diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2020-05-09 21:26:14 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2020-05-09 21:26:14 +1200
commit9f98d971446ec0361792b6e8abd6022107e06e55 (patch)
parentMerge branch 'hotfix/v8.31.2' (diff)
parentBump VERSION (diff)
Merge branch 'release/v8.32.0'v8.32.0
* release/v8.32.0: Add load guard to fortune.vim plugin Format a list of fonts Some spelling fixes Use tabs for mpdconf Use tabs for sxhkdrc Use tabs for i3 config Use tabs for readline config Use tabs for terminfo source definitions Use recommended two spaces for vintrc.yaml Use tabs for muttrc Correct transposed filenames in TABS.md example Update squeeze_repeat_blanks.vim to v0.6.1 Update spellfile_local.vim to v0.2.2 Test $MYVIM is defined and non-empty for defining Use more idiomatic approach to get() defaulting Use nested single quotes rather than double
36 files changed, 698 insertions, 682 deletions
diff --git a/TABS.md b/TABS.md
index 105d89d4..80c81294 100644
--- a/TABS.md
+++ b/TABS.md
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ pretty nicely:
$ find . -name .git -prune -o -name vim -prune -o -type f \
-exec sh -c \
- 'for f;do unexpand -t4 "$f">"$f".tmp;mv "$f" "$f".tmp;done' \
+ 'for f;do unexpand -t4 "$f">"$f".tmp;mv "$f".tmp "$f";done' \
_ {} +
$ find vim -name bundle -prune -o -type f \
-exec sh -c \
- 'for f;do unexpand -t2 "$f">"$f".tmp;mv "$f" "$f".tmp;done' \
+ 'for f;do unexpand -t2 "$f">"$f".tmp;mv "$f".tmp "$f";done' \
_ {} +
If you have GNU `unexpand(1)` and can add `--first-only` to each of those
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index fafb89ee..d8cd53d8 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-tejr dotfiles v8.31.2
-Sat, 09 May 2020 04:56:39 +0000
+tejr dotfiles v8.32.0
+Sat, 09 May 2020 09:26:11 +0000
diff --git a/X/sxhkdrc b/X/sxhkdrc
index 7816208f..9d9884c9 100644
--- a/X/sxhkdrc
+++ b/X/sxhkdrc
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
super + Return
- urxvtcd
+ urxvtcd
super + control + Return
- urxvtcd -e sh
+ urxvtcd -e sh
super + shift + Return
- urxvtcd -e ksh
+ urxvtcd -e ksh
super + alt + Return
- urxvtcd -e zsh
+ urxvtcd -e zsh
super + b
- br
+ br
super + d
- dmenu_run
+ dmenu_run
super + g
- xgoc
+ xgoc
super + i
- gimp
+ gimp
super + m
- urxvtcd -e tm
+ urxvtcd -e tm
super + p
- dmp
+ dmp
super + v
- urxvtcd -e "$VISUAL"
+ urxvtcd -e "$VISUAL"
super + slash
- i3lock --color=#000000 --image ~/.i3/lock.png --nofork
+ i3lock --color=#000000 --image ~/.i3/lock.png --nofork
- amixer -q sset Master toggle
+ amixer -q sset Master toggle
- amixer -q sset Master 5%+ unmute
+ amixer -q sset Master 5%+ unmute
- amixer -q sset Master 5%- unmute
+ amixer -q sset Master 5%- unmute
- urxvtcd -e bcq
+ urxvtcd -e bcq
diff --git a/finger/plan b/finger/plan
index e882c433..b4562cd8 100644
--- a/finger/plan
+++ b/finger/plan
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"I am his Highness' dog at Kew.
- Pray tell me, Sir: whose dog are you?"
- -- Pope
+> I am his Highness' dog at Kew.
+> Pray tell me, Sir: whose dog are you?
+ -- Pope
diff --git a/i3/config b/i3/config
index be00e590..bb66a8d2 100644
--- a/i3/config
+++ b/i3/config
@@ -74,27 +74,27 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
# Mod+r resizes a container
bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
mode "resize" {
- bindsym h resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
- bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
- bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
- bindsym l resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
- bindsym Return mode "default"
- bindsym Escape mode "default"
+ bindsym h resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym l resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym Return mode "default"
+ bindsym Escape mode "default"
# i3bar at bottom of screen
bar {
- position bottom
- status_command i3status --config ~/.i3/status
- workspace_buttons yes
- colors {
- background #111111
- statusline #eeeeee
- focused_workspace #ffffff #285577
- active_workspace #ffffff #333333
- inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
- urgent_workspace #ffffff #900000
- }
+ position bottom
+ status_command i3status --config ~/.i3/status
+ workspace_buttons yes
+ colors {
+ background #111111
+ statusline #eeeeee
+ focused_workspace #ffffff #285577
+ active_workspace #ffffff #333333
+ inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
+ urgent_workspace #ffffff #900000
+ }
diff --git a/i3/status b/i3/status
index 87cf9df8..9c9b60d6 100644
--- a/i3/status
+++ b/i3/status
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ order += "tztime local"
order += "battery 0"
load {
- format = "%1min/%5min/%15min"
+ format = "%1min/%5min/%15min"
tztime local {
- format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
battery 0 {
- format = "%status %percentage %remaining %emptytime"
- path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
- low_threshold = 15
+ format = "%status %percentage %remaining %emptytime"
+ path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
+ low_threshold = 15
diff --git a/mpd/mpdconf b/mpd/mpdconf
index e8bad4cc..8dd88810 100644
--- a/mpd/mpdconf
+++ b/mpd/mpdconf
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ state_file "~/.mpd/state"
sticker_file "~/.mpd/sticker.sql"
audio_output {
- type "pulse"
- name "PulseAudio"
+ type "pulse"
+ name "PulseAudio"
diff --git a/mutt/muttrc b/mutt/muttrc
index f3bdbfc6..8e7ea5dd 100644
--- a/mutt/muttrc
+++ b/mutt/muttrc
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ macro index,pager S 's<enter>' 'Save message blindly'
# Shortcut to add addresses to abook
macro index,pager A \
- '<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<enter>' \
- 'Add sender address to abook'
+ '<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<enter>' \
+ 'Add sender address to abook'
# Shortcut to reload configuration
macro generic,index,browser,pager \\R \
- ':source ~/.muttrc<enter>:echo "Config reloaded!"<enter>' \
- 'Reload ~/.muttrc'
+ ':source ~/.muttrc<enter>:echo "Config reloaded!"<enter>' \
+ 'Reload ~/.muttrc'
# Machine or account specific settings
source ~/.muttrc.d/src|
diff --git a/readline/inputrc b/readline/inputrc
index 87abcd49..381c4e7a 100644
--- a/readline/inputrc
+++ b/readline/inputrc
@@ -51,53 +51,53 @@ set skip-completed-text on
# Bash macros
$if Bash
- # Expand ! history with a spacebar press
- # Note that this makes your shell unusable if your Bash doesn't have
- # magic-space. It's had this feature since 2.02.
