path: root/bin/try
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-08 10:36:17 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-08 10:36:17 +1200
commit1c8ca068e92d1d4e3b63e45310d972c74d6aeb6f (patch)
tree43f53de57029bd31fe704e7be344288fe478d390 /bin/try
parentSort plenv modules list (diff)
Change try(1) to POSIX sh(1)
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/try')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/bin/try b/bin/try
index 1a71804d..f01d4ff3 100755
--- a/bin/try
+++ b/bin/try
@@ -1,103 +1,76 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Attempt a certain number of times to perform a task
+# Attempt a certain number of times to perform a task, buffer stderr unless and
+# until all command attempts fail
-# Print usage information
-usage() {
- printf '%s: usage: %s [-hv] [-i INTERVAL] [-n ATTEMPTS] [--] COMMAND...\n' \
- "$self" "$self"
-# Flag for whether to print diagnostics to stdout or not
-declare -i verbose
-# Number of seconds to wait between instances
-declare -i interval
-# Number of attempts
-declare -i attc
-# Process options
-while getopts 'hvi:n:' opt ; do
+# Parse options
+while getopts 's:n:' opt ; do
case $opt in
- # -h: Print help
- h)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- # -v: Print diagnostics to stdout
- v)
- verbose=1
- ;;
- # -i: Set the number of seconds between attempts
- i)
- interval=$OPTARG
- ;;
- # -n: Set the number of attempts
- attc=$OPTARG
+ attn=$OPTARG
+ ;;
+ s)
+ sleep=$OPTARG
- # Unknown option
- usage >&2
+ printf >&2 '%s: Unknown option\n' "$self"
exit 2
shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
-# We need at least one more argument after shifting off the options
-if ! (($#)) ; then
- usage >&2
+# Check we have at least one argument left (the command to run)
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ printf >&2 '%s: Need a command to run\n' "$self"
exit 2
-# The command is all the remaining arguments
-declare -a cmd
# Create a buffer file for the error output, and clean up the file when we exit
-errbuf=$(mktemp) || exit
cleanup() {
- rm -f -- "$errbuf"
+ [ "$td" ] && rm -fr -- "$td"
+ if [ "$1" != EXIT ] ; then
+ trap - "$1"
+ kill "-$1" "$$"
+ fi
-trap cleanup EXIT
+for sig in EXIT HUP INT TERM ; do
+ trap "cleanup $sig" "$sig"
+td=$(mktd "$self") || exit
+# Open a filehandle to the error buffer, just to save on file operations
+exec 3>"$errbuff"
# Keep trying the command, writing error output to the buffer file, and exit
# if we succeed on any of them
-declare -i ret
-for (( atti = 1 ; atti <= attc ; atti++ )) ; do
- # If verbose, print the number of this attempt
- ((verbose)) && printf '%s: Attempt %u/%u to run `%s` ...\n' \
- "$self" "$atti" "$attc" "${cmd[*]}"
+: "${attn:=3}" "${sleep:=0}"
+while [ "$attc" -le "$attn" ] ; do
- # Try running the command. If it succeeds, report failure if verbose, and
- # exit 0.
- if "${cmd[@]}" 2>>"$errbuf" ; then
- ((verbose)) && printf '%s: Success!\n' \
- "$self"
- exit 0
+ # Try running the command; if it succeeds, we're done, and any previous
+ # failures get their errors discarded
+ if "$@" 2>&3 ; then
+ exit
- # If it fails, keep the exit value, report failure, and wait until the next
- # attempt.
+ # If the command failed, record the exit value
- ret=$?
- ((verbose)) && printf '%s: Failure!\n' \
- "$self"
- sleep "$interval"
+ ex=$?
+ # If this isn't the last run, have a sleep
+ if [ "$attc" -lt "$attn" ] ; then
+ sleep "${sleep:=0}"
+ fi
+ # Increment the attempt count
+ attc=$((attc + 1))
# Attempts were exhausted, and all failed; print the error output from all of
# the failures and exit with the non-zero exit value of the most recent one
-cat -- "$errbuf" >&2
-exit "$ret"
+exec 3>&-
+cat -- "$td"/errbuff >&2
+exit "$ex"