white space
+nnoremap <Leader>l
+ \ :<C-U>set list! list?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>l <Esc><Leader>lgv
+"" Leader,n toggles line number display
+nnoremap <Leader>n
+ \ :<C-U>set number! number?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>n <Esc><Leader>ngv
+"" Leader,N toggles position display in bottom right
+nnoremap <Leader>N
+ \ :<C-U>set ruler! ruler?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>N <Esc><Leader>Ngv
+"" Leader,w toggles soft wrapping
+nnoremap <Leader>w
+ \ :<C-U>set wrap! wrap?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>w <Esc><Leader>wgv
+" This next one just shows option state of the 'formatoptions' affecting how
+" text is automatically formatted; it doesn't change its value.
+"" Leader,f shows the current 'formatoptions' at a glance
+nnoremap <Leader>f
+ \ :<C-U>set formatoptions?<CR>
+" I often have to switch between US English and NZ English. The latter is
+" almost exactly the same as UK English in most locales, although we use
+" dollars rather than pounds. This is mostly so I remember things like
+" excluding or including the 'u' in words like 'favourite', depending on the
+" target audience. I generally use US English for international audiences.
+"" Leader,u sets US English spelling language
+nnoremap <Leader>u
+ \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_us<CR>
+"" Leader,z sets NZ English spelling language
+nnoremap <Leader>z
+ \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_nz<CR>
+" The next mapping is also for toggling an option, but it's more complicated;
+" it uses a simple plugin of mine called copy_linebreak.vim to manage several
+" options at once, related to the 'wrap' option that soft-wraps text.
+" It's designed for usage in terminal emulators and multiplexers to
+" temporarily make the buffer text suitable for copying in such a way that the
+" wrapping and any associated soft formatting won't pervert the text,
+" including 'breakindent', 'linebreak', and 'showbreak' artifacts.
+" This is really handy for quick selections of small regions of text. For
+" larger blocks of text or for manipulating the text as it leaves the buffer,
+" it makes more sense to use :! commands.
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-copy-linebreak.git/about/>
+"" Leader,b toggles settings friendly to copying and pasting
+nmap <Leader>b <Plug>(CopyLinebreakToggle)
+" The above mappings show that mappings for toggling boolean options are
+" simple, but there isn't a way to toggle single flags within option strings
+" with just the :set command, so I wrote a plugin called toggle_flags.vim to
+" provide :ToggleFlag and :ToggleFlagLocal commands. The first argument is
+" the name of an option, and the second is the flag within it that should be
+" toggled on or off.
+"" Leader,a toggles 'formatoptions' 'a' auto-flowing flag
+nnoremap <Leader>a
+ \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal formatoptions a<CR>
+"" Leader,L toggles 'colorcolumn' showing the first column beyond 'textwidth'
+nnoremap <Leader>L
+ \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>
+xmap <Leader>L <Esc><Leader>Lgv
+" This mapping uses my paste_insert.vim plugin to queue up automatic commands
+" for the next insert operation. It's still pretty new. It replaces my old
+" paste_open.vim plugin which did this only for opening new lines, and which
+" kept confusing me. I'm hoping this will be better.
+"" Leader,p prepares the next insert for paste mode
+nmap <Leader>p <Plug>PasteInsert
+" These mappings are for managing filetypes. The first one uses the
+" :ReloadFileType command that was defined much earlier in this file for
+" application in the vimrc reload command.
+"" Leader,F reloads filetype settings
+nnoremap <Leader>F
+ \ :<C-U>ReloadFileType<CR>
+"" Leader,t shows current filetype
+nnoremap <Leader>t
+ \ :<C-U>set filetype?<CR>
+"" Leader,T clears filetype
+nnoremap <Leader>T
+ \ :<C-U>set filetype=<CR>
+" These mappings use my put_date.vim plugin for date insertion into the
+" buffer.