- Space: magic-space
- # Tab does traditional blocking completion
- Tab: complete
- # Alt+A cycles through completion options
- "\ea": menu-complete
- # Special completion keys for git(1)
- ## Branches
- "\C-xb": complete
- ## Tags
- "\C-xt": complete
- # Ctrl-Alt-L to clear screen; more ksh-like
- "\e\C-l": clear-screen
- # Alt-E (for exec) to prepend "exec " to a command and return to the end of
- # the line
- "\ee": "\C-aexec \C-e"
- # Alt-P (for procedure) to wrap current command in () { ... ; } and go to
- # the start of the line
- "\ep": "\C-a() { \C-e ; }\C-a"
- # Alt-S (for set) to wrap current command in (set -x ; ...)
- "\es": "\C-a(set -x ; \C-e)\C-b"
- # Alt-M (for muxer) to run tm(1df)
- "\em": "\C-utm\C-j\C-y"
- # Alt-' for escaped single-quote: 'don'\''t fear the reaper'
- "\e'": "'\\''"
- # Ctrl-Alt-B to move backward a shell-quoted word
- "\e\C-b": shell-backward-word
- # Ctrl-Alt-F to move forward a shell-quoted word
- "\e\C-f": shell-forward-word
- # Ctrl-Alt-W to delete a previous shell-quoted word
- "\e\C-w": shell-backward-kill-word
+ # Expand ! history with a spacebar press
+ # Note that this makes your shell unusable if your Bash doesn't have
+ # magic-space. It's had this feature since 2.02.
+ Space: magic-space
+ # Tab does traditional blocking completion
+ Tab: complete
+ # Alt+A cycles through completion options
+ "\ea": menu-complete
+ # Special completion keys for git(1)
+ ## Branches
+ "\C-xb": complete
+ ## Tags
+ "\C-xt": complete
+ # Ctrl-Alt-L to clear screen; more ksh-like
+ "\e\C-l": clear-screen
+ # Alt-E (for exec) to prepend "exec " to a command and return to the end of
+ # the line
+ "\ee": "\C-aexec \C-e"
+ # Alt-P (for procedure) to wrap current command in () { ... ; } and go to
+ # the start of the line
+ "\ep": "\C-a() { \C-e ; }\C-a"
+ # Alt-S (for set) to wrap current command in (set -x ; ...)
+ "\es": "\C-a(set -x ; \C-e)\C-b"
+ # Alt-M (for muxer) to run tm(1df)
+ "\em": "\C-utm\C-j\C-y"
+ # Alt-' for escaped single-quote: 'don'\''t fear the reaper'
+ "\e'": "'\\''"
+ # Ctrl-Alt-B to move backward a shell-quoted word
+ "\e\C-b": shell-backward-word
+ # Ctrl-Alt-F to move forward a shell-quoted word
+ "\e\C-f": shell-forward-word
+ # Ctrl-Alt-W to delete a previous shell-quoted word
+ "\e\C-w": shell-backward-kill-word
# bc macros
$if bc
- # Don't let bc complete filenames (!?)
- Tab:
+ # Don't let bc complete filenames (!?)
+ Tab:
diff --git a/terminfo/putty-256color.ti b/terminfo/putty-256color.ti
index 81d2b3f1..09d022b8 100644
--- a/terminfo/putty-256color.ti
+++ b/terminfo/putty-256color.ti
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
putty-256color| PuTTY with 256 colors,
- use=putty,
- colors#256,
- initc@,
- pairs#32767,
- setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
- setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ use=putty,
+ colors#256,
+ initc@,
+ pairs#32767,
+ setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
diff --git a/terminfo/putty.ti b/terminfo/putty.ti
index 6c3bd69e..068dbbd5 100644
--- a/terminfo/putty.ti
+++ b/terminfo/putty.ti
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
putty| PuTTY,
- acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
- am,
- bce,
- bel=^G,
- blink=\E[5m,
- bold=\E[1m,
- bw,
- cbt=\E[Z,
- ccc,
- civis=\E[?25l,
- clear=\E[H\E[J,
- cnorm=\E[?25h,
- colors#8,
- cr=^M,
- csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
- cub1=^H,
- cub=\E[%p1%dD,
- cud1=\ED,
- cud=\E[%p1%dB,
- cuf1=\E[C,
- cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
- cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
- cuu1=\EM,
- cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
- dch1=\E[P,
- dch=\E[%p1%dP,
- dispc=%?%p1%{8}%=%t\E%%G\342\227\230\E%%@%e%p1%{10}%=%t\E%%G\342\227\231\E%%@%e%p1%{12}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\0\E%%@%e%p1%{13}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\252\E%%@%e%p1%{14}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\253\E%%@%e%p1%{15}%=%t\E%%G\342\230\274\E%%@%e%p1%{27}%=%t\E%%G\342\206\220\E%%@%e%p1%{155}%=%t\E%%G\340\202\242\E%%@%e%p1%c%;,
- dl1=\E[M,
- dl=\E[%p1%dM,
- dsl=\E]0;\007,
- ech=\E[%p1%dX,
- ed=\E[J,
- el1=\E[1K,
- el=\E[K,
- enacs=\E(B\E)0,
- flash=\E[?5h\E[?5l,
- fsl=^G,
- home=\E[H,
- hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
- hs,
- ht=^I,
- hts=\EH,
- il1=\E[L,
- il=\E[%p1%dL,
- ind=^J,
- indn=\E[%p1%dS,
- initc=\E]P%p1%x%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x,
- is2=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>\E]R,
- it#8,
- kb2=\E[G,
- kbs=\177,
- kcbt=\E[Z,
- kcub1=\E[D,
- kcud1=\E[B,
- kcuf1=\E[C,
- kcuu1=\E[A,
- kdch1=\E[3~,
- kend=\E[4~,
- kf10=\E[21~,
- kf11=\E[23~,
- kf12=\E[24~,
- kf13=\E[25~,
- kf14=\E[26~,
- kf15=\E[28~,
- kf16=\E[29~,
- kf17=\E[31~,
- kf18=\E[32~,
- kf19=\E[33~,