+"" Leader,d inserts the local date (RFC 2822)
+nnoremap <Leader>d
+ \ :PutDate<CR>
+"" Leader,D inserts the UTC date (RFC 2822)
+nnoremap <Leader>D
+ \ :PutDate!<CR>
+" This group contains mappings that are to do with file and path management
+" relative to the current buffer. The Leader,P mapping that creates
+" directory hierarchies uses the :Establish command created earlier.
+"" Leader,g shows the current file's fully expanded path
+nnoremap <Leader>g
+ \ :<C-U>echo expand('%:p')<CR>
+"" Leader,G changes directory to the current file's location
+nnoremap <Leader>G
+ \ :<C-U>cd %:h<Bar>pwd<CR>
+"" Leader,P creates the path to the current file if it doesn't exist
+nnoremap <Leader>P
+ \ :<C-U>Establish %:h<CR>
+" This group contains mappings that show information about Vim's internals:
+" marks, registers, variables, and the like.
+"" Leader,H shows command history
+nnoremap <Leader>H
+ \ :<C-U>history :<CR>
+"" Leader,k shows my marks
+nnoremap <Leader>k
+ \ :<C-U>marks<CR>
+"" Leader,K shows functions
+nnoremap <Leader>K
+ \ :<C-U>function<CR>
+"" Leader,m shows normal maps
+nnoremap <Leader>m
+ \ :<C-U>nmap<CR>
+"" Leader,M shows buffer-local normal maps
+nnoremap <Leader>M
+ \ :<C-U>nmap <buffer><CR>
+"" Leader,S shows loaded scripts
+nnoremap <Leader>S
+ \ :<C-U>scriptnames<CR>
+"" Leader,U shows user commands
+nnoremap <Leader>U
+ \ :<C-U>command<CR>
+"" Leader,v shows all global and internal variables
+nnoremap <Leader>v
+ \ :<C-U>let g: v:<CR>
+"" Leader,V shows all buffer, tab, and window local variables
+nnoremap <Leader>V
+ \ :<C-U>let b: t: w:<CR>
+"" Leader,y shows all registers
+nnoremap <Leader>y
+ \ :<C-U>registers<CR>
+" This group contains mappings concerned with buffer navigation and
+" management. I use the "jetpack" buffer jumper one a lot. I got it from one
+" of bairui's "Vim and Vigor" comics:
+" <http://of-vim-and-vigor.blogspot.com/p/vim-vigor-comic.html>
+"" Leader,DEL deletes the current buffer
+nnoremap <Leader><Delete>
+ \ :bdelete<CR>
+"" Leader,INS edits a new buffer
+nnoremap <Leader><Insert>
+ \ :<C-U>enew<CR>
+"" Leader,e forces a buffer to be editable, even a :help one
+nnoremap <Leader>e
+ \ :<C-U>set modifiable noreadonly<CR>
+"" Leader,E locks a buffer, reversible with <Leader>e
+nnoremap <Leader>E
+ \ :<C-U>set nomodifiable readonly<CR>
+"" Leader,j jumps to buffers ("jetpack")
+nnoremap <Leader>j
+ \ :<C-U>buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
+" Leader,o hacks up the list of old files from viminfo just long enough to
+" ensure that :browse :oldfiles fits in a screen, avoiding an Enter or 'q'
+" keystroke before entering the number. This one is handy followed by
+" <Leader>,\ to jump back to the last remembered position in that file, since
+" by definition viminfo remembers that mark, too.
+nmap <Leader>o <Plug>SelectOldFiles
+" This group defines mappings for filtering and batch operations to clean up
+" buffer text. All of these mappings use commands from my custom plugins:
+" :KeepPosition
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-keep-position.git/about/>
+" :SqueezeRepeatBlanks
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-squeeze-repeat-blanks.git/about/>
+" :StripTrailingWhitespace
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace.git/about/>
+"" Leader,x strips trailing whitespace
+nnoremap <Leader>x
+ \ :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
+xnoremap <Leader>x
+ \ :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
+"" Leader,X squeezes repeated blank lines
+nnoremap <Leader>X
+ \ :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
+xnoremap <Leader>X
+ \ :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
+"" Leader,= runs the whole buffer through =, preserving position
+nnoremap <Leader>=
+ \ :<C-U>KeepPosition execute 'normal! 1G=G'<CR>
+"" Leader,+ runs the whole buffer through gq, preserving position
+nnoremap <Leader>+
+ \ :<C-U>KeepPosition execute 'normal! 1GgqG'<CR>
+" This group defines a few :onoremap commands to make my own text objects.