- kf1=\E[11~,
- kf20=\E[34~,
- kf2=\E[12~,
- kf3=\E[13~,
- kf4=\E[14~,
- kf5=\E[15~,
- kf6=\E[17~,
- kf7=\E[18~,
- kf8=\E[19~,
- kf9=\E[20~,
- khome=\E[1~,
- kich1=\E[2~,
- kmous=\E[M,
- knp=\E[6~,
- kpp=\E[5~,
- kspd=^Z,
- mir,
- msgr,
- ncv#22,
- nel=^M^J,
- oc=\E]R,
- op=\E[39;49m,
- pairs#64,
- rc=\E8,
- rev=\E[7m,
- ri=\EM,
- rin=\E[%p1%dT,
- rmacs=^O,
- rmam=\E[?7l,
- rmcup=\E[2J\E[?47l,
- rmir=\E[4l,
- rmpch=\E[10m,
- rmso=\E[27m,
- rmul=\E[24m,
- rs2=\E<\E["p\E[50;6"p\Ec\E[?3l\E]R\E[?1000l,
- s0ds=\E[10m,
- s1ds=\E[11m,
- s2ds=\E[12m,
- sc=\E7,
- setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
- setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
- sgr0=\E[m\017,
- sgr=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
- smacs=^N,
- smam=\E[?7h,
- smcup=\E[?47h,
- smir=\E[4h,
- smpch=\E[11m,
- smso=\E[7m,
- smul=\E[4m,
- tbc=\E[3g,
- tsl=\E]0;,
- u6=\E[%i%d;%dR,
- u7=\E[6n,
- u8=\E[?6c,
- u9=\E[c,
- vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
- xenl,
- xon,
+ acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
+ am,
+ bce,
+ bel=^G,
+ blink=\E[5m,
+ bold=\E[1m,
+ bw,
+ cbt=\E[Z,
+ ccc,
+ civis=\E[?25l,
+ clear=\E[H\E[J,
+ cnorm=\E[?25h,
+ colors#8,
+ cr=^M,
+ csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
+ cub1=^H,
+ cub=\E[%p1%dD,
+ cud1=\ED,
+ cud=\E[%p1%dB,
+ cuf1=\E[C,
+ cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
+ cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
+ cuu1=\EM,
+ cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
+ dch1=\E[P,
+ dch=\E[%p1%dP,
+ dispc=%?%p1%{8}%=%t\E%%G\342\227\230\E%%@%e%p1%{10}%=%t\E%%G\342\227\231\E%%@%e%p1%{12}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\0\E%%@%e%p1%{13}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\252\E%%@%e%p1%{14}%=%t\E%%G\342\231\253\E%%@%e%p1%{15}%=%t\E%%G\342\230\274\E%%@%e%p1%{27}%=%t\E%%G\342\206\220\E%%@%e%p1%{155}%=%t\E%%G\340\202\242\E%%@%e%p1%c%;,
+ dl1=\E[M,
+ dl=\E[%p1%dM,
+ dsl=\E]0;\007,
+ ech=\E[%p1%dX,
+ ed=\E[J,
+ el1=\E[1K,
+ el=\E[K,
+ enacs=\E(B\E)0,
+ flash=\E[?5h\E[?5l,
+ fsl=^G,
+ home=\E[H,
+ hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
+ hs,
+ ht=^I,
+ hts=\EH,
+ il1=\E[L,
+ il=\E[%p1%dL,
+ ind=^J,
+ indn=\E[%p1%dS,
+ initc=\E]P%p1%x%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%02x,
+ is2=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>\E]R,
+ it#8,
+ kb2=\E[G,
+ kbs=\177,
+ kcbt=\E[Z,
+ kcub1=\E[D,
+ kcud1=\E[B,
+ kcuf1=\E[C,
+ kcuu1=\E[A,
+ kdch1=\E[3~,
+ kend=\E[4~,
+ kf10=\E[21~,
+ kf11=\E[23~,
+ kf12=\E[24~,
+ kf13=\E[25~,
+ kf14=\E[26~,
+ kf15=\E[28~,
+ kf16=\E[29~,
+ kf17=\E[31~,
+ kf18=\E[32~,
+ kf19=\E[33~,
+ kf1=\E[11~,
+ kf20=\E[34~,
+ kf2=\E[12~,
+ kf3=\E[13~,
+ kf4=\E[14~,
+ kf5=\E[15~,
+ kf6=\E[17~,
+ kf7=\E[18~,
+ kf8=\E[19~,
+ kf9=\E[20~,
+ khome=\E[1~,
+ kich1=\E[2~,
+ kmous=\E[M,
+ knp=\E[6~,
+ kpp=\E[5~,
+ kspd=^Z,
+ mir,
+ msgr,
+ ncv#22,
+ nel=^M^J,
+ oc=\E]R,
+ op=\E[39;49m,
+ pairs#64,
+ rc=\E8,
+ rev=\E[7m,
+ ri=\EM,
+ rin=\E[%p1%dT,
+ rmacs=^O,
+ rmam=\E[?7l,
+ rmcup=\E[2J\E[?47l,
+ rmir=\E[4l,
+ rmpch=\E[10m,
+ rmso=\E[27m,
+ rmul=\E[24m,
+ rs2=\E<\E["p\E[50;6"p\Ec\E[?3l\E]R\E[?1000l,
+ s0ds=\E[10m,
+ s1ds=\E[11m,
+ s2ds=\E[12m,
+ sc=\E7,
+ setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
+ setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
+ sgr0=\E[m\017,
+ sgr=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
+ smacs=^N,
+ smam=\E[?7h,
+ smcup=\E[?47h,
+ smir=\E[4h,
+ smpch=\E[11m,
+ smso=\E[7m,
+ smul=\E[4m,
+ tbc=\E[3g,
+ tsl=\E]0;,
+ u6=\E[%i%d;%dR,
+ u7=\E[6n,
+ u8=\E[?6c,
+ u9=\E[c,
+ vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
+ xenl,
+ xon,
diff --git a/terminfo/rxvt-256color.ti b/terminfo/rxvt-256color.ti
index 19057b84..22c35ec2 100644
--- a/terminfo/rxvt-256color.ti
+++ b/terminfo/rxvt-256color.ti
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
rxvt-256color| rxvt with 256 colors,
- use=rxvt,
- ccc,
- colors#256,
- initc=\E]4;%p1%d;rgb\:%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X\E\\,
- pairs#32767,
- setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
- setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ use=rxvt,
+ ccc,
+ colors#256,
+ initc=\E]4;%p1%d;rgb\:%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X\E\\,
+ pairs#32767,
+ setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
diff --git a/terminfo/rxvt-unicode-256color.ti b/terminfo/rxvt-unicode-256color.ti
index 62e6c021..1a34a46f 100644
--- a/terminfo/rxvt-unicode-256color.ti
+++ b/terminfo/rxvt-unicode-256color.ti
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
rxvt-unicode-256color| rxvt-unicode with 256 colors,
- use=rxvt-unicode,
- colors#256,
- pairs#32767,
+ use=rxvt-unicode,
+ colors#256,
+ pairs#32767,
diff --git a/terminfo/rxvt-unicode.ti b/terminfo/rxvt-unicode.ti
index 3c4e0479..05bef84a 100644
--- a/terminfo/rxvt-unicode.ti
+++ b/terminfo/rxvt-unicode.ti
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
rxvt-unicode| rxvt-unicode,
- acsc=+C\,D-A.B0E``aaffgghFiGjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
- am,
- bce,
- bel=^G,
- blink=\E[5m,
- bold=\E[1m,
- btns#5,
- bw,
- ccc,
- civis=\E[?25l,
- clear=\E[H\E[2J,
- cnorm=\E[?25h,
- colors#88,
- cols#80,
- cr=^M,
- csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
- cub1=^H,
- cub=\E[%p1%dD,
- cud1=^J,
- cud=\E[%p1%dB,
- cuf1=\E[C,
- cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
- cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
- cuu1=\E[A,
- cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
- cvvis=\E[?25h,
- dch1=\E[P,
- dch=\E[%p1%dP,
- dl1=\E[M,
- dl=\E[%p1%dM,
- dsl=\E]2;\007,
- ech=\E[%p1%dX,
- ed=\E[J,
- el1=\E[1K,
- el=\E[K,
- enacs=,
- eo,
- flash=\E[?5h$<20/>\E[?5l,
- fsl=^G,
- home=\E[H,
- hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
- hs,
- ht=^I,
- hts=\EH,
- ich1=\E[@,
- ich=\E[%p1%d@,
- il1=\E[L,
- il=\E[%p1%dL,
- ind=^J,
- indn=\E[%p1%dS,
- initc=\E]4;%p1%d;rgb\:%p2%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X/%p3%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X/%p4%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X\E\\,
- is1=\E[!p,
- is2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[?7;25h\E[?1;3;4;5;6;9;66;1000;1001;1049l\E[4l,
- it#8,
- kDC=\E[3$,
- kEND=\E[8$,
- kHOM=\E[7$,
- kIC=\E[2$,
- kLFT=\E[d,
- kNXT=\E[6$,
- kPRV=\E[5$,
- kRIT=\E[c,
- ka1=\EOw,
- ka3=\EOy,
- kb2=\EOu,
- kbs=\177,
- kc1=\EOq,
- kc3=\EOs,
- kcbt=\E[Z,
- kcub1=\E[D,
- kcud1=\E[B,
- kcuf1=\E[C,
- kcuu1=\E[A,
- kdch1=\E[3~,
- kel=\E[8\^,
- kend=\E[8~,
- kent=\EOM,
- kf10=\E[21~,
- kf11=\E[23~,
- kf12=\E[24~,
- kf13=\E[25~,
- kf14=\E[26~,
- kf15=\E[28~,
- kf16=\E[29~,
- kf17=\E[31~,
- kf18=\E[32~,
- kf19=\E[33~,
- kf1=\E[11~,
- kf20=\E[34~,
- kf2=\E[12~,
- kf3=\E[13~,
- kf4=\E[14~,
- kf5=\E[15~,
- kf6=\E[17~,
- kf7=\E[18~,
- kf8=\E[19~,
- kf9=\E[20~,
- kfnd=\E[1~,
- khome=\E[7~,
- kich1=\E[2~,
- km,
- kmous=\E[M,
- knp=\E[6~,
- kpp=\E[5~,
- kslt=\E[4~,
- lines#24,
- lm#0,
- mc0=\E[i,
- mc4=\E[4i,
- mc5=\E[5i,
- mc5i,
- mir,
- msgr,
- ncv#0,
- npc,
- op=\E[39;49m,
- pairs#7744,
- rc=\E8,
- rev=\E[7m,
- ri=\EM,
- rin=\E[%p1%dT,
- ritm=\E[23m,
- rmacs=\E(B,
- rmam=\E[?7l,
- rmcup=\E[r\E[?1049l,
- rmir=\E[4l,
- rmkx=\E>,
- rmso=\E[27m,
- rmul=\E[24m,
- rs1=\Ec,
- rs2=\E[r\E[m\E[?7;25h\E[?1;3;4;5;6;9;66;1000;1001;1049l\E[4l,
- s0ds=\E(B,
- s1ds=\E(0,
- s2ds=\E*B,
- s3ds=\E+B,
- sc=\E7,
- setab=\E[48;5;%p1%dm,
- setaf=\E[38;5;%p1%dm,
- setb=%?%p1%{7}%>%t\E[48;5;%p1%dm%e\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m%;,
- setf=%?%p1%{7}%>%t\E[38;5;%p1%dm%e\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m%;,
- sgr0=\E[m\E(B,
- sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;,
- sitm=\E[3m,
- smacs=\E(0,
- smam=\E[?7h,
- smcup=\E[?1049h,
- smir=\E[4h,
- smkx=\E=,
- smso=\E[7m,
- smul=\E[4m,
- tbc=\E[3g,
- tsl=\E]2;,
- u6=\E[%i%d;%dR,
- u7=\E[6n,
- u8=\E[?1;2c,
- u9=\E[c,
- vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
- xenl,
- xon,
+ acsc=+C\,D-A.B0E``aaffgghFiGjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
+ am,
+ bce,
+ bel=^G,
+ blink=\E[5m,
+ bold=\E[1m,
+ btns#5,
+ bw,
+ ccc,
+ civis=\E[?25l,
+ clear=\E[H\E[2J,
+ cnorm=\E[?25h,
+ colors#88,
+ cols#80,
+ cr=^M,
+ csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
+ cub1=^H,
+ cub=\E[%p1%dD,
+ cud1=^J,
+ cud=\E[%p1%dB,
+ cuf1=\E[C,
+ cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
+ cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
+ cuu1=\E[A,
+ cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
+ cvvis=\E[?25h,
+ dch1=\E[P,
+ dch=\E[%p1%dP,
+ dl1=\E[M,
+ dl=\E[%p1%dM,
+ dsl=\E]2;\007,
+ ech=\E[%p1%dX,
+ ed=\E[J,
+ el1=\E[1K,
+ el=\E[K,
+ enacs=,
+ eo,
+ flash=\E[?5h$<20/>\E[?5l,
+ fsl=^G,
+ home=\E[H,
+ hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
+ hs,
+ ht=^I,
+ hts=\EH,
+ ich1=\E[@,
+ ich=\E[%p1%d@,
+ il1=\E[L,
+ il=\E[%p1%dL,
+ ind=^J,
+ indn=\E[%p1%dS,
+ initc=\E]4;%p1%d;rgb\:%p2%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X/%p3%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X/%p4%{65535}%*%{1000}%/%4.4X\E\\,
+ is1=\E[!p,
+ is2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[?7;25h\E[?1;3;4;5;6;9;66;1000;1001;1049l\E[4l,
+ it#8,
+ kDC=\E[3$,
+ kEND=\E[8$,
+ kHOM=\E[7$,
+ kIC=\E[2$,
+ kLFT=\E[d,
+ kNXT=\E[6$,
+ kPRV=\E[5$,
+ kRIT=\E[c,
+ ka1=\EOw,
+ ka3=\EOy,
+ kb2=\EOu,
+ kbs=\177,
+ kc1=\EOq,
+ kc3=\EOs,
+ kcbt=\E[Z,
+ kcub1=\E[D,
+ kcud1=\E[B,
+ kcuf1=\E[C,
+ kcuu1=\E[A,
+ kdch1=\E[3~,
+ kel=\E[8\^,
+ kend=\E[8~,
+ kent=\EOM,
+ kf10=\E[21~,
+ kf11=\E[23~,
+ kf12=\E[24~,
+ kf13=\E[25~,
+ kf14=\E[26~,
+ kf15=\E[28~,
+ kf16=\E[29~,
+ kf17=\E[31~,
+ kf18=\E[32~,
+ kf19=\E[33~,