+" I should probably make some more of these, as they've proven to be
+" terrifically handy.
+"" Leader,_ uses last changed or yanked text as an object
+onoremap <Leader>_
+ \ :<C-U>execute 'normal! `[v`]'<CR>
+"" Leader,% uses entire buffer as an object
+onoremap <Leader>%
+ \ :<C-U>execute 'normal! 1GVG'<CR>
+" This group defines some useful motions, including navigating by indent
+" block using a custom plugin:
+" <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-vertical-region.git/about/>
+"" Leader,{ and Leader,} move to top and bottom of indent region
+map <Leader>{ <Plug>(VerticalRegionUp)
+sunmap <Leader>{
+map <Leader>} <Plug>(VerticalRegionDown)
+sunmap <Leader>}
+"" Leader,\ jumps to the last edit position mark: think "Now, where was I?"
+noremap <Leader>\ `"
+sunmap <Leader>\
+" This group does both: useful motions on defined text objects.
+"" Leader,< and Leader,> adjust indent of last edit; good for pasting
+nnoremap <Leader><lt>
+ \ :<C-U>'[,']<lt><CR>
+nnoremap <Leader>>
+ \ :<C-U>'[,']><CR>
+" This group is for directory tree or help search convenience mappings.
+"" Leader,/ types :vimgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+nnoremap <Leader>/
+ \ :<C-U>vimgrep /\c/j **<S-Left><S-Left><Right>
+"" Leader,? types :lhelpgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+nnoremap <Leader>?
+ \ :<C-U>lhelpgrep \c<S-Left>
+" This group contains miscellaneous mappings for which I couldn't find any
+" other place. The plugin mappings probably require their own documentation
+" comment block, but my hands are getting tired from all this typing.
+" * <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-replace-operator.git/about/>
+" * <https://sanctum.geek.nz/cgit/vim-regex-escape.git/about/>
+"" Leader,. runs the configured make program into the location list
+nnoremap <Leader>.
+ \ :<C-U>lmake!<CR>
+"" Leader,! repeats the last command, adding a bang
+nnoremap <Leader>!
+ \ :<Up><Home><S-Right>!<CR>
+"" Leader,q formats the current paragraph
+nnoremap <Leader>q gqap
+"" Leader,r acts as a replacement operator
+nmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
+xmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
+"" Leader,* escapes regex metacharacters
+nmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
+xmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
+" And last, but definitely not least, I'm required by Vim fanatic law to
+" include a mapping that reloads my whole configuration. This uses the
+" command wrapper defined much earlier in the file, so that filetypes also get
+" reloaded afterwards, meaning I don't need to follow <Leader>R with
+" a <Leader>F to fix up broken global settings.
+nnoremap <Leader>R
+ \ :<C-U>ReloadVimrc<CR>
+" I'll close this file with a few abbreviations. Perhaps of everything in
+" here, I'm least confident that these should be in here, but they've proven
+" pretty useful. First, some 'deliberate' abbreviations for stuff I type
+" a lot:
+inoreabbrev tr@ tom@sanctum.geek.nz
+inoreabbrev tr/ <https://sanctum.geek.nz/>
+" And then, just automatically fix some things I almsot always spell or type
+" wrnog.
+inoreabbrev almsot almost
+inoreabbrev wrnog wrong
+inoreabbrev Fielding Feilding
+inoreabbrev THe The
+inoreabbrev THere There
+" Here endeth the literate vimrc. Let us praise God.
+" > Consequently, it is soon recognized that they write for the sake of
+" > filling up the paper, and this is the case sometimes with the best
+" > authors...as soon as this is perceived the book should be thrown away,
+" > for time is precious.
+" >
+" > -- Schopenhauer