+ kf1=\E[11~,
+ kf20=\E[34~,
+ kf2=\E[12~,
+ kf3=\E[13~,
+ kf4=\E[14~,
+ kf5=\E[15~,
+ kf6=\E[17~,
+ kf7=\E[18~,
+ kf8=\E[19~,
+ kf9=\E[20~,
+ kfnd=\E[1~,
+ khome=\E[7~,
+ kich1=\E[2~,
+ km,
+ kmous=\E[M,
+ knp=\E[6~,
+ kpp=\E[5~,
+ kslt=\E[4~,
+ lines#24,
+ lm#0,
+ mc0=\E[i,
+ mc4=\E[4i,
+ mc5=\E[5i,
+ mc5i,
+ mir,
+ msgr,
+ ncv#0,
+ npc,
+ op=\E[39;49m,
+ pairs#7744,
+ rc=\E8,
+ rev=\E[7m,
+ ri=\EM,
+ rin=\E[%p1%dT,
+ ritm=\E[23m,
+ rmacs=\E(B,
+ rmam=\E[?7l,
+ rmcup=\E[r\E[?1049l,
+ rmir=\E[4l,
+ rmkx=\E>,
+ rmso=\E[27m,
+ rmul=\E[24m,
+ rs1=\Ec,
+ rs2=\E[r\E[m\E[?7;25h\E[?1;3;4;5;6;9;66;1000;1001;1049l\E[4l,
+ s0ds=\E(B,
+ s1ds=\E(0,
+ s2ds=\E*B,
+ s3ds=\E+B,
+ sc=\E7,
+ setab=\E[48;5;%p1%dm,
+ setaf=\E[38;5;%p1%dm,
+ setb=%?%p1%{7}%>%t\E[48;5;%p1%dm%e\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m%;,
+ setf=%?%p1%{7}%>%t\E[38;5;%p1%dm%e\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m%;,
+ sgr0=\E[m\E(B,
+ sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;,
+ sitm=\E[3m,
+ smacs=\E(0,
+ smam=\E[?7h,
+ smcup=\E[?1049h,
+ smir=\E[4h,
+ smkx=\E=,
+ smso=\E[7m,
+ smul=\E[4m,
+ tbc=\E[3g,
+ tsl=\E]2;,
+ u6=\E[%i%d;%dR,
+ u7=\E[6n,
+ u8=\E[?1;2c,
+ u9=\E[c,
+ vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
+ xenl,
+ xon,
diff --git a/terminfo/rxvt.ti b/terminfo/rxvt.ti
index 41cafa39..62808d3c 100644
--- a/terminfo/rxvt.ti
+++ b/terminfo/rxvt.ti
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
rxvt| rxvt,
- acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
- am,
- bce,
- bel=^G,
- blink=\E[5m,
- bold=\E[1m,
- civis=\E[?25l,
- clear=\E[H\E[2J,
- cnorm=\E[?25h,
- colors#8,
- cols#80,
- cr=^M,
- csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
- cub1=^H,
- cub=\E[%p1%dD,
- cud1=^J,
- cud=\E[%p1%dB,
- cuf1=\E[C,
- cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
- cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
- cuu1=\E[A,
- cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
- dl1=\E[M,
- dl=\E[%p1%dM,
- ed=\E[J,
- el1=\E[1K,
- el=\E[K,
- enacs=\E(B\E)0,
- eo,
- flash=\E[?5h\E[?5l,
- home=\E[H,
- hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
- ht=^I,
- hts=\EH,
- ich1=\E[@,
- ich=\E[%p1%d@,
- il1=\E[L,
- il=\E[%p1%dL,
- ind=^J,
- is1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l,
- is2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l,
- it#8,
- kDC=\E[3$,
- kEND=\E[8$,
- kHOM=\E[7$,
- kLFT=\E[d,
- kNXT=\E[6$,
- kPRV=\E[5$,
- kRIT=\E[c,
- ka1=\EOw,
- ka3=\EOy,
- kb2=\EOu,
- kbs=\177,
- kc1=\EOq,
- kc3=\EOs,
- kcbt=\E[Z,
- kcub1=\E[D,
- kcud1=\E[B,
- kcuf1=\E[C,
- kcuu1=\E[A,
- kdch1=\E[3~,
- kel=\E[8\^,
- kend=\E[8~,
- kent=\EOM,
- kf10=\E[21~,
- kf11=\E[23~,
- kf12=\E[24~,
- kf13=\E[25~,
- kf14=\E[26~,
- kf15=\E[28~,
- kf16=\E[29~,
- kf17=\E[31~,
- kf18=\E[32~,
- kf19=\E[33~,
- kf1=\E[11~,
- kf20=\E[34~,
- kf21=\E[23$,
- kf22=\E[24$,
- kf23=\E[11\^,
- kf24=\E[12\^,
- kf25=\E[13\^,
- kf26=\E[14\^,
- kf27=\E[15\^,
- kf28=\E[17\^,
- kf29=\E[18\^,
- kf2=\E[12~,
- kf30=\E[19\^,
- kf31=\E[20\^,
- kf32=\E[21\^,
- kf33=\E[23\^,
- kf34=\E[24\^,
- kf35=\E[25\^,
- kf36=\E[26\^,
- kf37=\E[28\^,
- kf38=\E[29\^,
- kf39=\E[31\^,
- kf3=\E[13~,
- kf40=\E[32\^,
- kf41=\E[33\^,
- kf42=\E[34\^,
- kf43=\E[23@,
- kf44=\E[24@,
- kf4=\E[14~,
- kf5=\E[15~,
- kf6=\E[17~,
- kf7=\E[18~,
- kf8=\E[19~,
- kf9=\E[20~,
- kfnd=\E[1~,
- khome=\E[7~,
- kich1=\E[2~,
- km,
- kmous=\E[M,
- knp=\E[6~,
- kpp=\E[5~,
- kslt=\E[4~,
- lines#24,
- mir,
- msgr,
- ncv@,
- op=\E[39;49m,
- pairs#64,
- rc=\E8,
- rev=\E[7m,
- ri=\EM,
- rmacs=^O,
- rmcup=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8,
- rmir=\E[4l,
- rmkx=\E>,
- rmso=\E[27m,
- rmul=\E[24m,
- rs1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H,
- rs2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E=\E[?1000l\E[?25h,
- s0ds=\E(B,
- s1ds=\E(0,
- sc=\E7,
- setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
- setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
- sgr0=\E[m\017,
- sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
- smacs=^N,
- smcup=\E7\E[?47h,
- smir=\E[4h,
- smkx=\E=,
- smso=\E[7m,
- smul=\E[4m,
- tbc=\E[3g,
- vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
- xenl,
- xon,
+ acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
+ am,
+ bce,
+ bel=^G,
+ blink=\E[5m,
+ bold=\E[1m,
+ civis=\E[?25l,
+ clear=\E[H\E[2J,
+ cnorm=\E[?25h,
+ colors#8,
+ cols#80,
+ cr=^M,
+ csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
+ cub1=^H,
+ cub=\E[%p1%dD,
+ cud1=^J,
+ cud=\E[%p1%dB,
+ cuf1=\E[C,
+ cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
+ cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
+ cuu1=\E[A,
+ cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
+ dl1=\E[M,
+ dl=\E[%p1%dM,
+ ed=\E[J,
+ el1=\E[1K,
+ el=\E[K,
+ enacs=\E(B\E)0,
+ eo,
+ flash=\E[?5h\E[?5l,
+ home=\E[H,
+ hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
+ ht=^I,
+ hts=\EH,
+ ich1=\E[@,
+ ich=\E[%p1%d@,
+ il1=\E[L,
+ il=\E[%p1%dL,
+ ind=^J,
+ is1=\E[?47l\E=\E[?1l,
+ is2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l,
+ it#8,
+ kDC=\E[3$,
+ kEND=\E[8$,
+ kHOM=\E[7$,
+ kLFT=\E[d,
+ kNXT=\E[6$,
+ kPRV=\E[5$,
+ kRIT=\E[c,
+ ka1=\EOw,
+ ka3=\EOy,
+ kb2=\EOu,
+ kbs=\177,
+ kc1=\EOq,
+ kc3=\EOs,
+ kcbt=\E[Z,
+ kcub1=\E[D,
+ kcud1=\E[B,
+ kcuf1=\E[C,
+ kcuu1=\E[A,
+ kdch1=\E[3~,
+ kel=\E[8\^,
+ kend=\E[8~,
+ kent=\EOM,
+ kf10=\E[21~,
+ kf11=\E[23~,
+ kf12=\E[24~,
+ kf13=\E[25~,
+ kf14=\E[26~,
+ kf15=\E[28~,
+ kf16=\E[29~,
+ kf17=\E[31~,
+ kf18=\E[32~,
+ kf19=\E[33~,
+ kf1=\E[11~,
+ kf20=\E[34~,
+ kf21=\E[23$,
+ kf22=\E[24$,
+ kf23=\E[11\^,
+ kf24=\E[12\^,
+ kf25=\E[13\^,
+ kf26=\E[14\^,
+ kf27=\E[15\^,
+ kf28=\E[17\^,
+ kf29=\E[18\^,
+ kf2=\E[12~,
+ kf30=\E[19\^,
+ kf31=\E[20\^,
+ kf32=\E[21\^,
+ kf33=\E[23\^,
+ kf34=\E[24\^,
+ kf35=\E[25\^,
+ kf36=\E[26\^,
+ kf37=\E[28\^,
+ kf38=\E[29\^,
+ kf39=\E[31\^,
+ kf3=\E[13~,
+ kf40=\E[32\^,
+ kf41=\E[33\^,
+ kf42=\E[34\^,
+ kf43=\E[23@,
+ kf44=\E[24@,
+ kf4=\E[14~,
+ kf5=\E[15~,
+ kf6=\E[17~,
+ kf7=\E[18~,
+ kf8=\E[19~,
+ kf9=\E[20~,
+ kfnd=\E[1~,
+ khome=\E[7~,
+ kich1=\E[2~,
+ km,
+ kmous=\E[M,
+ knp=\E[6~,
+ kpp=\E[5~,
+ kslt=\E[4~,
+ lines#24,
+ mir,
+ msgr,
+ ncv@,
+ op=\E[39;49m,
+ pairs#64,
+ rc=\E8,
+ rev=\E[7m,
+ ri=\EM,
+ rmacs=^O,
+ rmcup=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8,
+ rmir=\E[4l,
+ rmkx=\E>,
+ rmso=\E[27m,
+ rmul=\E[24m,
+ rs1=\E>\E[1;3;4;5;6l\E[?7h\E[m\E[r\E[2J\E[H,
+ rs2=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E=\E[?1000l\E[?25h,
+ s0ds=\E(B,
+ s1ds=\E(0,
+ sc=\E7,
+ setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
+ setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
+ sgr0=\E[m\017,
+ sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
+ smacs=^N,
+ smcup=\E7\E[?47h,
+ smir=\E[4h,
+ smkx=\E=,
+ smso=\E[7m,
+ smul=\E[4m,
+ tbc=\E[3g,
+ vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd,
+ xenl,
+ xon,
diff --git a/terminfo/screen-256color.ti b/terminfo/screen-256color.ti
index 1cfabaf9..cc7faffe 100644
--- a/terminfo/screen-256color.ti
+++ b/terminfo/screen-256color.ti
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
screen-256color| GNU Screen or tmux with 256 colors,
- use=screen,
- colors#256,
- initc@,
- pairs#32767,
- setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
- setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ use=screen,
+ colors#256,
+ initc@,
+ pairs#32767,
+ setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m,
+ setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m,
diff --git a/terminfo/screen.ti b/terminfo/screen.ti
index 3f51e9fd..4658f424 100644
--- a/terminfo/screen.ti
+++ b/terminfo/screen.ti
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
screen| GNU Screen or tmux,
- acsc=++\,\,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
- am,
- bel=^G,
- blink=\E[5m,
- bold=\E[1m,
- cbt=\E[Z,
- civis=\E[?25l,
- clear=\E[H\E[J,
- cnorm=\E[34h\E[?25h,
- colors#8,
- cols#80,
- cr=^M,
- csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
- cub1=^H,
- cub=\E[%p1%dD,
- cud1=^J,
- cud=\E[%p1%dB,
- cuf1=\E[C,
- cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
- cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
- cuu1=\EM,
- cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
- cvvis=\E[34l,
- dch1=\E[P,
- dch=\E[%p1%dP,
- dl1=\E[M,
- dl=\E[%p1%dM,
- ed=\E[J,
- el1=\E[1K,
- el=\E[K,
- enacs=\E(B\E)0,
- flash=\Eg,
- home=\E[H,
- ht=^I,
- hts=\EH,
- ich=\E[%p1%d@,
- il1=\E[L,
- il=\E[%p1%dL,
- ind=^J,
- is2=\E)0,
- it#8,
- kbs=\177,
- kcbt=\E[Z,
- kcub1=\EOD,
- kcud1=\EOB,
- kcuf1=\EOC,
- kcuu1=\EOA,
- kdch1=\E[3~,
- kend=\E[4~,
- kf10=\E[21~,
- kf11=\E[23~,
- kf12=\E[24~,
- kf1=\EOP,
- kf2=\EOQ,
- kf3=\EOR,
- kf4=\EOS,
- kf5=\E[15~,
- kf6=\E[17~,
- kf7=\E[18~,
- kf8=\E[19~,
- kf9=\E[20~,
- khome=\E[1~,
- kich1=\E[2~,
- km,
- kmous=\E[M,
- knp=\E[6~,
- kpp=\E[5~,
- lines#24,
- mir,
- msgr,
- ncv@,
- nel=\EE,
- op=\E[39;49m,
- pairs#64,
- rc=\E8,
- rev=\E[7m,
- ri=\EM,
- ritm=\E[23m,
- rmacs=^O,
- rmcup=\E[?1049l,
- rmir=\E[4l,
- rmkx=\E[?1l\E>,
- rmso=\E[27m,
- rmul=\E[24m,
- rs2=\Ec\E[?1000l\E[?25h,
- sc=\E7,
- setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
- setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
- sgr0=\E[m\017,
- sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
- sitm=\E[3m,
- smacs=^N,
- smcup=\E[?1049h,
- smir=\E[4h,
- smkx=\E[?1h\E=,
- smso=\E[7m,
- smul=\E[4m,
- tbc=\E[3g,
- xenl,
+ acsc=++\,\,--..00``aaffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~,
+ am,
+ bel=^G,
+ blink=\E[5m,
+ bold=\E[1m,
+ cbt=\E[Z,
+ civis=\E[?25l,
+ clear=\E[H\E[J,
+ cnorm=\E[34h\E[?25h,
+ colors#8,
+ cols#80,
+ cr=^M,
+ csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
+ cub1=^H,
+ cub=\E[%p1%dD,
+ cud1=^J,
+ cud=\E[%p1%dB,
+ cuf1=\E[C,
+ cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
+ cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
+ cuu1=\EM,
+ cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
+ cvvis=\E[34l,
+ dch1=\E[P,
+ dch=\E[%p1%dP,
+ dl1=\E[M,
+ dl=\E[%p1%dM,
+ ed=\E[J,
+ el1=\E[1K,
+ el=\E[K,
+ enacs=\E(B\E)0,
+ flash=\Eg,
+ home=\E[H,
+ ht=^I,
+ hts=\EH,
+ ich=\E[%p1%d@,
+ il1=\E[L,
+ il=\E[%p1%dL,
+ ind=^J,
+ is2=\E)0,
+ it#8,
+ kbs=\177,
+ kcbt=\E[Z,
+ kcub1=\EOD,
+ kcud1=\EOB,
+ kcuf1=\EOC,
+ kcuu1=\EOA,
+ kdch1=\E[3~,
+ kend=\E[4~,
+ kf10=\E[21~,
+ kf11=\E[23~,
+ kf12=\E[24~,
+ kf1=\EOP,
+ kf2=\EOQ,
+ kf3=\EOR,
+ kf4=\EOS,
+ kf5=\E[15~,
+ kf6=\E[17~,
+ kf7=\E[18~,
+ kf8=\E[19~,
+ kf9=\E[20~,
+ khome=\E[1~,
+ kich1=\E[2~,
+ km,
+ kmous=\E[M,
+ knp=\E[6~,
+ kpp=\E[5~,
+ lines#24,
+ mir,
+ msgr,
+ ncv@,
+ nel=\EE,
+ op=\E[39;49m,
+ pairs#64,
+ rc=\E8,
+ rev=\E[7m,
+ ri=\EM,
+ ritm=\E[23m,
+ rmacs=^O,
+ rmcup=\E[?1049l,
+ rmir=\E[4l,
+ rmkx=\E[?1l\E>,
+ rmso=\E[27m,
+ rmul=\E[24m,
+ rs2=\Ec\E[?1000l\E[?25h,
+ sc=\E7,
+ setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
+ setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
+ sgr0=\E[m\017,
+ sgr=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;,
+ sitm=\E[3m,
+ smacs=^N,
+ smcup=\E[?1049h,
+ smir=\E[4h,
+ smkx=\E[?1h\E=,
+ smso=\E[7m,
+ smul=\E[4m,
+ tbc=\E[3g,
+ xenl,
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
index 7e2ba439..21a84a42 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if &filetype !=# 'html'
-" Spellcheck documents we're actually editing (not just viewing)
+" Check the spelling of documents we're actually editing (not just viewing)
if &modifiable && !&readonly
setlocal spell
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|setlocal spell<'
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
index 738f17ec..ed52edf0 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ command -bar -buffer SuggestStart
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|delcommand SuggestStart'
-" Normalise quoting
+" Normalize quoting
command -bar -buffer -range=% StrictQuote
\ call mail#StrictQuote(<q-line1>, <q-line2>)
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|delcommand StrictQuote'
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
index 01f971b9..112523da 100644
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ let &l:include = '\<source\>\|\<runtime!\=\>'
" Search runtime paths for included scripts
let &l:path = &runtimepath . ',' . &path
-" Adjust the match words for the matchit plugin; the default filetype plugin
-" matches e.g. an opening "function" with the first "return" within, which I
-" don't like
+" Adjust the match words for the matchit.vim plugin; the default filetype
+" plugin matches e.g. an opening "function" with the first "return" within,
+" which I don't like
if exists('loaded_matchit')
let b:match_words = '\<fu\%[nction]\>:\<endf\%[unction]\>,'
\ . '\<\(wh\%[ile]\|for\)\>:\<end\(w\%[hile]\|fo\%[r]\)\>,'
diff --git a/vim/after/syntax/sh.vim b/vim/after/syntax/sh.vim
index af7670d5..d7cf040d 100644
--- a/vim/after/syntax/sh.vim
+++ b/vim/after/syntax/sh.vim
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ elseif exists('b:is_posix')
" The syntax highlighter seems to flag '/baz' in '"${foo:-"$bar"/baz}"' as an
-" error, which it isn't, at least in POSIX sh, Bash, and Ksh.
+" error, which it isn't, at least in POSIX sh, Bash, and Korn shell.
syntax clear shDerefWordError
-" The syntax highlighter doesn't match parens for subshells for 'if' tests
-" correctly if they're on separate lines. This happens enough that it's
+" The syntax highlighter doesn't match parentheses for subshells for 'if'
+" tests correctly if they're on separate lines. This happens enough that it's
" probably not worth keeping the error.
syntax clear shParenError
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ syntax clear shTestError
if exists('b:is_posix')
" Highlight some commands that are both defined by POSIX and builtin
- " commands in dash, as a rough but useable proxy for 'shell builtins'. This
+ " commands in dash, as a rough but usable proxy for 'shell builtins'. This
" list was mostly wrested from `man 1 dash`. Also include control structure
" keywords like `break`, `continue`, and `return`.
syntax clear shStatement
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ if exists('b:is_posix')
" Core syntax/sh.vim puts IFS and other variables that affect shell function
" in another color, but a subset of them actually apply to POSIX shell too
- " (and plain Bourne). These are selected by searching the POSIX manpages. I
- " added NLSPATH too, which wasn't in the original.
+ " (and plain Bourne). These are selected by searching the POSIX man pages.
+ " I added NLSPATH too, which wasn't in the original.
syntax clear shShellVariables
syntax cluster shCommandSubList add=shShellVariables
syntax keyword shShellVariables
diff --git a/vim/after/syntax/vim.vim b/vim/after/syntax/vim.vim
index 438ce596..bd7d8274 100644
--- a/vim/after/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/vim/after/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ syntax clear vimCommentString
syntax clear vimCommentTitle
" Highlight :CompilerSet commands like :set/:setlocal, but only in compiler
-" scripts in recognisable paths
+" scripts in recognizable paths
if expand('%:p:h:t') ==# 'compiler'
\ && expand('%:e') ==# 'vim'
syntax keyword vimCommand contained
diff --git a/vim/autoload/diff.vim b/vim/autoload/diff.vim
index 29389b95..6e87b62a 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/diff.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/diff.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Move between diff block headers
function! diff#MoveBlock(count, up, visual) abort
- " Reselect visual selection
+ " Re-select visual selection
if a:visual
normal! gv
diff --git a/vim/autoload/filetype/repeat.vim b/vim/autoload/filetype/repeat.vim
index f681932b..899bbcc4 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/filetype/repeat.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/filetype/repeat.vim
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function! filetype#repeat#Sudo() abort
elseif fn =~# '/[^/]\+\.\w\{8}$'
let fn = expand('<afile>:r')
- " Unrecognised pattern; return, don't repeat
+ " Unrecognized pattern; return, don't repeat
diff --git a/vim/autoload/mail.vim b/vim/autoload/mail.vim
index cd585af4..6d4874ca 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/mail.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/mail.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Move through quoted paragraphs like normal-mode `{` and `}`
function! mail#NewBlank(count, up, visual) abort
- " Reselect visual selection
+ " Re-select visual selection
if a:visual
normal! gv
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function! mail#StrictQuote(start, end) abort
- " Normalise the quote with no spaces
+ " Normalize the quote with no spaces
let quote = substitute(quote, '[^>]', '', 'g')
" Re-set the line
diff --git a/vim/autoload/mail/header/field.vim b/vim/autoload/mail/header/field.vim
index e27d13c0..db38c09f 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/mail/header/field.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/mail/header/field.vim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function! mail#header#field#Add(header, name, body) abort
" Set a field in a header, replacing the first one with the same name (if
-" any), and and removing any others
+" any), and removing any others
function! mail#header#field#Set(header, name, body) abort
let fields = []
diff --git a/vim/autoload/quote.vim b/vim/autoload/quote.vim
index 690ba2db..7574ed71 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/quote.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/quote.vim
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ function! quote#QuoteOpfunc(type) abort
- " If configured to do so, add a a space after the quote character, but
- " only if this line isn't already quoted
+ " If configured to do so, add a space after the quote character, but only
+ " if this line isn't already quoted
let new = char
if space && cur[0] != char
let new .= ' '
diff --git a/vim/bundle/spellfile_local b/vim/bundle/spellfile_local
-Subproject 1b42457d9024745c2990583c90dc39c448f11e1
+Subproject cb792a082202bba673ccf0f6f58a8ce2cf44f07
diff --git a/vim/bundle/squeeze_repeat_blanks b/vim/bundle/squeeze_repeat_blanks
-Subproject 8c849183f8723086e6b61a0644292bdb1ad99c1
+Subproject d80bc3733cf19eb72111171bee269306222d67b
diff --git a/vim/filetype.vim b/vim/filetype.vim
index 137d1cf5..e1bdf728 100644
--- a/vim/filetype.vim
+++ b/vim/filetype.vim
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ augroup filetypedetect
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ ?*.tsv
\ setfiletype tsv
- " VimL files
+ " Vim script files
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ ?*.vim
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ augroup filetypedetect
\ .wgetrc
\ setfiletype wget
- " Add automatic commands to find Xresources subfiles
+ " Add automatic commands to find .Xresources subfiles
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ .Xresources
@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ augroup filetypedetect
\ setfiletype zsh
- " If it's a new file in a bin, libexec, or scripts subdir that has a
- " Makefile.PL sibling, and I'm editing it, it's almost definitely Perl.
+ " If it's a new file in a bin, libexec, or scripts subdirectory that has
+ " a Makefile.PL sibling, and I'm editing it, it's almost definitely Perl.
autocmd BufNewFile
\ ?*/bin/?*
diff --git a/vim/ftplugin/csv.vim b/vim/ftplugin/csv.vim
index 9bd3e86e..68378d62 100644
--- a/vim/ftplugin/csv.vim
+++ b/vim/ftplugin/csv.vim
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-" No autoformatting
+" No automatic formatting
setlocal formatoptions=
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'formatoptions<'
diff --git a/vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim b/vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
index 3f41cf8d..ddd88e2c 100644
--- a/vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
+++ b/vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ xnoremap <buffer> <expr> <LocalLeader>Q
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|nunmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>Q'
\ . '|xunmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>Q'
-" Autoformat headings
+" Automatically format headings
command -buffer -nargs=1 MarkdownHeading
\ call markdown#Heading(<f-args>)
nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>=
diff --git a/vim/plugin/2html.vim b/vim/plugin/2html.vim
index 95dcbb6c..51d377e3 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/2html.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/2html.vim
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
-let g:html_font = ['DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', 'Consolas']
+let g:html_font = [
+ \ 'DejaVu Sans Mono',
+ \ 'Ubuntu Mono',
+ \ 'Consolas',
+ \]
diff --git a/vim/plugin/fortune.vim b/vim/plugin/fortune.vim
index efc03467..be4abdff 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/fortune.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/fortune.vim
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+if exists('loaded_fortune') || &compatible
+ finish
+let loaded_fortune = 1
command! -bar Fortune
\ call fortune#()
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(Fortune)
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 09a31c42..32dbabcd 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Tom Ryder (tejr)’s Literate Vimrc
" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
-" Last updated: Sat, 09 May 2020 04:48:24 UTC
+" Last updated: Sat, 09 May 2020 04:57:54 UTC
" │ And I was lifted up in heart, and thought
" │ Of all my late-shown prowess in the lists,
@@ -348,8 +348,12 @@ augroup END
" saves restarting Vim or running the :source command manually, which I almost
" always want to do after changing my vimrc file anyway.
-autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
+autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIMRC
\ ReloadVimrc
+if $MYVIM !=# ''
+ autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ ReloadVimrc
" If Vim is new enough (v7.0.187) to support the ##SourceCmd event for
" automatic command hooks, we'll also apply a hook for that event to catch
@@ -361,6 +365,10 @@ autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
if exists('##SourceCmd')
autocmd vimrc SourceCmd $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
\ ReloadVimrc
+ if $MYVIM !=# ''
+ autocmd vimrc SourceCmd $MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ ReloadVimrc
+ endif
" For spelling, use New Zealand English by default, but later on we’ll
@@ -943,7 +951,7 @@ autocmd vimrc ColorScheme *
" environment variable COLORFGBG or a response in v:termrbgresp that would set
" it specifically.
-if !exists('$COLORFGBG') && get(v:, 'termrbgresp', '') ==# ''
+if !exists('$COLORFGBG') && !get(v:, 'termrbgresp')
set background=dark
diff --git a/vint/vintrc.yaml b/vint/vintrc.yaml
index 1a9900df..a5ba9380 100644
--- a/vint/vintrc.yaml
+++ b/vint/vintrc.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Show me all my problems, including matters of style
- severity: style_problem
+ severity: style_problem